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MOHAA GAME Module Classes(1)


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MOHAA GAME Module Classes(程序代码注释)

Game Module Classes

Actor, Animate, Entity, ScriptSlave, ScriptThread, Sentient, Trigger, World

Actor (Actor) → SimpleActor → Sentient → Animate → Entity → SimpleEntity → Listener → Class

accuracy( Float value )

Set percent to hit

accuracy( Float value )

Set percent to hit


Set percent to hit


Turns the AI off for this actor.


Turns the AI on for this actor.

aimat( String target )

Specify the target to aim at.

alarmnode( String value )

Sets the name of the alarm node for the actor (must have type set to alarm for effect)

alarmnode( String value )

Sets the name of the alarm node for the actor (must have type set to alarm for effect)


Gets the name of the alarm node for the actor (must have type set to alarm for effect)


Gets the name of the alarm thread for the actor (must have type set to alarm for effect)

alarmthread( String value )

Sets the name of the alarm thread for the actor (must have type set to alarm for effect)

alarmthread( String value )

Sets the name of the alarm thread for the actor (must have type set to alarm for effect)


Returns how many grenades an AI has

ammo_grenade( Integer grenade_count )

Gives the AI some grenades

ammo_grenade( Integer grenade_count )

Gives the AI some grenades

anim( String name )

Play animation.

anim_attached( String name )

Play attached animation.

anim_noclip( String name )

Play noclip animation.

anim_scripted( String name )

Play scripted animation.


Whether the animation was succesfully finished

animloop( String name )

Loop animation.


Gets the animname.


Sets the animname.

animscript( String name )

Play the animation script

animscript_attached( String name )

Play a noclip animation even when attached

animscript_noclip( String name )

Play the noclip animation script

animscript_scripted( String name )

Play the scripted animation script


Used only by grenade return animations to tell the code when to attach the grenade to the actor


Gets the current script that will handle attack events


Sets the current script that will handle attack events


Force Actor to attack the player

avoidplayer( Integer allowavoid )

set to 0 if this AI shouldn't automatically get out of the way, non-zero if he should.

avoidplayer( Integer allowavoid )

set to 0 if this AI shouldn't automatically get out of the way, non-zero if he should.


is 0 if this AI won't automatically get out of the way, non-zero if he will

balconyheight( Float height )

minimum height a balcony guy must fall to do special balcony death

balconyheight( Float height )

minimum height a balcony guy must fall to do special balcony death


minimum height a balcony guy must fall to do special balcony death


Forces the actor to be instantly and totally dead; no death animation is played


Set the crossblend time to something other than the default, in seconds


Get the crossblend time


tell ai to break special attack

calcgrenadetoss( Vector target_position )

Called to calculate a grenade toss. Must be called before a grenade throwing animation.

Returns the name of the script to call with animscript if the toss can succeed, or if the toss won't work.

Should be called infrequently, and never during the middle of a grenade toss.

calcgrenadetoss2( Vector target_position, Float speed )

Called to calculate a grenade toss. Must be called before a grenade throwing animation.

Returns the name of the script to call with animscript if the toss can succeed, or if the toss won't work.

Should be called infrequently, and never during the middle of a grenade toss.

The speed parameter is optional. Pass a speed if you just want to override and throw no matter what...

canmoveto( Vector position )

returns a boolean if the AI can move to a point; for use in anim scripts

canshoot( Vector shootOrigin )

Determines if it would be possible to shoot the sentient's enemy from the given position.

canshootenemyfrom( Vector shootOrigin )

Determines if it would be possible to shoot the sentient's enemy from the given position.

crawlto( String dest )

Specify the location to crawl to.

crouchto( String dest )

Specify the location to crouch to.

damagepuff( Vector position, Vector direction )

Spawns a puff of 'blood' smoke at the speficied location in the specified direction.


preps the dead actor for turning nonsolid gradually over time


Sets the current script that will handle death events


Gets the current script that will handle death events


Makes the entity sink into the ground and then get removed (this starts it).


updates the default value for 'nonvislevel'


Removes this listener immediately.


Used only by grenade return animations to tell the code when to throw the grenade

disguise_accept_thread( String value )

Sets the name of the thread for the actor to start when accepting papers

disguise_accept_thread( String value )

Sets the name of the thread for the actor to start when accepting papers


Gets the name of the thread for the actor to start when accepting papers


Gets the disguise level of the actor. May be 1 or 2

disguise_level( Integer value )

Sets the disguise level of the actor. May be 1 or 2

disguise_level( Integer value )

Sets the disguise level of the actor. May be 1 or 2

disguise_period( Float period_in_seconds )

Sets the time between the end of one disguise behavior and start of the next


Gets the time between the end of one disguise behavior and start of the next

disguise_period( Float period_in_seconds )

Sets the time between the end of one disguise behavior and start of the next

disguise_range( Float range_in_units )

Sets the maximum distance for disguise behavior to get triggered

disguise_range( Float range_in_units )

Sets the maximum distance for disguise behavior to get triggered


Gets the maximum distance for disguise behavior to get triggered


Get the distance from the Actor to its enemy

doActivate( Entity activatingEntity )

General trigger event for all entities


Make Actor dumb.


The method of setting the facial expression of the Actor


sets enableEnemy variable


sets enablePain variable

endactionanim( )

End any aiming/action animation which is currently playing


Get the actor's current enemy


Get the last time whether or not the enemy is visible changed, in seconds

enemysharerange( Float range )

sets the range outside which the AI will not receive notification that a teammate has a new enemy


gets the range outside which the AI will not receive notification that a teammate has a new enemy

enemysharerange( Float range )

sets the range outside which the AI will not receive notification that a teammate has a new enemy


Disable enemy switching...


Enable enemy switching...


Initialize a Actor.

eyeslookat( Entity entity )

The actor will look at this entity.

fallheight( Float height )

Set the fallheight


Set the fallheight

favoriteenemy( Entity ai_or_player )

Gets this AI's favorite enemy

favoriteenemy( Entity ai_or_player )

Gets this AI's favorite enemy


Gets this AI's favorite enemy


Finds the best enemy to target


Used only by grenade throw animations to tell the code when to throw a grenade

fixedleash( Float multiplier )

if non-zero, the leash will never auto-reset; if zero, the leash may auto-reset


if non-zero, the leash will never auto-reset; if zero, the leash may auto-reset

fixedleash( Float multiplier )

if non-zero, the leash will never auto-reset; if zero, the leash may auto-reset

fov( Float angle )

The fov angle of the actor


The fov angle of the actor

fov( Float angle )

The fov angle of the actor


Internal usage


Internal usage

gren_awareness( Float awareness_percent )

sets the awareness of grenades in 0-100 percent chance of responding to a grenadewhen the AI sees it (applied once every 0.4 seconds)


gets the awareness of grenades in 0-100 percent chance of responding to a grenadewhen the AI sees it (applied once every 0.4 seconds)

gren_awareness( Float awareness_percent )

sets the awareness of grenades in 0-100 percent chance of responding to a grenadewhen the AI sees it (applied once every 0.4 seconds)


gets the gun to being used

gun( String s )

specifies the gun to use

gun( String s )

specifies the gun to use


returns true if there are no corners to turn on the rest of the AI's current path


gets the head model

headmodel( String headmodel )

sets the head model


gets the head skin

headskin( String headskin )

sets the head skin

hearing( Float radius )

The hearing radius of the actor

hearing( Float radius )

The hearing radius of the actor

hearing( Float radius )

The hearing radius of the actor

holster( Integer if )

Holster weapon

idlesay( String animation )

The name of an idle dialog animation to play

ignorebadplaces( Integer ignore )

sets whether or not this AI guy will ignore bad places (0 = not suicidal)


gets whether or not this AI guy will ignore bad places (0 = not suicidal)

ignorebadplaces( Integer ignore )

sets whether or not this AI guy will ignore bad places (0 = not suicidal)


Removes this listener immediately.


returns non-zero if the AI is in a reload

inreload( Integer reloading )

set to non-zero to indicate the AI is in a reload


hint from animation scripts to AI code that now is a good time to switch animations


Gets the distance AI tries to keep between squadmates while moving.

interval( Float distance )

Sets the distance AI tries to keep between squadmates while moving.

interval( Float distance )

Sets the distance AI tries to keep between squadmates while moving.


the direction the AI would like to move to maintain its interval


0 if the enemy is not currently visible, 1 if he is


Gets the direction the AI wants to kick

killed( Entity attacker, Integer damage, Entity inflictor, Vector position, Vector direction, Vector normal, Integer knockback, Integer damageflags, Integer meansofdeath, Integer location )

event which is sent to an entity once it as been killed

Location values:

-1 General

0 Pelvis

1 Lower Torso

2 Mid Torso

3 Upper Torso

4 Neck

5 Head

6 RUpperArm

7 RForearm

8 RHand

9 LUpperArm

10 LForearm

11 LHand

12 RThigh

13 RCalf

14 RFoot

15 LThigh

16 LCalf

17 LFoot


Get the last time the enemy was visible, in seconds

leash( Float distance )

Sets the maximum distance the AI will wander from its leash home

leash( Float distance )

Sets the maximum distance the AI will wander from its leash home


Gets the maximum distance the AI will wander from its leash home


gets the angle in degrees left or right of center that the AI will look around while patrolling

lookaroundangle( Float angle )

gets the angle in degrees left or right of center that the AI will look around while patrolling

lookaroundangle( Float angle )

gets the angle in degrees left or right of center that the AI will look around while patrolling

lookat( Entity entity )

The actor will look at this entity.

maxdist( Float distance )

Sets the maximum distance the AI tries to allow between itself and the player

maxdist( Float distance )

Sets the maximum distance the AI tries to allow between itself and the player


Gets the maximum distance the AI tries to keep between itself and the player


Gets the minimum distance the AI tries to keep between itself and the player

mindist( Float distance )

Sets the minimum distance the AI tries to keep between itself and the player

mindist( Float distance )

Sets the minimum distance the AI tries to keep between itself and the player


gets the AI mood: 'bored', 'nervous', 'curious', or 'alert'.

mood( String new_mood )

sets the AI mood... must be 'bored', 'nervous', 'curious', or 'alert'.


Returns a unit vector pointing in the current direction of motion, or zero if not moving.This still has meaning if velocity is zero but the AI is starting to move on a path.

movedoneradius( Float radius )

Set the waittill movedone radius, default 0 means don't use manual radius

movedoneradius( Float radius )

Set the waittill movedone radius, default 0 means don't use manual radius

moveto( String anim, String dest )

Specify the location to move to, with animation anim.

mumble( Integer can_mumble )

Set to 1 if this guy is allowed to mumble, or 0 if he is not

mumble( Integer can_mumble )

Set to 1 if this guy is allowed to mumble, or 0 if he is not


Returns 1 if this guy is allowed to mumble, or 0 if he is not


Specifies if the actor will not go into idle after playing an animation


Gets if the actor will not go into idle after playing an animation

nolongpain( Integer allow )

Set to 1 if long pain is not allowed, or 0 if long pain is allowed.

nolongpain( Integer allow )

Set to 1 if long pain is not allowed, or 0 if long pain is allowed.


Returns 1 if long pain is not allowed, or 0 if long pain is allowed.


visibility level in range 0-1 below which an enemy is treated as non-visible


visibility level in range 0-1 below which an enemy is treated as non-visible


visibility level in range 0-1 below which an enemy is treated as non-visible

nosurprise( Integer nosurprise )

set to 0 to allow this guy to play a surprised animation when first encountering an enemy.


gets whether or not this guy is allowed to play a surprised animation when first encountering an enemy.

nosurprise( Integer nosurprise )

set to 0 to allow this guy to play a surprised animation when first encountering an enemy.

noticescale( Float multiplier )

Set the max multiplier in time to notice an enemy (default 100, half as big notices twice as fast)


Get the max multiplier in time to notice an enemy (default 100, half as big notices twice as fast)

noticescale( Float multiplier )

Set the max multiplier in time to notice an enemy (default 100, half as big notices twice as fast)

pain( Entity attacker, Float damage, Entity inflictor, Vector position, Vector direction, Vector normal, Integer knockback, Integer damageflags, Integer meansofdeath, Integer location )

used to inflict pain to an entity


Sets the current script that will handle pain events


Gets the current script that will handle pain events


returns total distance along current path to the path goal

patrolpath( String value )

Sets the name of the patrol path for the actor (must have type set to patrol for effect)

patrolpath( String value )

Sets the name of the patrol path for the actor (must have type set to patrol for effect)


Gets the name of the patrol path for the actor (must have type set to patrol for effect)


turn physics off.


turn physics on.

playsound( String soundName, [ Integer channel ], [ Float volume ], [ Float min_distance ], [ Float pitch ] )

play a sound coming from this entity.

default channel, CHAN_BODY.

pointat( Entity entity )

The actor will point at this entity.


The Position the Actor wants to be and should animate towards


The Position the Actor wants to be and should animate towards


Returns if ready to fire


Reload the mg42 - only used by machinegunner


Removes this listener the next time events are processed.


resets the AI's leash to their current position


Get the rate at which the run animation plays back

runanimrate( Float multiplier )

Set the rate at which the run animation plays back

runanimrate( Float multiplier )

Set the rate at which the run animation plays back

runto( String dest )

Specify the location to run to.

say( String animation )

The name of a dialog animation to play


Even used by sound-only special case of say to trigger waittill saydone

setactionanim( String base_anim, Float lower_limit, Float upper_limit )

Set the base action animation and range that they cover

setaimmotionanim( String anim_crouch, String anim_stand )

Set aim motion animation (handler scripts only)

setaimtarget( Entity entity, Integer bMakeEnemy )

Sets the primary weapon's aim target. if you pass a 1 for p2, the target will become the current enemy...

setanim( String anim, Integer slot, Float weight, String flagged )

Set animation slot

setanimlength( Float time )

Set the maximum time an animation will play

setmotionanim( String anim )

Set motion animation (handler scripts only)


do this command to let the ai know it needs to reload; used to reload while going to cover

setsay( String animation )

The name of a dialog animation to play - used by animation script only

setupperanim( String anim )

Set the upper body animation - used by animation script only


internal code use only - shares an AI's enemy with his squad mates.


internal code use only - shares an AI's grenade with his squad mates.

sight( Float max_sight_range )

Sets the vision distance of the actor.


Gets the vision distance of the actor.

sight( Float max_sight_range )

Sets the vision distance of the actor.

silent( Integer silent )

set to 0 to prevent this guy from saying stuff besides pain and death sounds.


gets whether or not this guy is allowed to say stuff besides pain and death sounds

silent( Integer silent )

set to 0 to prevent this guy from saying stuff besides pain and death sounds.


gets the awareness of sounds in 0-100 percent chance of hearing a sound withinhalf of the sound's radius' fades to zero outside sound's radius

sound_awareness( Float awareness_percent )

sets the awareness of sounds in 0-100 percent chance of hearing a sound withinhalf of the sound's radius' fades to zero outside sound's radius

sound_awareness( Float awareness_percent )

sets the awareness of sounds in 0-100 percent chance of hearing a sound withinhalf of the sound's radius' fades to zero outside sound's radius


sent when entity has stopped bouncing for MOVETYPE_TOSS.


sets the percent chance of doing suppressing fire when appropriate (0-100)


sets the percent chance of doing suppressing fire when appropriate (0-100)


sets the percent chance of doing suppressing fire when appropriate (0-100)

tether( Entity entity )

the entity to which the AI's leash should be tethered


current ai think state; can be void, idle, pain, killed, attack, curious, disguise, or grenade.


The error amount that turndone will occur for the turnto command.

turndoneerror( Float error )

The error amount that turndone will occur for the turnto command.

turndoneerror( Float error )

The error amount that turndone will occur for the turnto command.

turnspeed( Float speed )

The turn speed of the actor.


The turn speed of the actor.

turnspeed( Float speed )

The turn speed of the actor.

turnto( Entity entity )

The actor will turn to this entity.


Gets the turret of the actor.

turret( String turret )

Sets the turret of the actor.

turret( String turret )

Sets the turret of the actor.


Gets the attack type of the actor.

type_attack( String value )

Sets the attack type of the actor.

type_attack( String value )

Sets the attack type of the actor.

type_disguise( String value )

Sets the disguise type of the actor.


Gets the disguise type of the actor.

type_disguise( String value )

Sets the disguise type of the actor.

type_grenade( String value )

Sets the grenade type of the actor.


Gets the grenade type of the actor.

type_grenade( String value )

Sets the grenade type of the actor.

type_idle( String value )

Sets the idle type of the actor.


Gets the idle type of the actor.

type_idle( String value )

Sets the idle type of the actor.

unholster( Integer if )

Unholster weapon

upperanim( String anim )

Set the upper body animation

use( String name, [ Integer weapon_hand ] )

Use the specified weapon or item in the hand choosen (optional).


Gets the voice type


Set voicetype to magic letter postfix


Set voicetype to magic letter postfix

waittrigger( Boolean bool )

If true, patrol guys and running men wait until triggered to move

waittrigger( Boolean bool )

If true, patrol guys and running men wait until triggered to move


If true, patrol guys and running men wait until triggered to move

walkto( String dest )

Specify the location to walk to.

weapon( String weapon_modelname )

Sets the weapon.

weapon( String weapon_modelname )

Gives the sentient the weapon specified.


Gets the weapon.

weapon_internal( String s )

internal use


Specifies weapon animation set to use in anim scripts


The Weapon Type of the Actor

Ammo → Class

AmmoEntity → Item → Trigger → Animate → Entity → SimpleEntity → Listener → Class


Ammo Entity Post Spawn

Animate (animate) → Entity → SimpleEntity → Listener → Class

anim( String animName )

Exec anim commands on server or client.

isloopinganim( String anim_name )

returns 1 if the anim is a looping anim, or 0 otherwise

pauseanims( Integer pause )

Pause (or unpause) animations

playerspawn( String model_name, [ Float range ], [ Vector vector_offset ], [ Float inFOV ], [ Float speed ] )

spawn something near the player, either within the player's view or behind him

model - name of model to spawn

range - how close does this need to be to the player to actually get spawned, default 480 (30 foot radius).

vector_offset - oriented vector offset of where to spawn the item, default (0 0 0)

inFOV -

1 - Only spawn when this position is within the FOV of the player

-1 - Only spawn when this position is outside the FOV of the player

0 - (default) don't care, always spawn

speed - how fast the effect should travel, in other words, how long before the effect gets spawned.

delay is calculated based on the distance between object and player divided by the speed

0 - no delay

960 - (default) 60 feet per second. If the object is 60 feet from the player, the player effect will spawn one second later.

setcontrollerangles( Integer num, Vector angles )

Sets the control angles for the specified bone.

setsynctime( Float synctime )

Set sync time for entity.

setyawfrombone( String bone_name )

Set the yaw of the model based on the current animation time

testmojo( String model_name, Vector vector_offset )


AnimationEvent → Event → Class

Armor → Item → Trigger → Animate → Entity → SimpleEntity → Listener → Class

BarrelObject (func_barrel) → Entity → SimpleEntity → Listener → Class

barreltype( String type )

Sets the barrel's type

damage( Entity attacker, Integer damage, Entity inflictor, Vector position, Vector direction, Vector normal, Integer knockback, Integer damageflags, Integer meansofdeath, Integer location )

general damage event used by all entities

Location values:

-1 General

0 Pelvis

1 Lower Torso

2 Mid Torso

3 Upper Torso

4 Neck

5 Head

6 RUpperArm

7 RForearm

8 RHand

9 LUpperArm

10 LForearm

11 LHand

12 RThigh

13 RCalf

14 RFoot

15 LThigh

16 LCalf

17 LFoot

killed( Entity attacker, Integer damage, Entity inflictor, Vector position, Vector direction, Vector normal, Integer knockback, Integer damageflags, Integer meansofdeath, Integer location )

event which is sent to an entity once it as been killed

Location values:

-1 General

0 Pelvis

1 Lower Torso

2 Mid Torso

3 Upper Torso

4 Neck

5 Head

6 RUpperArm

7 RForearm

8 RHand

9 LUpperArm

10 LForearm

11 LHand

12 RThigh

13 RCalf

14 RFoot

15 LThigh

16 LCalf

17 LFoot

Body → Animate → Entity → SimpleEntity → Listener → Class

Camera (func_camera) → Entity → SimpleEntity → Listener → Class

auto_active( Boolean newActiveState )

Whether or not the auto camera is active.

auto_maxfov( Float maxFOV )

Sets the maximum FOV that should be used when automatically calculating FOV.

auto_radius( Float newRadius )

Sets the radius of the automatic camera.

auto_starttime( Float newTime )

Sets how long it takes for the camera to be switched to.

auto_state( String state1, [ String state2 ], [ String state3 ], [ String state4 ], [ String state5 ], [ String state6 ] )

Sets the states the player needs to be in for this camera to activate.

auto_stoptime( Float newTime )

Sets how long it takes for the camera switch back to the player.


Called each frame to allow the camera to adjust its position.


Continue the camera movement.


switch camera states immediately, do not transition

doActivate( Entity activatingEntity )

General trigger event for all entities

fadetime( Float fadetime )

Sets the fade time for camera transitioning.

follow( Entity targetEnt, [ Entity targetWatchEnt ] )

Makes the camera follow an entity and optionally watch an entity.

follow_distance( Float distance )

Sets the camera follow distance.

follow_yaw( Float yaw )

Sets the yaw offset of the camera following an entity.


Makes the follow camera yaw absolute.


Makes the follow camera yaw relative (not absolute).

fov( Float fov, [ Float fadeTime ] )

Sets the camera's field of view (fov).

if fadeTime is specified, camera will fade over that time

if fov is less than 3, than an auto_fov will be assumed

the value of fov will be the ratio used for keeping a watch

entity in the view at the right scale

lookat( Entity ent )

Makes the camera look at an entity.

moveto( Entity ent )

Move the camera's position to that of the specified entities.

movetopos( Vector position )

Move the camera's position to the specified position.

nextcamera( String nextCamera )

Sets the next camera to use.

nowatch( [ Float fadeTime ] )

Stop watching an entity or looking along a path.

Camera is now static as far as orientation.

if fadeTime is specified, camera will fade over that time

orbit( Entity targetEnt, [ Entity targetWatchEnt ] )

Makes the camera orbit around an entity and optionally watch an entity.

orbit_height( Float height )

Sets the orbit camera's height.


Pause the camera.

showquakes( Integer 0 )

Sets the camera to show or not show earthquake effects.

speed( Float speed )

Sets the camera speed.


Start camera moving.


Stop the camera movement.

turnto( Vector angle )

Makes the camera look in the specified direction.

watch( Entity watchEnt, [ Float fadeTime ] )

Makes the camera watch an entity.

if fadeTime is specified, camera will fade over that time

watchnode( [ Float fadeTime ] )

Makes the camera watch based on what is stored

in the camera nodes.

if fadeTime is specified, camera will fade over that time

watchpath( [ Float fadeTime ] )

Makes the camera look along the path of travel.

if fadeTime is specified, camera will fade over that time

watchstring( String string, [ Float fadeTime ] )

Makes the camera watch based on a string.

if fadeTime is specified, camera will fade over that time

CameraManager → Listener → Class


Add a new point to the camera path where the player is standing.

cancelFor( String name )

Cancel for current path node event of type name


Delete the current path node.


Hides the paths.

load( String filename )

Loads a camera path.

loop( [ Entity path ] )

Loop the current path or the specified one.


Move the player to the current path node position.


Starts a new path.


Go to the next path node.


Go to the next path.


Set the current path node to watch nothing.

play( [ Entity path ] )

Play the current path or the specified one once.


Go to the previous path node.


Go to the previous path.

renamepath( String newName )

Rename the path to the new name.


Replace the current path node position/angle with the player's.

save( String filename )

Saves the camera path.

savemap( String filename )

Saves the camera path to a map file.

setfadetime( Float newFadeTime )

Set the fadetime of the current path node.

setfov( String newFOV )

Set the fov at the current path node.

setpath( Entity path )

Sets the new path.

setspeed( Float speed )

Set the speed of the camera at the current path node.

settarget( String target )

Set the trigger target.

settargetname( String targetname )

Set the targetname.

show( [ Entity path ] )

Shows the specified path.


Stop the camera playing path.


Updates the current node with user interface values.

waitTill( String name )

Wait until current path node event of type name

watch( String watch )

Set the current path node to watch something.

CarryableTurret → InventoryItem → Weapon → Item → Trigger → Animate → Entity → SimpleEntity → Listener → Class


Makes the carryable turret have itself dropped

item_pickup( Entity item )

Pickup the specified item.


Try to place the carryable turret


Tiki of the turret to place


ConsoleEvent → Event → Class

CrateObject (func_crate) → Entity → SimpleEntity → Listener → Class

damage( Entity attacker, Integer damage, Entity inflictor, Vector position, Vector direction, Vector normal, Integer knockback, Integer damageflags, Integer meansofdeath, Integer location )

general damage event used by all entities

Location values:

-1 General

0 Pelvis

1 Lower Torso

2 Mid Torso

3 Upper Torso

4 Neck

5 Head

6 RUpperArm

7 RForearm

8 RHand

9 LUpperArm

10 LForearm

11 LHand

12 RThigh

13 RCalf

14 RFoot

15 LThigh

16 LCalf

17 LFoot

debristype( Integer type )

Sets the debris type of the crate

killed( Entity attacker, Integer damage, Entity inflictor, Vector position, Vector direction, Vector normal, Integer knockback, Integer damageflags, Integer meansofdeath, Integer location )

event which is sent to an entity once it as been killed

Location values:

-1 General

0 Pelvis

1 Lower Torso

2 Mid Torso

3 Upper Torso

4 Neck

5 Head

6 RUpperArm

7 RForearm

8 RHand

9 LUpperArm

10 LForearm

11 LHand

12 RThigh

13 RCalf

14 RFoot

15 LThigh

16 LCalf

17 LFoot

DamageModel (DamageModel) → Animate → Entity → SimpleEntity → Listener → Class

damage( Entity attacker, Integer damage, Entity inflictor, Vector position, Vector direction, Vector normal, Integer knockback, Integer damageflags, Integer meansofdeath, Integer location )

general damage event used by all entities

Location values:

-1 General

0 Pelvis

1 Lower Torso

2 Mid Torso

3 Upper Torso

4 Neck

5 Head

6 RUpperArm

7 RForearm

8 RHand

9 LUpperArm

10 LForearm

11 LHand

12 RThigh

13 RCalf

14 RFoot

15 LThigh

16 LCalf

17 LFoot

killed( Entity attacker, Integer damage, Entity inflictor, Vector position, Vector direction, Vector normal, Integer knockback, Integer damageflags, Integer meansofdeath, Integer location )

event which is sent to an entity once it as been killed

Location values:

-1 General

0 Pelvis

1 Lower Torso

2 Mid Torso

3 Upper Torso

4 Neck

5 Head

6 RUpperArm

7 RForearm

8 RHand

9 LUpperArm

10 LForearm

11 LHand

12 RThigh

13 RCalf

14 RFoot

15 LThigh

16 LCalf

17 LFoot

killthread( String thread )

Set the thread to execute when this model is killed

killtrace( Vector offset, Vector direction, Float radius, Float distance )

kills all objects along the trace

offset - initial offset from origin

direction - angular offset orientation for trace

radius - thickness of trace

distance - how far to trace

orientedbbox( Vector mins, Vector maxs, Float yawoffset )

spawn an oriented bounding box with the given dimensions and an angular offset

mins - min dimensions of box

maxs - max dimensions of box

yawoffset - angular offset orientation of box

Decal → Entity → SimpleEntity → Listener → Class

DM_Manager → Listener → Class


delayed function call to (possibly) determine round winner and restart next round


delayed function call to do the actual restart for the next round

DM_Team → Listener → Class

Door (NormalDoor) → ScriptSlave → Mover → Trigger → Animate → Entity → SimpleEntity → Listener → Class


Makes the door always open away from the person opening it.

angle( Float newAngle )

set the angles of the entity using just one value.

Sets the yaw of the entity or an up and down

direction if newAngle is [0-359] or -1 or -2


Closes the door.

dmg( Integer damage )

Sets the amount of damage the door will do to entities that get stuck in it.

doActivate( Entity activatingEntity )

General trigger event for all entities

doBlocked( Entity obstacle )

sent to entity when blocked.

door_triggerfield( Entity other )

Is called when a doors trigger field is touched.


Called when the door finishes closing.


Called when the door finishes opening.

doortype( String door_type )

Sets the defaults for this door

Door Defaults: wood(default)


doUse( Entity activatingEntity )

sent to entity when it is used by another entity

killed( Entity attacker, Integer damage, Entity inflictor, Vector position, Vector direction, Vector normal, Integer knockback, Integer damageflags, Integer meansofdeath, Integer location )

event which is sent to an entity once it as been killed

Location values:

-1 General

0 Pelvis

1 Lower Torso

2 Mid Torso

3 Upper Torso

4 Neck

5 Head

6 RUpperArm

7 RForearm

8 RHand

9 LUpperArm

10 LForearm

11 LHand

12 RThigh

13 RCalf

14 RFoot

15 LThigh

16 LCalf

17 LFoot


Link doors together.


Lock the door.

open( Entity other )

Opens the door.

sound_close_end( String sound_close )

Sets the sound to use when the door closes.

sound_close_start( String sound_close )

Sets the sound to use when the door closes.

sound_locked( String sound_locked )

Sets the sound to use when the door is locked.

sound_message( String sound_message )

Sets the sound to use when the door displays a message.

sound_open_end( String sound_open_end )

Sets the sound to use when the door stops to opens.

sound_open_start( String sound_open_start )

Sets the sound to use when the door starts to opens.

time( Float traveltime )

Sets the time it takes for the door to open an close.

toggledoor( Entity other )

Toggles the state of the door (open/close).

triggereffect( Entity triggering_entity )

Send event to owner of trigger.


Trys to make the door solid.

tryToOpen( Entity other )

Tries to open the door.


Unlock the door.

wait( Float wait )

Sets the amount of time to wait before automatically shutting.

DrivableVehicle → Vehicle → VehicleBase → Animate → Entity → SimpleEntity → Listener → Class

doBlocked( Entity obstacle )

sent to entity when blocked.

doTouch( Entity touchingEntity )

sent to entity when touched.

killed( Entity attacker, Integer damage, Entity inflictor, Vector position, Vector direction, Vector normal, Integer knockback, Integer damageflags, Integer meansofdeath, Integer location )

event which is sent to an entity once it as been killed

Location values:

-1 General

0 Pelvis

1 Lower Torso

2 Mid Torso

3 Upper Torso

4 Neck

5 Head

6 RUpperArm

7 RForearm

8 RHand

9 LUpperArm

10 LForearm

11 LHand

12 RThigh

13 RCalf

14 RFoot

15 LThigh

16 LCalf

17 LFoot

DynItem → Item → Trigger → Animate → Entity → SimpleEntity → Listener → Class

damage( Entity attacker, Integer damage, Entity inflictor, Vector position, Vector direction, Vector normal, Integer knockback, Integer damageflags, Integer meansofdeath, Integer location )

general damage event used by all entities

Location values:

-1 General

0 Pelvis

1 Lower Torso

2 Mid Torso

3 Upper Torso

4 Neck

5 Head

6 RUpperArm

7 RForearm

8 RHand

9 LUpperArm

10 LForearm

11 LHand

12 RThigh

13 RCalf

14 RFoot

15 LThigh

16 LCalf

17 LFoot


console based command to kill yourself if stuck.

EffectEntity (effectentity) → Animate → Entity → SimpleEntity → Listener → Class

Emitter (func_emitter) → Entity → SimpleEntity → Listener → Class

doTouch( Entity touchingEntity )

sent to entity when touched.

emitter( String name )

Emitter to use


Animates the puff daddy.

Entity → SimpleEntity → Listener → Class

ai_event( [ String type ], [ Float radius ] )

Let the AI know that this entity made a sound,

type is a string specifying what type of sound it is.

radius determines how far the sound reaches.

alpha( Float newAlpha )

Set the alpha of the entity to alpha.


Sets this entity to always draw

attach( Entity parent, String tagname, [ Integer use_angles ] )

attach this entity to the parent's legs tag called tagname

attachedmodelanim( String tagname, String anim_name, Float crossblend_time, String model_name )

Tells models (or specified model) attached to specified tag to play

specified animation. Crossbkend time doesn't work yet.

attachmodel( String modelname, String tagname, [ Float scale ], [ String targetname ], [ Boolean detach_at_death ], [ Float removetime ], [ Float fadeintime ], [ Float fadeoutdelay ], [ Float fadetime ], [ Vector offset ] )

attach a entity with modelname to this entity to tag called tagname.

scale - scale of attached entities

targetname - targetname for attached entities

detach_at_death - when entity dies, should this model be detached.

removetime - when the entity should be removed, if not specified, never.

fadeintime - time to fade the model in over.

fadeoutdelay - time to wait until we fade the attached model out

fadeoutspeed - time the model fades out over

offset - vector offset for the model from the specified tag


gets the angular velocity for this entity.

bind( Entity parent )

bind this entity to the specified entity.


get the brush modelName.

cansee( Entity entity, [ Float fov ], [ Float vision_distance ] )

returns 1 if the entities can see eachother, 0 if not; blocked by any entities between them

canseenoents( Entity entity, [ Float fov ], [ Float vision_distance ] )

returns 1 if the entities can see eachother, 0 if not; ignores any entities between them


used to ban certain contact when in parentmode


The entity's classname

classname( String nameOfClass )

Determines what class to use for this entity,

this is pre-processed from the BSP at the start

of the level.


Connects all navigation paths which intersect with the specified entity's volume

damage( Entity attacker, Integer damage, Entity inflictor, Vector position, Vector direction, Vector normal, Integer knockback, Integer damageflags, Integer meansofdeath, Integer location )

general damage event used by all entities

Location values:

-1 General

0 Pelvis

1 Lower Torso

2 Mid Torso

3 Upper Torso

4 Neck

5 Head

6 RUpperArm

7 RForearm

8 RHand

9 LUpperArm

10 LForearm

11 LHand

12 RThigh

13 RCalf

14 RFoot

15 LThigh

16 LCalf

17 LFoot

damage_type( String meansofdeathstring )

Set the type of damage that this entity can take


Makes the entity sink into the ground and then get removed (this gets called each frame).


Makes the entity sink into the ground and then get removed (this starts it).


Removes this listener immediately.


detach this entity from its parent.


Detach all the children from the entity.


Disconnects all navigation paths which intersect with the specified entity's volume

dm( String command, [ String parms ] )

Makes a command be executed only in multiplayer

dmrealism( String command, [ String parms ] )

Makes a command be executed only in miltiplayer realism mode

droptofloor( [ Float maxRange ] )

drops the entity to the ground, if maxRange is not specified 8192 is used.

effects( [ String parameter1 ], [ String parameter2 ], [ String parameter3 ], [ String parameter4 ], [ String parameter5 ], [ String parameter6 ] )

Change the current entity effects flags.

Valid flags are as follows:

+ sets a flag, - clears a flag

antisbjuice - anti sucknblow juiceeveryframe - process commands every time entity is rendered


The entity's entity number

explosionattack( String explosionModel, [ String tagName ] )

Spawn an explosion optionally from a specific tag

fade( [ Float fadetime<0.00...max_float> ], [ Float target_alpha<0.00...1.00> ] )

Fade the entity's alpha, reducing it by 0.03

every FRAMETIME, until it has faded out, does not remove the entity

fadein( [ Float fadetime<0.00...max_float> ], [ Float target_alpha<0.00...1.00> ] )

Fade the entity's alpha and scale in, increasing it by 0.03

every FRAMETIME, until it has faded completely in to 1.0.

If fadetime or target_alpha are defined, they will override

the default values.

fadeout( [ Float fadetime<0.00...max_float> ], [ Float alpha<0.00...1.00> ] )

Fade the entity's alpha and scale out, reducing it by 0.03

every FRAMETIME, until it has faded out. If fadetime or

target_alpha are defined, they will override the defaults.

Once the entity has been completely faded, the entity is removed.

flags( [ String parameter1 ], [ String parameter2 ], [ String parameter3 ], [ String parameter4 ], [ String parameter5 ], [ String parameter6 ] )

Change the current entity flags.

Valid flags are as follows:

+ sets a flag, - clears a flag

blood - should it bleed

explode - should it explode when dead

die_gibs - should it spawn gibs when dead

god - makes the entity invincible


Forces an entity to activate outside of the player's PVS

getcontrollerangles( Integer num )

Gets the control angles for the specified bone.


Turn a worldspace vector into a local space yaw


Get the maxs of the bounding box of the entity to maxs.

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