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由 S-22 发布的全部内容

  1. 上传可以传到下载区。
  2. 修正了一些大家还没来得及发现的错误。
  3. 建议联国内的服务器,都是免CD校验的。
  4. 霰弹枪已经取消,其他的看看情况再说。
  5. 有些汉化知识好不好
  6. 可否把map的下载地址和具体步骤说一下?
  7. 在我眼里所谓的三合一也不是完美盗版。
  8. 是么 那我撤掉国际论坛了
  10. 只要你们考虑好了我这边没问题。fpschina 一直愿意为国内 fps 战队提供力所能及的支持,所以不要有什么后顾之忧。祝你们战队今后发展顺利。
  11. 你所说的你要办的那个国际联赛还有下文么?你要的论坛我早就给你开好了。如果没下文的话我就把国际论坛撤了。
  12. 估计现在有多少人会来玩SOF2?
  13. Theinq报道,IMAGINE科技将在本周的韩国游戏大会上展示OpenGL ES硬件加速的Quake Mobile和《Quake 3》竞技场两款游戏,这两款游戏都可以运行在内置Power VR手机图形芯片的Dell Axim X51v手机上。 NoctemWare的Christien Rioux已经把《Quake 3》竞技场移植到Windows CE 4.2上,最新版包含对OpenGL ES硬件加速的支持,移植版本的名称是Q3CE,目前已经可以达到25fps的运行速度,当然具有可玩性。 IMAGINE科技的David McBrien表示,借助PowerVR驱动的移动技术,我们现在可以展示诸如《Quake 3》竞技场等PC游戏可以以高fps在移动设备上运。David McBrien表示,Quake Mobile直接移植自id Software的Quake。 IMAGINE科技已经宣布公开提供PowerVR的SDK,最新版本支持Symbian操作系统,许多智能手机都采用Symbian操作系统。因此我们很快将在手机上看到许多款Quake类的游戏登场。
  14. NPD Group 公布了截止 10 月 29 日的北美 PC 游戏销售周排行榜。相比上周,排行榜上基本都是些老面孔。《帝国时代3》依然把持榜首位置;《文明4》异军突起,占据了第二和第四;《Quake 4》虽然超过了《F.E.A.R》,但二者都跌出了前四;风光无限的《模拟人生》系列依然上榜。 具体排名如下: 《帝国时代3》 - Age Of Empires III - 微软 《文明4》 - Civilization IV - 2K Games 《使命的召唤2》 - Call Of Duty 2 - Activision 《文明4》特别版 - Civilization IV Special Edition - 2K Games 《雷神之锤4》 - Quake 4 - Activision 《突击》 - F.E.A.R. - VU Games 《模拟人生2夜生活》 - The Sims 2 Nightlife - EA 《使命的召唤2》收藏版 - Call Of Duty 2 Collectors Edition - Activision 《模拟人生2》 - The Sims 2 - EA 《魔兽世界》 - World Of Warcraft - VU Games
  15. Valve 研发的《Half-Life2半条命2》首个资料片《Half-Life 2:Aftermath》已经被证实延期。之前我们听说,《Half-Life 2:Aftermath》会在本月发布,但是根据Valve公司的Doug Lombardi表示,《Half-Life 2:Aftermath》将延期到明年上市。 Valve 公司的 Doug Lombardi 表示:我们非常努力的工作,以期待尽早完成半条命 2 的新篇章,但是,《Half-Life 2:Aftermath》将花费我们更多的时间来让它成为顶级游戏。因此,《Half-Life 2:Aftermath》的发布日期将是明年 2 月或者 3 月。
  16. Call of Duty v1.50 .admin duck Help? .admin Sets the .Admin description variable, which appears on server queries, e.g. via GameSpy or ASE. Default: "" .email Help? .email Sets the .Email description variable, which appears on server queries, e.g. via GameSpy or ASE. Default: "" .irc #game2xs on irc.quakenet.org:6667 Help? .irc Sets the .IRC description variable, which appears on server queries, e.g. via GameSpy or ASE. Default: "" .location United Kingdom Help? .location Sets the .Location description variable, which appears on server queries, e.g. via GameSpy or ASE. Default: "" .website www.unmc-pro.tk Help? .website Sets the .Website description variable, which appears on server queries, e.g. via GameSpy or ASE. Default: "your website" g_allowvotedrawfriend 0 Help? g_allowvotedrawfriend Toggles if this variable is votable. Defined values: 0 = Disabled. 1 = Enabled. Default: "0" g_allowvotefriendlyfire 0 Help? g_allowvotefriendlyfire Toggles if this variable is votable. Defined values: 0 = Disabled. 1 = Enabled. Default: "0" g_allowvotekick 0 Help? g_allowvotekick Toggles if this variable is votable. Defined values: 0 = Disabled. 1 = Enabled. Default: "0" g_allowvotekillcam 0 Help? g_allowvotekillcam Toggles if this variable is votable. Defined values: 0 = Disabled. 1 = Enabled. Default: "0" g_allowvotemap 1 Help? g_allowvotemap Toggles if this variable is votable. Defined values: 0 = Disabled. 1 = Enabled. Default: "1" g_allowvotemaprestart 0 Help? g_allowvotemaprestart Toggles if this variable is votable. Defined values: 0 = Disabled. 1 = Enabled. Default: "0" g_allowvotemaprotate 0 Help? g_allowvotemaprotate Toggles if this variable is votable. Defined values: 0 = Disabled. 1 = Enabled. Default: "0" g_allowvotetempbanuser 1 Help? g_allowvotetempbanuser Toggles if this variable is votable. Defined values: 0 = Disabled. 1 = Enabled. Default: "0" g_allowvotetypemap 0 Help? g_allowvotetypemap Toggles if this variable is votable. Defined values: 0 = Disabled. 1 = Enabled. Default: "0" g_banips Help? g_banips Bans the list of specified TCP/IP addresses from connecting to your server Default: "" g_complaintlimit 3 Help? g_complaintlimit Sets the number of complaints the server will tolerate against a player before they are kicked. Default: "3" g_deadchat 1 Help? g_deadchat Toggles if dead players can chat with live players. Default: "0" g_gametype sd Help? g_gametype Sets the server game type: Defined values: bel = BEHIND ENEMY LINES dm = DEATHMATCH re = RETRIEVAL sd = SEARCH AND DESTROY tdm = TEAM DEATHMATCH Default: "dm" g_gravity 800 Help? g_gravity Sets the gravity of the maps. Default: "800" g_inactivity 0 Help? g_inactivity Sets the maximum length of time (in seconds) before the server automatically kicks a player who isn't responding. Default: "120" g_intermissiondelay 10 Help? g_intermissiondelay This variable is undocumented as we have been unable to confirm its function. If you can help us then please contact us! Default: "1000" g_knockback 1000 Help? g_knockback Sets the "knockback" force when a weapon is fired. Default: "1000" g_log games_mp.log Help? g_log Sets the filename for the server log. Default: "games_mp.log" g_logsync 1 Help? g_logsync Toggles real-time synchronisation for server log. Defined values: 0 = Disabled. 1 = Enabled. Default: "1" g_no_script_spam 0 Help? g_no_script_spam Toggles if the server will block scripts which spam the console. Defined values: 0 = Disabled. 1 = Enabled. Default: "0" g_password Help? g_password Sets a server password (if desired) which the clients must know in order to connect. Default: "" g_smoothclients 1 Help? g_smoothclients Toggles lag compensation for clients. Defined values: 0 = Disabled. 1 = Enabled. Default: "1" g_speed 190 Help? g_speed Sets the maximum client movement speed. Default: "190" g_synchronousclients 0 Help? g_synchronousclients Toggles synchronisation of all clients to allow demo recording on the server. NB. This may have an adverse impact on server performance. Default: "0" g_teamcolor_allies .25 .75 .25 Help? g_teamcolor_allies Sets the colour of the Allies in console and in game. Default: ".25 .75 .25" g_teamcolor_axis .6 .6 .6 Help? g_teamcolor_axis Sets the colour of the Axis in console and in game. Default: ".6 .6 .6" g_timeoutbank 180000 Help? g_timeoutbank Sets the maximum time (in seconds) a team can spend in timeout. Default: "180000" g_timeoutlength 90000 Help? g_timeoutlength Sets the length (in milliseconds) of each timeout. Default: "90000" g_timeoutrecovery 10000 Help? g_timeoutrecovery Sets the length of the preparation period which occurs after a time-in is called, or after a timeout expires. This recovery period is used to alert all players that play is about to begin. Default: "10000" g_timeoutsallowed 0 Help? g_timeoutsallowed Sets the number of timeouts allowed per side. Default: "0" g_usegear 1 Help? g_usegear This variable is undocumented as we have been unable to confirm its function. If you can help us then please contact us! Default: "1" g_voicechatsallowed 4 Help? g_voicechatsallowed Sets how many voice chats within a 30 second window the server will allow for a client. Default: "4" g_weaponammopools 0 Help? g_weaponammopools This variable is undocumented as we have been unable to confirm its function. If you can help us then please contact us! Default: "0" g_weaponrespawn 5 Help? g_weaponrespawn Set the number of seconds between the time a weapon is picked up and when it respawns. Default: "5" logfile 1 Help? logfile Toggles the server log file. Defined values: 0 = Disabled. 1 = Enabled. Default: "1" rconpassword Help? rconpassword Sets the remote administration password for the server. NB. If this variable is not specified then Instant Game Server will randomly assign one when the server is built to avoid potential security flaws. Default: "" scr_allow_bar 1 Help? scr_allow_bar Toggles if the "bar" weapon is enabled/disabled. Defined values: 0 = Disabled. 1 = Enabled. Default: "1" scr_allow_bren 1 Help? scr_allow_bren Toggles if the "bren" weapon is enabled/disabled. Defined values: 0 = Disabled. 1 = Enabled. Default: "1" scr_allow_enfield 1 Help? scr_allow_enfield Toggles if the "enfield" weapon is enabled/disabled. Defined values: 0 = Disabled. 1 = Enabled. Default: "1" scr_allow_fg42 0 Help? scr_allow_fg42 Toggles if the "fg42" weapon is enabled/disabled. Defined values: 0 = Disabled. 1 = Enabled. Default: "0" scr_allow_kar98k 1 Help? scr_allow_kar98k Toggles if the "kar98k" weapon is enabled/disabled. Defined values: 0 = Disabled. 1 = Enabled. Default: "1" scr_allow_kar98ksniper 1 Help? scr_allow_kar98ksniper Toggles if the "kar98ksniper" weapon is enabled/disabled. Defined values: 0 = Disabled. 1 = Enabled. Default: "1" scr_allow_m1carbine 1 Help? scr_allow_m1carbine Toggles if the "m1carbine" weapon is enabled/disabled. Defined values: 0 = Disabled. 1 = Enabled. Default: "1" scr_allow_m1garand 1 Help? scr_allow_m1garand Toggles if the "m1garand" weapon is enabled/disabled. Defined values: 0 = Disabled. 1 = Enabled. Default: "1" scr_allow_mp40 1 Help? scr_allow_mp40 Toggles if the "mp40" weapon is enabled/disabled. Defined values: 0 = Disabled. 1 = Enabled. Default: "1" scr_allow_mp44 1 Help? scr_allow_mp44 Toggles if the "mp44" weapon is enabled/disabled. Defined values: 0 = Disabled. 1 = Enabled. Default: "1" scr_allow_nagant 1 Help? scr_allow_nagant Toggles if the "nagant" weapon is enabled/disabled. Defined values: 0 = Disabled. 1 = Enabled. Default: "1" scr_allow_nagantsniper 1 Help? scr_allow_nagantsniper Toggles if the "nagantsniper" weapon is enabled/disabled. Defined values: 0 = Disabled. 1 = Enabled. Default: "1" scr_allow_panzerfaust 0 Help? scr_allow_panzerfaust Toggles if the "panzerfaust" weapon is enabled/disabled. Defined values: 0 = Disabled. 1 = Enabled. Default: "1" scr_allow_ppsh 1 Help? scr_allow_ppsh Toggles if the "ppsh" weapon is enabled/disabled. Defined values: 0 = Disabled. 1 = Enabled. Default: "1" scr_allow_springfield 1 Help? scr_allow_springfield Toggles if the "springfield" weapon is enabled/disabled. Defined values: 0 = Disabled. 1 = Enabled. Default: "1" scr_allow_sten 1 Help? scr_allow_sten Toggles if the "sten" weapon is enabled/disabled. Defined values: 0 = Disabled. 1 = Enabled. Default: "1" scr_allow_thompson 1 Help? scr_allow_thompson Toggles if the "thompson" weapon is enabled/disabled. Defined values: 0 = Disabled. 1 = Enabled. Default: "1" scr_allow_vote 1 Help? scr_allow_vote Toggle voting various options on the server. Defined values: 0 = Disabled. 1 = Enabled. Default: "1" scr_bel_alivepointtime 10 Help? scr_bel_alivepointtime Sets the number of seconds which a player is required to stay alive to get a point in "Behind Enemy Lines" game mode. Default: "10" scr_bel_scorelimit 50 Help? scr_bel_scorelimit Sets the score limit for the "Behind Enemy Lines" game mode. When this is reached the map will cycle. Default: "50" scr_bel_timelimit 30 Help? scr_bel_timelimit Sets the time limit (in minutes) for the "Behind Enemy Lines" game mode. When this is reached the map will cycle. Default: "30" scr_dm_scorelimit 50 Help? scr_dm_scorelimit Sets the score limit for the "Deathmatch" game mode. When this is reached the map will cycle. Default: "50" scr_dm_timelimit 30 Help? scr_dm_timelimit Sets the time limit (in minutes) for the "Deathmatch" game mode. When this is reached the map will cycle. Default: "30" scr_drawfriend 0 Help? scr_drawfriend Toggles if an icon is displayed next to friendly players. Defined values: 0 = Disabled. 1 = Enabled. Default: "0" scr_forcerespawn 0 Help? scr_forcerespawn Toggles if a player will be forceably respawned in "Deathmatch" and "Team Deathmatch" game modes. Defined values: 0 = Disabled. 1 = Enabled. Default: "0" scr_freelook 0 Help? scr_freelook Toggles the freelook spectator mode. Defined values: 0 = Disabled. 1 = Enabled. Default: "0" scr_friendlyfire 0 Help? scr_friendlyfire Sets the friendly-fire mode. Defined values: 0 = Disabled. 1 = Enabled. 2 = Enabled, with reflected damage on the attacker. Default: "0" scr_hq_scorelimit 450 Help? scr_hq_scorelimit Sets the maximum score allowed per map in the "Headquarters" game mode. Default: "450" scr_hq_timelimit 30 Help? scr_hq_timelimit Sets the time limit (in minutes) per map in the "Headquarters" game mode. Once reached the map will cycle. Default: "30" scr_killcam 1 Help? scr_killcam Toggles the killcam. Defined values: 0 = Disabled. 1 = Enabled. Default: "0" scr_motd ^1Welcome to the ^9unmc^1.^7Pro^1) ^7Public ^1Server. ^7Server admin= ^9unmc^1.^7Duck^1) ^7Co Admin =^9unmc^1.^7Sharpy^1). ^7Play nice and respect other players. ^3www.unmc-pro.tk Help? scr_motd Sets the Message Of The Day which clients will see on connection to the server. Default: "" scr_re_graceperiod 15 Help? scr_re_graceperiod Sets the time limit (in seconds) per round after which spawning and weapon selection are disabled in the "Retrieval" game mode. Default: "15" scr_re_roundlength 4 Help? scr_re_roundlength Sets the time limit (in minutes) of each round in the "Retrieval" game mode. Default: "4" scr_re_roundlimit 0 Help? scr_re_roundlimit Sets the maximum number of round wins per map in the "Retrieval" game mode. Default: "0" scr_re_scorelimit 10 Help? scr_re_scorelimit Sets the maximum score allowed per map in the "Retrieval" game mode. Default: "10" scr_re_showcarrier 0 Help? scr_re_showcarrier Toggles if the objective carrier is shown on the compass in the "Retrieval" game mode. Default: "0" scr_re_timelimit 0 Help? scr_re_timelimit Sets the time limit (in minutes) per map in the "Retrieval" game mode. Once reached the map will cycle. Default: "0" scr_roundcam 0 Help? scr_roundcam This variable is undocumented as we have been unable to confirm its function. If you can help us then please contact us! Default: "0" scr_sd_graceperiod 15 Help? scr_sd_graceperiod Sets the time limit (in seconds) per round after which spawning and weapon selection are disabled in the "Search and Destroy" game mode. Default: "15" scr_sd_roundlength 3 Help? scr_sd_roundlength Sets the time limit (in minutes) of each round in the "Search and Destroy" game mode. Default: "4" scr_sd_roundlimit 0 Help? scr_sd_roundlimit Sets the maximum number of round wins per map in the "Search and Destroy" game mode. Default: "0" scr_sd_scorelimit 10 Help? scr_sd_scorelimit Sets the maximum score allowed per map in the "Search and Destroy" game mode. Default: "10" scr_sd_timelimit 0 Help? scr_sd_timelimit Sets the time limit (in minutes) per map in the "Search and Destroy" game mode. Once reached the map will cycle. Default: "0" scr_spectateenemy 0 Help? scr_spectateenemy Toggles if spectating the enemy team is allowed. Defined values: 0 = Disabled. 1 = Enabled. Default: "0" scr_tdm_scorelimit 100 Help? scr_tdm_scorelimit Sets the maximum score allowed per map in the "Team Deathmatch" game mode. Default: "100" scr_tdm_timelimit 30 Help? scr_tdm_timelimit Sets the time limit (in minutes) per map in the "Team Deathmatch" game mode. Once reached the map will cycle. Default: "30" scr_teambalance 1 Help? scr_teambalance Toggles if automatic team balancing is enabled. When enabled, this will force teams to have the same number of players. Teams with an odd number of players will be as balanced as possible. (Round based gametypes will adjust the teams between rounds, respawn gametypes will adjust the teams every 60 seconds). Defined values: 0 = Disabled. 1 = Enabled. Default: "1" scr_teamscorepenalty 0 Help? scr_teamscorepenalty Toggles if teamkills or suicides reduce the team score as well as the individuals. Default: "0" sv_allowanonymous 0 Help? sv_allowanonymous This variable is undocumented as we have been unable to confirm its function. If you can help us then please contact us! Default: "0" sv_allowdownload 1 Help? sv_allowdownload Toggle allowing clients to download maps. Defined values: 0 = Disabled. 1 = Enabled. Default: "1" sv_disableclientconsole 0 Help? sv_disableclientconsole Toggles if a client can access to the console. Default: "0" sv_floodprotect 0 Help? sv_floodprotect Toggle automatic server-side chat floodprotection. Default: "0" sv_fps 20 Help? sv_fps Sets the maximum number of frames per second the server will process. Default: "20" sv_hostname ^9unmc^1.^7Pro^1) ^7Public ^1Server^7) Help? sv_hostname Sets the name of your server. It is generally a good idea to keep this as short as possible, whilst still being descriptive. A server name which is too long won't be displayed properly in many server browsers. Default: "CoD Server" sv_maprotation map mp_carentan map mp_harbor map mp_dawville map mp_neuville map mp_railyard Help? sv_maprotation Sets the server map rotation. Format: Each map should be given in sequence, delimited by a space and preceeded by the "map" command. You can also add a "gametype" command to change the gametype prior to a map change. Example: "gametype dm map mp_brecourt gametype dm map mp_carentan gametype dm map mp_chateau gametype dm map mp_dawnville gametype dm map mp_depot gametype dm map mp_harbor gametype dm map mp_hurtgen gametype dm map mp_pavlov gametype dm map mp_powcamp gametype dm map mp_railyard gametype dm map mp_rocket gametype dm map mp_ship" Default: "map mp_brecourt map mp_carentan map mp_chateau map mp_dawnville map mp_depot map mp_harbor map mp_hurtgen map mp_pavlov map mp_powcamp map mp_railyard map mp_rocket map mp_ship" sv_master1 codmaster.activision.com Help? sv_master1 Set a master server address for reporting that your server is available. Default: "codmaster.activision.com" sv_master2 Help? sv_master2 Set a master server address for reporting that your server is available. Default: "" sv_master3 Help? sv_master3 Set a master server address for reporting that your server is available. Default: "" sv_master4 Help? sv_master4 Set a master server address for reporting that your server is available. Default: "" sv_master5 Help? sv_master5 Set a master server address for reporting that your server is available. Default: "" sv_maxclients 56 Help? sv_maxclients Set the maximum number of clinets that may connect to the server at one time. Default: "12" sv_maxping 2000 Help? sv_maxping Sets the maximum allowable client ping. Default: "2000" sv_maxrate 25000 Help? sv_maxrate Sets the maximum data transfer rate in bytes per second to any one client on the server. NB. Lower values "cap" the bandwidth however may cause a "drop-off" in performance. Default: "10000" sv_minping 0 Help? sv_minping Sets the minimum allowable client ping. Default: "0" sv_onlyvisibleclients 0 Help? sv_onlyvisibleclients This variable is undocumented as we have been unable to confirm its function. If you can help us then please contact us! Default: "0" sv_padpackets 0 Help? sv_padpackets Toggles forcing the server to pad broken packets. Defined values: 0 = Disabled. 1 = Enabled. Default: "0" sv_privateclients 6 Help? sv_privateclients Sets the number of client slots to reserve for those clients who know the "sv_privatePassword" and have entered it in their "password" variable. NB. "sv_maxclients" minus "sv_privateClients" equals the number of public connect slots. Default: "0" sv_privatepassword Help? sv_privatepassword Set the private server password for use with "sv_privateClients". Default: "" sv_pure 1 Help? sv_pure Toggles server-side checking that clients have "pure" (unaltered) pk3 files to prevent cheating. NB. If a client doesn't have a .pk3 file that is on the server, and sv_allowdownload is set to "0" then the server will automatically kick the client. Defined values: 0 = Disabled. 1 = Enabled. Default: "1" sv_reconnectlimit 3 Help? sv_reconnectlimit Sets the limit on the maximum number of client reconnections. Default: "3" sv_showaveragebps 1 Help? sv_showaveragebps Toggles scoreboard bits per second display. Defined values: 0 = Disabled. 1 = Enabled. Default: "0" sv_showloss 0 Help? sv_showloss Toggles scoreboard packet loss display. Defined values: 0 = Disabled. 1 = Enabled. Default: "0" sv_timeout 240 Help? sv_timeout Sets the maximum allowed time when a client is idle before they are kicked. Default: "240" sv_wwwbaseurl http://redirect.game2xs.com/cod/ Help? sv_wwwbaseurl Sets the URL that clients will use to download map/mod paks. The URL needs to point to a directory one directory below the directory where the pak files are kept. Default: "" sv_wwwdldisconnected 1 Help? sv_wwwdldisconnected Toggles if clients will download content whilst disconnected from the server. Defined values: 0 = Disabled. 1 = Enabled. Default: "0" sv_wwwdownload 1 Help? sv_wwwdownload Toggles http/ftp client downloading. See sv_wwwbaseurl. Defined values: 0 = Disabled. 1 = Enabled. Default: "0" sv_zombietime 2 Help? sv_zombietime Sets the inactivity time (in minutes) before clients (zombies) are disconnected. Default: "2" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CoDaM Plugin: HamGoodies ham_bel_hudscores 2 Help? ham_bel_hudscores Sets the display mode of scores on the hud in BEL. Defined values: 0 = off 2 = show #players 4 = show #players /incl. alive count Add 1 to any value to display "team" score. Default: "2" ham_dm_hitaction 0 Help? ham_dm_hitaction Sets a bitwise field which controls player actions when damaged (in the relivant gametype). Defined values: 1 = allow team hits 2 = drop weapon when hand/arm hit 4 = go prone when foot/leg hit. Default: "3" ham_dm_hudscores 2 Help? ham_dm_hudscores Sets the display mode of scores on the hud in Deathmatch. Defined values: 0 = off 2 = show #players 4 = show #players /incl. alive count Add 1 to any value to display "team" score. Default: "2" ham_falldamagemult 2.5 Help? ham_falldamagemult Sets a damage multiplier for damage due to falling. Default: "2.5" ham_gamelog CoDaM Help? ham_gamelog Sets the prefix of the per-map gamelog. Default: "CoDaM" ham_glog_session 1000 Help? ham_glog_session Sets the initial session seed for the per-map gamelog. Default: "1000" ham_goodies 1 Help? ham_goodies Toggles if HamGoodies is enabled. Default: "1" ham_hitaction 0 Help? ham_hitaction Sets a bitwise field which controls player actions when damaged (in the relivant gametype). Defined values: 1 = allow team hits 2 = drop weapon when hand/arm hit 4 = go prone when foot/leg hit. Default: "2" ham_hudscores 5 Help? ham_hudscores Sets the display mode of scores on the hud. Defined values: 0 = off 2 = show #players 4 = show #players /incl. alive count Add 1 to any value to display "team" score. Default: "5 // Display scores on hud?" ham_killcam 15 Help? ham_killcam Sets the number of seconds to show Hammer's Killcam for. Default: "15" ham_mdm_hitaction 0 Help? ham_mdm_hitaction Sets a bitwise field which controls player actions when damaged (in the relivant gametype). Defined values: 1 = allow team hits 2 = drop weapon when hand/arm hit 4 = go prone when foot/leg hit. Default: "3" ham_mdm_oldobituary 1 Help? ham_mdm_oldobituary Toggles if old obituary messages will be used in multiteam DM. Default: "1" ham_mortar_delay 0 Help? ham_mortar_delay Sets the minimum delay (in seconds) between mortars. Default: "3" ham_mortar_harmless 0 Help? ham_mortar_harmless Toggles if mortars can kill a player. Default: "0" ham_mortar_random 0 Help? ham_mortar_random Sets an additional random delay (in seconds) between mortars (see ham_mortar_delay). Default: "5" ham_mortars 0 Help? ham_mortars Toggles the use of mortars. Default: "1" ham_mtdm_hudscores 3 Help? ham_mtdm_hudscores Sets the display mode of scores on the hud in MTDM. Defined values: 0 = off 2 = show #players 4 = show #players /incl. alive count Add 1 to any value to display "team" score. Default: "3" ham_name_prefix ^3CoDaM Help? ham_name_prefix Sets the prefix when renaming the Unnamed Soldier. Default: "^2CoDaM" ham_nodroptime 15 Help? ham_nodroptime Sets the time (in seconds) after the start of a map when players are prevented from dropping their weapons. Default: "15" ham_nominefields 0 Help? ham_nominefields Toggles if minefields should be disabled. Default: "0" ham_nonamechange 0 Help? ham_nonamechange Toggles if the player name will be used to identify the team. Default: "0" ham_oldobituary 0 Help? ham_oldobituary Toggles use of the original obituary. Default: "0" ham_oneweapon 0 Help? ham_oneweapon Toggles if the second weapon should be disabled (requires ham_xkeys 1). Default: "0" ham_playersounds 1 Help? ham_playersounds Toggles if pain/death sounds are enabled. Default: "1" ham_sd_stopwatch 1 Help? ham_sd_stopwatch Toggles the bomb timer stopwatch for SD. Default: "0" ham_statusicon 1 Help? ham_statusicon Toggles if team icons should be displayed on the scoreboard. Default: "1" ham_stopwatch 1 Help? ham_stopwatch Toggles the bomb timer stopwatch. Default: "1" ham_tdm_hudscores 3 Help? ham_tdm_hudscores Sets the display mode of scores on the hud in MDM. Defined values: 0 = off 2 = show #players 4 = show #players /incl. alive count Add 1 to any value to display "team" score.set ham_mdm_hudscores 2 Default: "3" ham_team_1 american;^2American;;US;;;; Help? ham_team_1 Whilst ham_xteams can be used to quickly setup a normal or a quad-team match. More specific team matches, e.g. 3 teams, can be established by using ham_team_#, i.e. ham_team_1, ham_team_2, etc. Each ham_team_# cvar is used to define parameters for each team in a match. The MultiTeam mod can handle from 2 to 10 teams, however CoD currently can only support 4 due to player models / weapon availability and other limitations. TRYING TO CONFIGURE MORE THAN 4 TEAMS WILL CAUSE UNDESIRED EFFECTS/CRASHES. If at least two valid ham_team_# cvars are defined, ham_xteams (see above) is ignored. Format: ";;;;[];[];[];[]" - Is the name of the team (must be unique among teams) - A text description of the team (can include CoD color) used to display hud messages and other things - Format for player renames - IGNORED FOR NOW - 2-3 letter team tag for displaying match-end scores - Head icon (avatar) name (as found under /gfx/hud in the mod's pk3 file (sans headicon@ and .dds). If omitted, the entry will be used, e.g. american. - Team weapon cache as known within CoD (usually team name, but can be used to re-use other team's weapons, e.g. an Italian team using german weaps. - Initial team score (handicap) - IGNORED FOR NOW - Team member count limit - IGNORED FOR NOW NOTES: 1. Do not use spaces in any of the above fields. In , spaces may be specified by using s 2. The teams will be ordered (in menus and hud scores) in the order established by the ham_team_# cvars 3. ham_team_# cvars must be defined in numerical order starting at 1. Default: "american;^2American;;US;;;;" ham_team_2 british;^4British;;BR;;;; Help? ham_team_2 See the description for ham_team_1. Default: "british;^4British;;BR;;;;" ham_team_3 german;German;;GE;;;; Help? ham_team_3 See the description for ham_team_1. Default: "german;German;;GE;;;;" ham_team_4 russian;^1Russian;;RU;;;; Help? ham_team_4 See the description for ham_team_1. Default: "russian;^1Russian;;RU;;;;" ham_xkeys 1 Help? ham_xkeys Toggles extra key detec Default: "1" ham_xlastweap 1 Help? ham_xlastweap Toggles if the last weapon code should be enabled (requires ham_xkeys 1). Default: "1" ham_xpacks 1 Help? ham_xpacks Toggles if health packs should be enabled (requires ham_xkeys 1). Default: "1" ham_xteams 1 Help? ham_xteams Sets the multiteam type. Defined values: 0 = Normal teams (allies/axis) 1 = Quad-Team (American, British, German, Russian) 2 = Tri-Team (American, British, Russian) Default: "1" ham_xweap 1 Help? ham_xweap Toggles if the weapon drops should be enabled (requires ham_xkeys 1). Default: "1" scr_mdm_autoassign 0 Help? scr_mdm_autoassign Toggles if a player will be automatically assigned to a team in multiteam DM. Default: "0" scr_mdm_scorelimit 0 Help? scr_mdm_scorelimit Sets the multiteam DM scorelimit. Default: "0" scr_mdm_timelimit 30 Help? scr_mdm_timelimit Sets the multiteam DM timelimit. Default: "30" scr_mhq_capture 10 Help? scr_mhq_capture Sets the time (in seconds) required to capture a radio in multiteam HQ. Default: "10" scr_mhq_maxhold 6 Help? scr_mhq_maxhold Sets the factor used to automatically destroy a radio (maxhold * wavetime seconds) Default: "6" scr_mhq_maxhqs 2 Help? scr_mhq_maxhqs Sets the maximum number of HQ's which can be setup at once in multiteam HQ. Default: "2" scr_mhq_maxradios 2 Help? scr_mhq_maxradios Sets the total map radios to active in multiteam HQ. Default: "2" scr_mhq_maxteamhqs 1 Help? scr_mhq_maxteamhqs Sets the total number of HQ's a single team can setup at once in multiteam HQ. Default: "1" scr_mhq_neutral 8 Help? scr_mhq_neutral Sets the time (in seconds) required to destroy a radio/HQ in multiteam HQ. Default: "8" scr_mhq_radius 120 Help? scr_mhq_radius Sets the appropriate setting in multiteam HQ. Default: "120" scr_mhq_scorelimit 450 Help? scr_mhq_scorelimit Sets the appropriate setting in multiteam HQ. Default: "450" scr_mhq_spawndelay 30 Help? scr_mhq_spawndelay Sets the time (in seconds) before a radio will spawn in multiteam HQ. Default: "30" scr_mhq_timelimit 30 Help? scr_mhq_timelimit Sets the appropriate setting in multiteam HQ. Default: "30" scr_mhq_wavetime 45 Help? scr_mhq_wavetime Sets the time (in seconds) between player spawns in multiteam HQ. Default: "45" scr_mhq_zradius 50 Help? scr_mhq_zradius Sets the appropriate setting in multiteam HQ. Default: "50" scr_mtdm_respawnpoints nearteam Help? scr_mtdm_respawnpoints Sets the multiteam TDM respawn logic. Default: "nearteam" scr_mtdm_scorelimit 0 Help? scr_mtdm_scorelimit Sets the multiteam TDM scorelimit. Default: "0" scr_mtdm_timelimit 30 Help? scr_mtdm_timelimit Sets the multiteam TDM timelimit. Default: "30" scr_obj_bombdefuse 7 Help? scr_obj_bombdefuse Sets the time taken (in seconds) to defuse the bomb in Objective. Default: "7" scr_obj_bombplant 4 Help? scr_obj_bombplant Sets the time taken (in seconds) to plant the bomb in Objective. Default: "4" scr_obj_bombtimer 30 Help? scr_obj_bombtimer Sets the time taken (in seconds) to blow the bomb in Objective. Default: "30" scr_obj_roundlength 4 Help? scr_obj_roundlength Sets the roundlength in Objective. Default: "4" scr_obj_roundlimit 0 Help? scr_obj_roundlimit Sets the roundlimit in Objective. Default: "0" scr_obj_timelimit 15 Help? scr_obj_timelimit Sets the timelimit in Objective. Default: "15" scr_rb_roundlength 4 Help? scr_rb_roundlength Sets the roundlength in roundbased TDM. Default: "4" scr_rb_roundlimit 0 Help? scr_rb_roundlimit Sets the roundlimit in roundbased TDM. Default: "0" scr_rb_timelimit 15 Help? scr_rb_timelimit Sets the timelimit in roundbased TDM. Default: "15" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IGS Additional Configs igs_additional_configs exec "CoDaM.cfg" exec "CoDaM_ServerMessages1.3.cfg" exec "CoDaM_PowerServer.cfg" exec "CoDaM_HamGoodies.cfg" set scr_usecodam 1 Help? igs_additional_configs Defines any number of additional configuration files. These are then created in the server directory and can be remotely executed by "rcon exec ". Format: The configuration name is defined with the contents enclosed in "{" and "}". Each variable should be on a new line, (i.e. carriage return delimited). Example: config1.cfg { seta variable1 1 seta variable2 2 seta variable3 3 } config2.cfg { seta variable1 4 seta variable2 5 seta variable3 6 } config3.cfg { seta variable1 7 seta variable2 8 seta variable3 9 } Default: "" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CoDaM Plugin: ServerMessages sm_enable 1 Help? sm_enable Enable ServerMessages plugin? 0 = disable | 1 = enable Default: "1" sm_gamemessage ^7 with game type :^3 Help? sm_gamemessage Text to display in the NEXT MAP message before next gametype name Default: "^7 with game type :^3 " sm_mapmessage The next map in the rotation is :^2 Help? sm_mapmessage Text to display in the NEXT MAP message before next map name Default: "The next map in the rotation is :^2 " sm_message1 Join our pub ^9Ventrilo ^6Server ip=^380.239.85.124 ^7Port=^33391 Help? sm_message1 Sets the appropriate server message. Default: "^4Welcome and Have fun!^7" sm_message2 Play fair!! Do not^6-^7Tk^6-^7Cheat^6-^7Block way^6-^7Spam^6-^7Recruit^6-^7Or be a ^3Dumbass^7 on this server^3* Help? sm_message2 Sets the appropriate server message. Default: "^1Friendly fire is on. Watch your aim!^7" sm_message3 Punkbuster is on and ready to ^6kick ^7ass!! Help? sm_message3 Sets the appropriate server message. Default: "Message 3" sm_message4 ^9unmc^6.^7Pro^6) ^7No recruiting or advertising on this server! Offending players will result in kick or ban^6!!!!! Help? sm_message4 Sets the appropriate server message. Default: "Message 4" sm_message5 Admin= ^9unmc^6.^7Duck^6)^7& ^9unmc^6.^7Sharpy^6)^7&^9unmc^6.^7Element^6) Help? sm_message5 Sets the appropriate server message. Default: "Message 5" sm_message6 We curently ^6recruit ^7ask a member 2 ^6join Help? sm_message6 Sets the appropriate server message. Default: "Message 6" sm_messagedelay 7 Help? sm_messagedelay Delay in seconds between messages, this also allows gametype and map overrides similar to the "sm_enable" variable as mentioned above. The plugin ensures this is at least 5 seconds. Default: "50" sm_showgame 1 Help? sm_showgame Add the gametype to the NEXT MAP message? 0 = disable | 1 = enable Default: "1" sm_startdelay 20 Help? sm_startdelay Delay in seconds before first message is printed following a map_restart or map_rotate, also allows gametype and map overrides similar to the "sm_enable" variable. The plugin ensures this is at least 5 seconds Default: "20" sm_startmessage 1 Help? sm_startmessage Which message to start with? Please note this will only have an effect on which message is broadcast when the server first starts. Therefore, values from 1 to "total number of messages" are valid. Default: "1" sm_translate 1 Help? sm_translate Translate mapname and gametype for the NEXT MAP message? 0 = disable | 1 = enable ex. "mp_pavlov" becomes "Pavlov" Default: "1;" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PunkBuster Anti-Cheat v1.150 (v1.172 A1347) pb_sv_autoss 0 Help? pb_sv_autoss Toggles if you want the PB server to regularly retrieve screen shots from connected players Default: "0" pb_sv_autossfrom 60 Help? pb_sv_autossfrom Sets the minimum number of seconds (default is 60) PB will wait before requesting a screen shot after the previous request from each player. Default: "60" pb_sv_autossto 1200 Help? pb_sv_autossto Sets the maximum number of seconds (default is 1200 = 20 minutes) PB will wait before requesting a screen shot after the previous request from each player. Default: "1200" pb_sv_autoupdban 1 Help? pb_sv_autoupdban Sets if you want PB to automatically update the permanent ban file (pbbans.dat) after each change to the banlist in memory. Default: "1" pb_sv_changemax 50 Help? pb_sv_changemax Sets how many name changes can be done over a specified period of seconds (pb_sv_changeperoid). If the player does more name changes during this period the player will be kicked. Default: "50" pb_sv_changeperiod 999 Help? pb_sv_changeperiod Sets the period of time (in seconds) during which a player may do up to pb_sv_changemax name changes. Default is 999 which means disabled. Default: "999" pb_sv_cqc 1 Help? pb_sv_cqc Toggles CQC means Client Query Capability - setting this to 0 (default is 1) means that connected players cannot use PB to check the value of game server cvars (we recommend leaving this set to the default of 1 to promote goodwill); NOTE that PB doesn't let players see the value of any server-side cvars that include the text "password". Default: "1" pb_sv_cvarchangedpulse 99 Help? pb_sv_cvarchangedpulse Sets the number of minutes (default is 99 which means disabled) between automatic sends of the CVARCHANGED command. Default: "99" pb_sv_cvarfreq 6 Help? pb_sv_cvarfreq Sets the number of times per minute (default is 6) that each player has one cvar value checked against the current list of cvar ranges. Default: "6" pb_sv_cvarlogging 1 Help? pb_sv_cvarlogging Sets the target destination of log output related to player cvar checks; The value of 1 (default) specifies the server console and normal log file, the value of 2 specifies separate log files in the "svlogs" folder with the var file extension, and the value of 3 specifies both. Default: "1" pb_sv_cvaruserpulse 99 Help? pb_sv_cvaruserpulse Sets the number of minutes (default is 99 which means disabled) between automatic sends of the CVARUSER command. Default: "99" pb_sv_cvarwalk 0 Help? pb_sv_cvarwalk The default setting of 0 tells PunkBuster to simply log lists of cvar names returned by the CVARSRCH, CVARUSER and CVARCHANGED commands so that the Admin would have to manually query the individual values if desired; a non-zero setting tells PunkBuster to "walk" through each cvar returned in such a list automatically and log the values of each cvar - the higher the number for this setting, the more cvars PunkBuster walks through during each processing cycle. Default: "0" pb_sv_dupnamegrace 0 Help? pb_sv_dupnamegrace Sets to the number of seconds (default is 0 which means duplicate name kicking is disabled) of grace period a player should be granted to change names before being kicked for having the same (duplicate) name as another player (first come first served) on the server. Default: "0" pb_sv_emptyname 0 Help? pb_sv_emptyname When set to 0 (which is the default), PunkBuster will remove players who join with an Empty Name or who change to an Empty Name during gameplay. Default: "0" pb_sv_extchar 1 Help? pb_sv_extchar The default setting of 0 tells PunkBuster to disallow extended ASCII Characters in player names; for the purposes of this command, characters that cannot be easily entered with simple keystrokes are considered extended. Default: "1" pb_sv_guidrelax 0 Help? pb_sv_guidrelax Sets PunkBuster's kicking behavior related to GUIDS; A Value of 1 means PB will not kick for UNKN (Unknown) GUIDs; A Value of 2 means PB will not kick for WRONGIP GUIDs (these are GUIDS which are valid but not from the IP Address the player is connecting from); A Value of 4 means PB will not kick for DUPLICATE GUIDs; These values (1, 2 and 4) can be combined to achieve the desired behavior. Default: "0" pb_sv_httpkey Help? pb_sv_httpkey Sets the Key or Password used by the WebTool to limit access to its features; if this setting is left empty ("" which is the default), then the game server's rconpassword will be used instead; if both are empty, then the WebTool will not be usable at all. Default: "" pb_sv_httpmaps Help? pb_sv_httpmaps By default, this setting is empty which means that the standard official maps will be displayed in the 'change map' dropdown list inside the WebTool; if you wish to customize the entries in the dropdown, then use this setting to store the list of maps (each separated by a space). Default: "" pb_sv_httprefresh 999 Help? pb_sv_httprefresh Sets the number of seconds between auto-refreshes of the Player List screen inside the WebTool; setting this to 999 means that the page will not auto-refresh at all. Default: "999" pb_sv_kicklen 2 Help? pb_sv_kicklen Sets the number of minutes (default is 2) a player will be kept from being able to rejoin after getting kicked by PunkBuster. Default: "" pb_sv_lanmask Help? pb_sv_lanmask This setting is used for Internet Servers that also have local LAN game clients connecting; it should be set to hold the subnet of the LAN; for example, if the LAN IP Addresses are 192.168.1.x, then set pb_sv_lanmask to 192.168.1 Default: "" pb_sv_logaddr Help? pb_sv_logaddr Sets the address of the machine to which remote logging is sent (default is empty meaning the feature is not used). Default: "" pb_sv_logceiling 100 Help? pb_sv_logceiling Sets highest serial number (default is 1000) that PunkBuster will use in numbering its log files before starting over at 1. Default: "100" pb_sv_lognext 2 Help? pb_sv_lognext Sets next serial number that PB will use to name a PB log file; this setting is automatically maintained by PunkBuster and is incremented after each map change by the Game Server as PB opens a new log file. Default: "2" pb_sv_logport 0 Help? pb_sv_logport Sets the listen port of the machine to which remote logging is sent (default is 0 meaning the feature is not used). Default: "0" pb_sv_logpw Help? pb_sv_logpw Sets the password required to send logging output to a listening remote logging machine. Default: "" pb_sv_logsync 0 Help? pb_sv_logsync When set to 1 (default is 0), PB will name Game log files in accordance with PB log files using the same serial number system; Game log files will still be stored in the same location inside the game directory either way, but will have the same filename as the corresponding PB log file and both will be closed at the end of each map and a new log file will be opened. Default: "0" pb_sv_loguser Help? pb_sv_loguser Sets the username required to send logging output to a listening remote logging machine. Default: "" pb_sv_maxcondls 3 Help? pb_sv_maxcondls Sets maximum number (default is 3) of PB updates that PB will attempt to download at the same time. Default: "3" pb_sv_maxdlrate 50 Help? pb_sv_maxdlrate Sets the (roughly) maximum bandwidth (default is 1 KB/sec) requested per file for PB update downloads. Default: "50" pb_sv_minname 0 Help? pb_sv_minname Sets the minimum player name length (default is 0) allowed on the server (after stripping color codes) Default: "0" pb_sv_msgprefix ^3PunkBuster Server Help? pb_sv_msgprefix Sets the text that the PunkBuster Server displays in front of every output line displayed; the default is "^3PunkBuster Server" (note the ^3 means output in the color GOLD); If the game server is running in non-dedicated (listen) mode, all PunkBuster Server output goes to both the top of the playing screen and to the console by default; To prevent PunkBuster Server messages from being displayed on the playing screen, insert the text [skipnotify] before any desired message prefix text. For example, the command pb_sv_msgprefix [skipnotify]^3PunkBuster Server will cause all PunkBuster Server output to go only to the console and not to the playing screen. Default: "^3PunkBuster Server" pb_sv_noguidgrace 1 Help? pb_sv_noguidgrace Sets the number of seconds PB will wait (default is 1) before kicking players who join without having a GUID; Refusing to enter a CDKey into the game causes the "no guid" condition. Default: "1" pb_sv_powerdef 1 Help? pb_sv_powerdef Sets the default number of Player Power points assigned to players who are not in the locally stored PB Player Power database. Default: "1" pb_sv_powerkicklen 5 Help? pb_sv_powerkicklen Sets the number of minutes (default is 5) a player will be kept from being able to rejoin after being removed via the PB Player Power facility. Default: "5" pb_sv_powermin 10 Help? pb_sv_powermin Toggles if a player is removed from the server when the number of power points applied against him/her is equal to or greater than the value of this setting (default is 10). Default: "10" pb_sv_scorekick 0 Help? pb_sv_scorekick Toggles if players whose score drops below this setting will be kicked from the server; the default of 0 means disabled; the allowable range is -1 to -20. Default: "0" pb_sv_sleep 500 Help? pb_sv_sleep Sets the period of time (milliseconds) that the PunkBuster Server "sleeps" between processing cycles; lower numbers will cause PunkBuster to process more times each second which also may have the effect of marginally increasing the bandwidth used by PunkBuster. Default: "100" pb_sv_specname Help? pb_sv_specname If a special spectator client "bot" is used on the server, this setting should hold the player name corresponding to that client so that the PB Server will know this is not a real player; if the player with this name ever has a non-zero score, the "special" status is lost. Default: "" pb_sv_ssceiling 100 Help? pb_sv_ssceiling Sets the highest serial number (default is 100) that PB will use in numbering Screenshot (PNG) files obtained from players before starting over at the PB_SV_SsFloor value. Default: "100" pb_sv_sscmd Help? pb_sv_sscmd Sets name of the script file (default is "" empty which means "not used") that PB calls after each screen shot PNG image file is received; this can be used by admins to copy or otherwise process screenshot files that are obtained automatically during gameplay. Default: "" pb_sv_ssdelay 0 Help? pb_sv_ssdelay If this is non-zero (default is 0), then each PB client will wait a random number of seconds up to the value of this setting after receiving the request before actually capturing a screen image for sending back to the server. Default: "0" pb_sv_ssfloor 1 Help? pb_sv_ssfloor Sets the lowest serial number (default is 1) that PB will use in numbering Screenshot (PNG) files obtained from players. Default: "1" pb_sv_ssheight 240 Help? pb_sv_ssheight Sets the requested height (default is 240 pixels) of images captured by PunkBuster Clients for sending to the PB Server. Default: "240" pb_sv_ssnext 1 Help? pb_sv_ssnext Sets the next serial number that PB will use to name a PNG screen shot image file. Default: "1" pb_sv_sspath Help? pb_sv_sspath If specified (default is "" empty), PB will write captured screen shot images obtained from connected players to this alternate location, this can be a network share or some other location where you would prefer to place screen shot images and the "helper" htm files that go with them. Default: "" pb_sv_sssrate 1 Help? pb_sv_sssrate Sets the sample rate (default is 1) used for capturing screen shots, specifies how many pixels get skipped in the processing of the image to keep file sizes down; if set to 2, then only every 2nd pixel is taken (in both horizontal and vertical directions); if set to 4, then only every 4th pixel is taken. Default: "1" pb_sv_sswidth 320 Help? pb_sv_sswidth Sets requested width (default is 320 pixels) of images captured by PunkBuster Clients for sending to the PB Server. Default: "320" pb_sv_ssxpct 50 Help? pb_sv_ssxpct The percentage across the screen (default is 50%) where the center of the requested screenshot should be captured from. Default: "50" pb_sv_ssypct 50 Help? pb_sv_ssypct The percentage down the screen (default is 50%) where the center of the requested screenshot should be captured from. Default: "50" pb_sv_updategrace 600 Help? pb_sv_updategrace Sets the number of seconds (default is 600) that PunkBuster allows for a player to successfully update to the version of PunkBuster currently in use at the server Default: "600" pb_sv_user_commands // Example custom command - all players MUST have their rate setting from 2500 to 25000 to play on your server. pb_sv_cvar rate IN 2500 25000 pb_sv_user_commands -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CoDaM 1.31 codam_additional_cvars exec "CoDaM.cfg" exec "CoDaM_ServerMessages1.3.cfg" exec "CoDaM_PowerServer.cfg" exec "CoDaM_HamGoodies.cfg" set scr_usecodam 1 Help? codam_additional_cvars You can place additional configuration variables (such as those specific to maps) here. Default: "" g_modtype CoDaM g_modtype scr_allies Help? scr_allies Sets the Allies team nationality ("american", "british", "russian" ) Default: "american" scr_allow_quick 1 Help? scr_allow_quick Toggles if "quick" menu options are allowed. Default: "1" scr_allowrespawn 0 Help? scr_allowrespawn Toggles if respawning is allowed in round-based GT's. Default: "0" scr_autoassign 0 Help? scr_autoassign Toggles if players should be forceably assigned to a team. Default: "0" scr_axis german Help? scr_axis Sets the Axis team nationality (only "german" is supported). Default: "german" scr_bel_nohealthdrop 1 Help? scr_bel_nohealthdrop Toggles if health packs are dropped in BEL gametype. Default: "1" scr_deadbodydelay 99 Help? scr_deadbodydelay Sets
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