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  1. You could try this: level.direction = 0 while (isAlive local.player) { if (level.gunnerstillon == 0) goto skipjeeploop if(level.direction == 0) level.nodenum = level.nodenum + 1 else level.nodenum = level.nodenum - 1 if (level.nodenum == 31) { level.nodenum = 30 level.direction = 1 } if (level.nodenum == 0) { level.nodenum = 1 level.direction = 0 } self drive ("jnode" + level.nodenum) self waittill drive self stop if(local.player.useheld == 1) { local.vect = angles_toleft (local.player.angles) local.dist = -100 local.vect[0] = local.vect[0] * (local.dist) local.vect[1] = local.vect[1] * (local.dist) local.vect[2] = local.vect[2] * local.dist local.spot = local.vect + local.player.origin local.vturretent unlock local.vturretent detachturrretslot 0 local.spot local.vturretent remove local.vturretnew = "vehicles/jeep_30cal.tik" local.vturretent spawnturret 0 local.vturretnew local.vturretent lock level.gunnerstillon = 0 self.jeepmginuse = 0 local.player.jeepmg = 0 break }[/code]
  2. deadeye arrow's jeep script for Algiers works for me mates....but some changes would be nice. The only problem is that while connected to the jeep one can't seem to leave it again. The only way to leave the jeep now is to get shoot by the enemy. From the looks of this script it goes from node A to node B and if onboard player is still alive it stops there and wait for him to die. The jeep will nor respawn until the player is dead. It would be nice if the player could leave the Jeep. Once that is sorted one could fairly easy adapt this to all stockmaps and to make the nodes go from A --> B and back again (loop), kind of like the vehicles is Black Hawk Down. However for this to work the Jeep should go back to it's start node if the onboard player gets killed. Anyone got any ideas for how to make these changes ??? I've not looked at your map Bdbodger, but I will.
  3. In my map "The rescue" there is a global/playervehicle.scr and global/playervehiclesound.scr . It spawns either a tank or jeep . It uses a custom jeep.tik that changes the jeep from classname drivableVehicle to classname VehicleTank so that it can be driven , the tik name is the same and I think it should work on a server without a download . It is for mohaa so the playervehiclesound.scr is not for spearhead there is another playervehiclesound.scr in the ubersound directory for that and all you need to do is have it in the ubersound dir fir SH . Also if you decide to use it for spearhead you need to remove a couple of lines from the global/playervehicle.scr they may stop BT from running also so move the pak when playing BT . local.ent.projectile= "models/projectiles/tigercannonshell.tik" these lines appear twice remove them also for SH if((self.projectile !=nill)||(self.projectile != null)) self.gun dmprojectile self.projectile You use it like this exec global/playervehicle.scr ( 2944.99 -1716.46 67.43 ) 177.8 1 // coord , angle , 1 (tank) exec global/playervehicle.scr ( 595.98 -1297.28 29.23 ) 177.8 2 // coord ,angle , 2 (jeep) exec global/playervehiclesound.scr // mohaa
  4. //////////////////////////////this is for mohdm7////////////////////////////// level waittill spawn thread location level.jeepspeed = 350 level.triggercount = 0 level.nodenum = 0 thread jeep location: println $player[1].origin println $player[1].angles wait 5 goto location end jeep: spawn script_origin "targetname" "jnode1" $jnode1.origin = (146 1110 -288) $jnode1.target = NULL spawn script_origin "targetname" "jnode2" $jnode2.origin = (148 1110 -288) $jnode2.target = NULL spawn vehicles/jeep.tik "targetname" "jeep1" "origin" "114 -1110 -288" "angles" "0 88 0" $jeep1 nodamage thread spawnjeeptrigger wait 1 $jeep1 thread setup_jeep thread onjeepgun end //////////////////////////////////////// setup_jeep: self immune grenade self immune bullet self immune fast_bullet self immune explosion self immune rocket self removeimmune grenade self removeimmune bullet self removeimmune fast_bullet self removeimmune explosion self removeimmune rocket self vehiclespeed level.jeepspeed self.jeepinuse = 0 self.jeepmginuse = 0 self.destroyed = 0 self.health = 700 self.startorigin = self.origin self.startangles = self.angles end //////////////////////////////////////// onjeepgun: $jeep1_trigger[level.triggercount] waittill trigger $jeep1 thread players_jeep_mg end //////////////////////////////////////// players_jeep_mg: local.player = parm.other self rendereffects "-shadow" self.jeepmginuse = 1 self removeondeath 1 local.vturretent = self queryturretslotentity 0 local.vturretent unlock self attachturretslot 0 local.player local.player perferredweapon ".30cal Machine Gun" local.vturretent lock local.player.jeepmg = 1 level.gunnerstillon = 1 self thread checkongunner while (isAlive local.player) { if (level.gunnerstillon == 0) goto skipjeeploop level.nodenum = level.nodenum + 1 if (level.nodenum == 31) level.nodenum = 1 self drive ("jnode" + level.nodenum) self waittill drive self stop } skipjeeploop: thread spawnjeeptrigger wait 1 thread onjeepgun end //////////////////////////////////////// checkongunner: local.player = parm.other checkgunneragain: if (isAlive local.player) { wait .2 goto checkgunneragain } else level.gunnerstillon = 0 end //////////////////////////////////////// spawnjeeptrigger: level.triggercount = level.triggercount + 1 spawn script_object "targetname" "jeep1_trigger" "classname" "trigger_multiple" $jeep1_trigger[level.triggercount].origin = $jeep1.origin + ( 0 150 30) $jeep1_trigger[level.triggercount].target = $jeep1 println ("spawned jeep trigger" + level.triggercount + " at " + $jeep1_trigger[level.triggercount].origin) end[/code]
  5. S-22


    Driveable JEEP in stock map? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Anyone know if it's possible to have a driveable JEEP in stock map? I can apawn a jeep no probs, but I'd like to be able to have ppl jump in, drive fast and get out. No need for it to fire, just driveable would be good. Thanks in anticipation!
  6. 文件是没什么问题,V1.5升级包用的是本站的补丁?如果是的话需要把C盘生成的BACKUP目录删掉,因为这是安装程序自己建立的。这个问题下一个补丁会解决。
  7. 那肯定是哪一步出了问题。只要荣誉勋章能运行,按照个教学做就肯定没问题。 教学里的路径不是看得到的荣誉勋章的目录路径,那些路径都在.pk3包里,按照教学做就可以实现效果。 其他模型的路径: http://www.fpschina.com/index.php?showtopic=485
  8. 也可能是系统分区剩余空间不足以提供交换文件临时空间。
  9. 得先擦一些香水
  10. 似乎至少少了一个文件:localized_english_pak0.pk3 下载运行检测器: http://www.fpschina.com/index.php?showtopic=898
  11. http://www.fpschina.com/index.php?showforum=16
  12. 有一个地方要选择游戏安装目录的,点击“浏览”按钮指定。 你把结果贴上来我明天早上帮你看吧,今天太困了。
  13. 老大。。。。要指定游戏目录的。
  14. 搜索用到的端口是udp 12300。
  15. 这个是设置硬件对照表的内容。。。。 下载个检查工具吧,然后把结果贴上来。 http://www.fpschina.com/index.php?showtopic=897
  16. 本站近日将中国百年战争史料馆作为推荐专题在首页右侧推出,该专题作为本站最严肃的一个部分,希望大家都能常去看看。在此也感谢各位版主和各位朋友为丰富这个专题而作出的努力,让我们牢记不应该忘记的过去。
  17. LR3D 插件下载:http://www.sxcreations.com/lr3d/lightray3d.php?page=2 MS3D 插件下载:http://www.swissquake.ch/chumbalum-soft/ms3d/download.html
  18. 是不是用秘籍了? 你的UO不是最新版本,可以先考虑升级一下。
  19. 那肯定是网络环节的问题了,检查防火墙是否屏蔽了游戏端口。
  20. 难得的图像资料!!!!难得!!!!
  21. 是啊。其实不难,但制作的时候需要集中精力,因为必须得尽可能多的考虑到安装后可能出现的不兼容情况。 惭愧的是我一个月只有几次能集中精力。
  22. 嗯,只有在补丁发布的时候人气会剧增一下,主要因为电信的玩家访问比较慢。
  23. 地球上最好的COD汉化包就要出了。
  24. 嘿嘿嘿嘿
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