In my map "The rescue" there is a global/playervehicle.scr and global/playervehiclesound.scr . It spawns either a tank or jeep . It uses a custom jeep.tik that changes the jeep from classname drivableVehicle to classname VehicleTank so that it can be driven , the tik name is the same and I think it should work on a server without a download .
It is for mohaa so the playervehiclesound.scr is not for spearhead there is another playervehiclesound.scr in the ubersound directory for that and all you need to do is have it in the ubersound dir fir SH . Also if you decide to use it for spearhead you need to remove a couple of lines from the global/playervehicle.scr they may stop BT from running also so move the pak when playing BT .
local.ent.projectile= "models/projectiles/tigercannonshell.tik"
these lines appear twice remove them also for SH
if((self.projectile !=nill)||(self.projectile != null))
self.gun dmprojectile self.projectile
You use it like this
exec global/playervehicle.scr ( 2944.99 -1716.46 67.43 ) 177.8 1 // coord , angle , 1 (tank)
exec global/playervehicle.scr ( 595.98 -1297.28 29.23 ) 177.8 2 // coord ,angle , 2 (jeep)
exec global/playervehiclesound.scr // mohaa