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id soft和Activision即将推出第一人称射击游戏Doom3的资料片《Doom3:邪恶复苏》,由Nerve soft和id soft联手开发的这部资料片将延续Doom3的经典,恐怖和刺激的游戏旅程。 你找到了永恒的邪恶神器,地狱的力量尽在掌中,因此也引来很多恶魔要重新从你手中夺回它。在新的资料片中,增加了新场景、人物和武器,包括双管霰弹枪的回归。 “Doom3带我们走入了一个第一人称的电影中,而资料片将在一个恐怖的氛围里继续Doom3的剧情,一个新的故事和一把经典的武器:双管霰弹枪。”id soft的总裁Todd Hollen shead如是说,“在Doom3中我们成功的在荣誉和你的座位上生存下来,而在《Doom3:邪恶复苏》中,我们将深入UAC的核心,揭开新的秘密和技术,用来消灭那些试图摧毁你的恶魔。” 《Doom3:邪恶复苏》保留了前作的强大引擎,并支持8人连线作战,新增了8人游戏地图。本资料片需要Doom3的完全版本支持。更多 Doom3 图片请 点击查看 。
游戏的时候? 方法之一是 local.player 执行 localization x y "地址字串" 抱歉我最近没有测试环境,我看 tractor 好像有做,你可以问问他。
一般先在 ASE 里的主机上点右键,选择主机属性,输入在 V0.9 server.txt 里面设置的远程管理密码,确定;在主机上点右键,选择远程管理,就能踢人和进行其他操作了。
Exporting your model to VET Tool Load your model into MilkShape 3D and choose File|Export|Viewpoint Experience Technology.... You will be asked for the .mtx filename. Please export into the same directory, where your .ms3d model is. This is important, that the relative path names of the textures stay intact. Otherwise you will loose the textures. You can move your .mtx/.mts files later to another location, because the textures will be included in the .mts file. Using the VET Tool for MilkShape 3D Click the Save button and the VET Tool will start with the content of MilkShape 3D. The VET Tool comes with a preview. The final VET model will look as it looks in that preview. So zoom in/out, rotate and pan the model until it looks fine to you. The exported model comes with exactly the same camera settings as in the preview. The option bar allows you to set some values and preview the effects. You can play with them to see the result. However, I will explain the most important ones. In the Publish MTX/MTS section you can leave all values as they are. They are default values and give good results in most cases. You might want to change the Author name to your name. In the Publish HTML section you can specify a template HTML file, which must be in the ./VET/html folder relative to the ms3d.exe. There are already a few templates included. You might want to add your own templates. See the section templates below. You also have to provide a broadcastkey, so that there's no watermark over your VET model, when you publish it on your site. The options bar screenshot shows the broadcastkey URL of my site. It is valid also for the forum. The sections Publish MTX/MTS and Publish HTML are saved, so that you will start with the same values like that last time. Section Scene has Background Color which has currently no effect. The VET plugin renders the model with the background color of your page anyway. More important is the Render Mode. You can change it to Texture, Wireframe, L. M. Texture (LightMapped Textured) and L. M. Texture Mod. (LightMapped Textured Modulated). If you want to remove the shiny effect of VET models, simply choose Texture. Exporting the MTX/MTS pair When all options are set, choose File|Publish MTX/MTS Pair from the menu or hit the button. If everything goes fine, you will see this message box. Exporting HTML Then optionally choose File|Publish HTML from the menu or hit the button. The exporter will use the specified HTML template and replace the Plug-in Width, Plug-in Height and Broadcast Key values. The HTML page is ready to be viewed (depending on your template). Animations Animations are not yet supported. Templates The HTML templates are used to export a HTML file ready to use. MilkShape 3D comes with a few templates, which must be in the ./VET/html subfolder of MilkShape 3D. Add your custom templates into that folder. Here is a sample HTML template. As you can see, there are for place holders, which will be replaced by the exporter with the appropriate values. ((VMP))FILENAME((VMP)) ((VMP))Plug-in Width::400((VMP)) ((VMP))Plug-in Height::400((VMP)) ((VMP))BROADCASTKEY((VMP)) The value behind the :: is the default value. So the default values for width and height are 400. <html> <head> <title>Title</title> <script language="javascript" src="http://www.swissquake.ch/chumbalum-soft/MTS3Interface.js"></script> <script language="javascript"> <!-- var vmp; //--> </script> </head> <body> <script language="javascript"> vmp = new MTSPlugin("((VMP))FILENAME((VMP))", ((VMP))Plug-in Width::400((VMP)), ((VMP))Plug-in Height::400((VMP)), "((VMP))BROADCASTKEY((VMP))", "popUp"); </script> </body> </html> After exporting to HTML, it will turn into: <html> <head> <title>Title</title> <script language="javascript" src="http://www.swissquake.ch/chumbalum-soft/MTS3Interface.js"></script> <script language="javascript"> <!-- var vmp; //--> </script> </head> <body> <script language="javascript"> vmp = new MTSPlugin("test.mtx", 120, 80, "http://www.swissquake.ch/chumbalum-soft/broadcastkey.mtx", "popUp"); </script> </body> </html>[/code] [size=9][b]Final Words[/b][/size] Ok, that's it. Upload your files and with the correct broadcastkey it will look like it looks locally in your disk. - Mete
本站 The All-Seeing Eye V2.3.6 简体中文破解版发布 改进内容: 1. 破解版本; 2. 修正了过滤国内服务器时仍然扫描全球主机的bug。 安装方法:先装前面提供的V2.3.6简体版本,然后再下载这个解压缩,把解压缩的 eye.exe 和 filters.txt 覆盖到 The All-Seeing Eye 目录里即可。 详细情况和下载链接请 点击 。
2004年,随着中俄关于东段边界补充协议的签署,中国长达21000公里的陆地边界,已有近20000公里得到确定。目前,中国与越南、俄罗斯、中亚国家的勘界工作正在进行之中,刚刚达成的中俄东段边界补充协议也即将开始实施。从1954年中缅边界谈判算起,在历时半个世纪之后,中国的轮廓终于渐渐清晰起来。 “别说是砂子,就是金子也让挖!” 1949年,中国新生政权在环顾周边时,突然发现这个古老国家的边界,居然包括了三种相互交织的“边界线”:既有不平等条约规定的边界,也有多年形成的传统习惯线,还有当时中国的实际控制线。可以这样说,基本上没有任何一段边界是已经确定的。 同历朝历代不同,这个新生政权并没有“布国威于四海”,而是把建立与周边国家的睦邻友好关系放在了第一位,尽管当时许多国家对它半信半疑,甚至怀有敌意。 于是,对于最容易引发争议的边界问题,周恩来总理表示:“如果因为边界问题使我们同邻国的关系紧张起来,还不如不提出、不解决为好,以等待时机的成熟。” 在向社会主义阵营“一边倒”的外交战略之下,在“团结一切亚非拉民族独立国家”的口号声中,边界问题被搁置下来。 即使是中国在朝鲜战争中应用“现实主义”的逻辑成为“大国”后,周恩来还是对金日成说:“我们的国界很难划分,我们对你们实行门户开放。”当一些朝鲜人在鸭绿江中拉砂子时,周总理也只是表示:“别说是砂子,就是金子也得让拉。” 然而,1950年代发生的一些事情让中国领导人觉得无法回避边界问题了。如1954年,印度公开以中国历届政府都未承认的“麦克马洪线”划为中印边界。当然,另一个重要原因是,此时中国被西方歪曲的形象因为“和平共处五项原则”而获得了极大改善。 边界问题从此进入外交日程。1960年的《中缅边界条约》成为中华人民共和国与邻国缔结的第一份边界条约。中国在边界划分问题上并没有锱铢必较,以此换来了中缅边境良好的战略环境以及其他国家对中国这个“大朋友”的疑虑的初步消解。 1960年代,以中缅边界协议为范本,中尼(泊尔)、中巴(基斯坦)、中蒙、中阿(富汗)等边界协议也相继顺利签订,92公里的中阿边界谈判过程甚至不到10个小时。中朝边界也在这一时期划定。 这一轮划界高潮之后,就只剩中苏、中印、中不(丹)和中越边界留待划定了。然而,这一留就是40年。 边界冲突30年 1960年以前,社会主义的意识形态和亚非拉团结的共同愿望相当程度上保证了边境的稳定,而此后意识形态的分歧以及迅速上升的国家利益,让边界局势紧张了起来。 从1959年8月中印边境“朗久事件”到19X8X9年中越“赤瓜礁”冲突,中国与印度、苏联、越南之间,军事冲突穿插着边界谈判,在打打谈谈中持续了30年。 中印边界1700公里,核心问题就是“麦克马洪线”。事实上,这条线在建国之初并没有阻碍中印两国发展友好关系,中印两国甚至还联手提出了“和平共处五项原则”。中印边界的紧张局势源于印度1950年趁朝鲜战争之机军事占领了“麦克马洪线”以南地区,单方面改变边界现状。此后,印度的“前进政策”引发了“朗久”和“空喀山”等一系列边境事件,战争也终于未能幸免。硝烟散尽,在中国撤军多年之后,随着印度军队的重新进驻,中印边界就此维持下来。 中印关系的恶化在中国边界问题上至少牵连出了另外两个后果,一是中巴(基斯坦)边界问题顺利解决,二是中不(丹)边界划定无限期拖延。 在中苏关系的蜜月期,“同志加兄弟”的友谊使边界问题显得微不足道。然而,当原则性的纷争蔓延到国家关系层面时,边界首当其冲为表达不满提供了新的渠道。1960年夏中苏之间发生了第一次边境事件,在新疆境内的“博孜艾格尔山口”,苏联边防军以越界放牧为由袭击了中国牧民。仅1960年当年,类似事件就发生了上千起。 当年,中国外交部成立了“中苏边界问题办公室”,着手准备与苏联的边界谈判。周恩来为中方确定的谈判口径是:不承认一切不平等条约,但“为照顾现实情况,同意以条约为基础谈判解决边界问题”。然而,1964年启动的第一轮边界谈判,6个月的成果只是在专家层面上双方承认边界存在“争议地区”。这点微薄成果没能促进缓和,最终导致了1969年两个核大国在珍宝岛兵戎相向。 珍宝岛事件6个月之后,周恩来总理与苏联部长会议主席柯西金,在北京举行了著名的“机场会见”,才使两个核大国之间几乎“一触即发”的气氛缓和了下来,中苏边界谈判也因此得以重开。不过此后的九年谈判,仅仅是提供了一个沟通的渠道,边界对峙却日趋严峻。 越南与中国的边界冲突,从1979年到1988年持续了9年多。然而,这条边界也浓缩了中国人十分复杂的感情,从同仇敌忾“援越抗美”到被迫“自卫反击”,历史也同中国开了一个莫大的玩笑。 我们总要友好的,不能老这么吵下去嘛!” 边界问题并非只是简单的领土得失,往往要结合宏观的国家间关系的背景下才能真正看清楚。从这个意义上讲,边界问题的产生固然有其历史原因,但它最终表现为一个政治问题。边界问题的激化往往能凸现国家关系的恶化;相应地,其解决不但要依靠国家关系的改 善,更需要各方的妥协。 1970年代末,中国国内建设翻开了新的一页,中国外交也同时面临新的契机。邓小平1982年会见当时的联合国秘书长德奎利亚尔时提到周边安全对中国整个改革进程的重要性,他说:“一打仗,(改革开放)这个计划就要吹了。”尽快解决边界问题成为中国发展一个客观的需要。 1981年12月,中印两国重新恢复边界谈判。不过,中印边界问题真正出现曙光还是在2003年印度总理瓦杰帕伊访华之后。正是在这次访问中,中印双方领导人决定“从两国关系大局的政治角度出发”,最终解决边界争端。两国随即任命“特别代表”,从2003年10月到2004年11月的一年中,连续举行了四轮会晤。单从会晤的密集程度上,我们就不难理解印度外交秘书西巴尔话中的意味:“(中印两国)正着眼于从长远角度和战略高度解决边界问题。” 瓦杰帕伊1979年以外长身份访华时就曾提议任命“特别代表”解决边界问题。他这一提议在24年之后终于成为了现实。更为巧合的是,印度第一位边界问题特别代表米什拉在中印关系最冰冷的1970年恰恰是驻华临时代办。那一年,毛泽东主席对他说:“我们总要友好的,不能老这样吵下去嘛。” 如今的中印边界仍然在谈判之中。不过,去年8月15日印度国庆和10月1日中国国庆,远在青藏高原雪线上的中印边防哨所互访,互祝国庆快乐。从枪来炮往到紧张对峙再到友好互访,坚冰显然正在消融。 中苏边界问题的解冻始于稍后的1986年。早已抛弃意识形态成见的两国本着“结束过去,开辟未来”的理性态度将中苏重新拉回到谈判桌前。邓小平重申了周恩来总理20年前确定的谈判方针:“考虑到历史和现实的情况,我们仍然愿意以现有条约为基础,合理解决边界问题。”中苏边界谈判,在中断10年之后于1987年再次恢复。仅仅两年半时间,中苏就达成东段边界走向的协议。相比从前,这个速度可谓惊人。 苏联最终没能同中国就西段边界达成最后协议。不过,在苏联解体后,继承前苏联西北边界遗产的俄罗斯、哈萨克斯坦、吉尔吉斯斯坦以及塔吉克斯坦四国依然延续了同中国友好协商的势头。在中国与这四国军事互信机制蔚然成型,经贸合作不断增强的情形下,边界协议也水到渠成。到1999年8月,除中塔两国在帕米尔地区尚有小部分存在争议外,中国西北边界也全部划定。 去年10月14日,中俄双方签署的《中俄国界东段的补充协定》解决了中俄边界上最后的悬疑——黑瞎子岛和阿巴该图洲渚。自此,中俄边界全部划定。 相比较而言,中越边界谈判直到1993年8月才得以重开。在人类进入千禧年的倒数第二天,中越双方完成了16轮谈判,最终签订了《中越陆地边界条约》。在所有双方有争议的227平方公里土地中,113平方公里划归越南,114平方公里划归中国。2001年12月27日,中越陆地边界的第一块界碑在越南芒街立下。总共1533对界碑目前已经树立了一半以上。 曾有人把中越1350公里陆地边界比作是一条“巨大的等待缝合的伤口”。其实中印、中苏(俄)边界又何尝不是呢?如今,这几道巨大的伤口终于快被缝合了。 陆地边界“收官”,海洋边界“序盘” 截至目前,中国的陆地边界除了中印、中不、中塔边界各存一段争议区,中朝之间尚存几个小岛的争议之外,陆地边界已大体确定。 与此同时,海洋边界问题也被纳入中国视野。中国海洋边界同1949年时陆地边界的情况类似,隔海相望的8个国家几乎都与中国在海界上存在或多或少的矛盾。越南、菲律宾、印尼、马来西亚、文莱等国在南海一些岛屿及专属经济区上向中国提出主权要求;而中日关于钓鱼岛归属、中日朝韩关于专属经济区的划分也存在争议。在中国自己测定的300多万平方公里的海洋国土中,与邻国存在争议的面积大约有150万平方公里。 更重要的是,与绝大部分的陆地边界问题都是双边问题不同,中国面临的海洋边界问题增加了一层多边外交的背景,这无疑大大增加了解决的复杂性。 2000年12月25日,中越两国代表在北京正式签署了《中越北部湾领海、专属经济区和大陆架划界协定》,历史上第一次明确了中越两国在北部湾海域的专属经济区的分界线,。这条“S”形分界线成为中国第一条海上边界,从而拉开了中国与邻国海上边界谈判的序幕。 尤其需要指出的是,这份协定只对海域加以划分,并没有涉及相关岛屿的主权归属。传统上,在中国与邻国的海洋边界纷争中,岛屿的主权归属往往和专属经济区的划分纠结在一起,使海洋划界问题更加复杂。而这份协议将岛屿置于海界划分的“零效力”地位。 虽然南海争端一时半会还难以解决,但至少中国与东盟在2002年达成了《南海各方行动宣言》,初步确立了“搁置争议,共同开发”的原则,营造了相对缓和的气氛。相比于南海,中日关于东海专属经济区划界的谈判则异常艰难。在当前情势下,惟一可以确定的是,要达成一个双方都能接受的协议,尤其是要达成一个双方民众都能接受的协议,双方政府都还有漫长的路要走。 50年来,中国经历了两次陆地边界的划界高潮,也经受了整整30年的边界军事冲突的洗炼。事实证明,灵活务实的、互谅互让的和平谈判才真正能够解决边界的纷争,基于现实的、双赢的边界协定才能最大程度上维护国家利益。 郭力
The second step is quite difficult, and depends on two things: the quality/type of the image you're going to extract and the stability of your drawing hand. If you're lucky, you'll get it on the first shot without having to go back and retry. Note: Depending on your image, you may want to use a small or large brush size. For this particular image (any any in-game screenies for that matter), you can use a smaller brush for more accuracy and less clean-up. If you have an image with a bunch of wispy parts or hair, you may want to use a larger brush on those parts. Select the edge highlight tool, and begin tracing the outline of the image that you want. This takes a steady hand, but luckily there's an eraser tool below that you can use to correct any jitters or slip-ups that may be caused by a shaky hand. Here you can see that I've outlined my image sucessfully with a size 4 brush. If your image uses the brush color, there's an option to change it to several others. The next step is to define the portion of the image you wish to extract using the fill tool. Using the fill tool, select the center of the image. It should look something like this. Once the image has been filled, select Preview and drool over a job well done. If you wish to make changes to your extraction, you can go back and do so. If you're satisfied, hit Ok to accept the changes. If you would like to skip everything for this picture and download a zipped .psd file of the extracted flying Counter-Terrorist, click here. After you've sucessfully extracted your image, it'd be a good bet to downsize it to remove any jagged edges or wispy parts that cropped up. On larger brush sizes you may get bits of color outside of your extraction area, but a simple erase can correct that problem. After you're done, you can add effects or anything else your heart desires. If there is text on the image, you can use the Rubber Stamp tool (and a Defined Pattern) to remove it. Here's what I made after everything was said and done: By aeflux, artist/freelance writer
How to extract anything from a screenshot, like a player model for instance. How to Extract a Model From a Screenshot Have you ever captured that one kickass screenshot in Counter-Strike, looked at it, and wished that you could just get the player model rendered in the position without all of the tedious rendering involved in Milkshape or 3DSMAX? Fear not, There's a tutorial for you today on how to extract anything from a picture. The only thing you'll need is Adobe Photoshop 5.x, which I'll be using in this tutorial. First off, grab a screenshot that you'd like to extract the picture from. It can be a shot of a person sniping, a funny death image, or a bunch of terrorists raping chickens in cs_italy. Whatever. Just make sure the screenshot you have has a definiable image that you'd like to extract. The photo-in-case that I'll be using is a screenshot sent in to CS-Nation of a hilarious kill scene. You can download it here if you don't have a pic to follow along with, or just want something to work with for the time being. Fire up Photoshop and get ready to extract. Load your image and cut off any excess garbage. As you can see in my pic, I've sliced off the goofy "freelook" mode text at the bottom to make a better picture. We can't do anything about extracting content from that bar at the bottom, so just copy the portion you're going to use into a new image. This will make extraction one step easier. After the image is prepped and ready to go, load up the extracter by going to Image / Extract... or by pressing Alt+Ctrl+X. On to Step 2, ho-slice!!
Spice up those drab Milkshape/HLMV screen caps by adjusting levels. Also demonstrates selecting by color range. Introduction If you've been making some spiffy CS-Art by taking screenshots of models in MilkShape or Half-Life Model Viewer (HLMV), you may have noticed that the images are awfully dark. Adjusting the brightness or contrast tends to kill the image quality. You probably have also wanted to get rid of that dull background color and replace it with a scene or something. This quick tutorial will show you how to work around these problems by using level adjustments and selecting by color range in Photoshop. Before continuing, you should know some Photoshop basics. Phong, Designs by Mark, and Alpha Project (thanks for the link, Strife_11) all have some good beginner tutorials (and then some). Initial Screenshot and Color Range So let's get down to business. Open up your model in MilkShape or HLMV and pose him the way you want. Our short term goal is to discard the background and just have the model after we copy the image to Photoshop. In order to do that, we have to make the background a solid, distinct color. Follow these instructions depending on which program you're using: HLMV: By default there's a black background. Let's change it to green. Click Options, Background Color, select the brightest green, and click OK. MilkShape: By default there's a blue background that will work just fine. Right click the 3D window and click Maximize. Right Click again and turn off the grid and axis markers. Do a print screen and fire up Photoshop. Paste to a new image and select/copy the portion that you want. Paste to a new image again and delete the "Background" layer as it will only confuse us later on. Click Select, Color Range. Make sure Fuzziness is set to "0" and the "Image" bullet is selected (you can also fiddle around with the "Selection Preview" options but it's not neccessary). Move the cursor over the green and click. Then click OK. Notice the dotted selection that appears. Press delete and voila! No more green (thank god). It's time to fix up the brightness. Adjusting the Levels and Further Tweaking Click Select, Deselect to clear the selection. Click Image, Adjust, Levels. You'll see a Levels dialog box pop up. Now play around with the triangles for the histogram thingy until the image looks right. Here's a before and after comparison (click to enlarge): An improvement, yes? Sometimes parts of the body may be slightly bleached (like the left hand in the upper right image). For the perfectionists out there, you can avoid bleaching by following these steps prior to level adjusting: Select the portion of body that you want to protect. Feather the selection a bit (click Select, Feather) and then copy it to a new layer. Do the usual level adjustments to the original layer with the model. Go back to the new layer we created and play with the layer options. For example, I used Hard Light at about 80% opacity to fix the hand for the tutorial image: That's it. The funny thing is, if you use QSB or 3D Studio MAX, you don't really have to go through all this because you can do light sourcing. Maybe a tutorial for that process would be beneficial, eh? - Daemonite btw, those are not Beta 7 berettas. They are actually scaled down versions of this fine piece of work by Disinfect.
How to bring .mdl files into 3dsmax so you can edit them/pose them and whatnot. **web addressed with these around them should have the pic next to the text Alrighty then... *cracks knuckles* this tutorial uses a lot of picture references so you won't get lost unless you are a complete Sir_Knumskull. First you'll need Milkshape 3D. If you don't have it get it here: http://www.swissquake.ch/chumbalum-soft/ms3d1x/index.html *I believe you need a registered version so you can export the files (there is a one month trial period though which does allow for exporting without registering). Next you'll need a .pak explorer which you can get for free. Open up the cstrike.pak file and extract the .mdl's you want. Note- If you did a total reinstall/update of CS you won't have any .pak file so just go into your cstrike/models/player/ to find each player model. Open up Milkshape 3D and go to Tools>Half-Life>Decompile Normal HL MDL File if you want to decompile a player model (such as a ct or terror) or go to Tools>Half-Life>Decompile CS (left or right) MDL File for the weapon .mdl's. *http://www.geocities.com/foxtrot_niner1/3dmax/tut/decompilemodel.jpg* It should be noted that the V_weapon.mdl files are used ingame as what you (the player) sees in first person view. Since Milkshape doesn't export animations into 3D Studio MAX you will only need to decompile the textures and model itself without the sequences or .QC file. Now still in Milkshape 3D go to File>Import>Half-Life SMD and open up the newly decompiled .smd template model which in this case is the terrorist arctic model (without bomb pack). The next window that pops up asks you if you want to import the Triangles and Skeleton. Make sure both boxes are checked and click "ok". You should now see the weapon/player in the viewports. Now go to File>Export>Autodesk 3DS and select a location for it to save the .3DS file to. Make sure the boxes labeled "Meshes" and "Materials" are checked. Now you have a .3DS file that 3D Studio MAX can import correctly rather then a .mdl file which cannot be read by 3D Studio MAX. Place the bitmaps from the decompiled weapon/player model in either the 3DSMax/maps folder or a dir of your choice. But if it's a dir of your choice you need to tell 3D Studio MAX where the bmp's are because it won't be able to find them by itself if they aren't already in a directory that 3D Studio MAX looks for maps in. To tell max where to look when you try and render a scene with the player model it will bring up a message saying "hey, point me to a directory where I can find these image files with these names" (it doesn't really say that but that's what is meant) Click on the "browse" button and surf to the directory where you stored the map files in. If you never moved them from the directory you decompiled the .mdl in they are still in that same directory. Now you should have done what you came here to learn about- importing a Counter-Strike .mdl into 3D Studio MAX. -FoxTrot-Niner
Compiling For use in QSB (Quake Scene Builder) or a model viewer: Click Animate, Set Keyframe. Then move the slider at the bottom all the way to the right. Click Animate, Set Keyframe again. Click File, Export, Half-Life SMD. Select template_terror.smd (you may want to back it up first). When asked, choose Reference and click ok. Export again, select idle.smd this time (again, backing up is a good idea). When asked, choose Sequence and click ok. Adding the gun to the terrorist also meant adding an additional skin. Go into your folder with the P228 and copy the .bmp to the folder with the terrorist. Go back to MilkShape. Click Tools, Half-Life, Compile QC File and select the terror.qc. Watch the message window and make sure there aren't any errors. Your hard drive will spin for a bit and then you can grab the new .mdl file out of that folder. Note: If you want to use the model in-game, there's a slightly different technique required. I'll talk about that in a future update. For Use in 3D Studio Max: please refer yourself to the tutorial written by Foxtrot-Niner (here) What's Next? From here you can go and use other programs to enhance the work you've done in MilkShape. I'll be writing tutorials for QSB and Photoshop in the future that pick up where this tutorial has left off. Think of it as a three-part series, like Back to the Future, but not. Gimme some feedback or post your comments in the My forum because I'm gonna be doing this for awhile and would like to know what you guys think. Come on, don't be scared. All the cool kids are doing it. - Daemonite / with minor updates done by fuddo
Attaching Objects and Posing It's time to attach the gun to the terrorist's hand. Go to the Joints tab. Select Bip01 R Hand. Click SelAssigned. Note how a bunch of red dots appear on the hand in the 2d windows. Now go to the Groups tab. Click on w_p228 from the list and click on Select. Note how the gun highlights red along with the hand dots. Go back to the Joints tab. Click assign. Make sure it worked by clicking SelAssigned again. Now there should be red dots around the gun as well as the hand. Posing time. Go to the Model tab and unhide the parts from earlier (just select an item and click Hide again). In the Model tab, make sure Rotate is selected. Click that lil Anim button in the bottom right corner. Go to the Joints tab. Select Bip01 R Arm1 and click and drag in the upper right 2d window until he's pointing his gun forward. Now tweak with the Bip01 R Finger0 and Bip01 R Finger1 until it looks like he's gripping the gun. Keep in mind that the different 2d windows let you rotate along different axis. The only thing left to do is adjust the other bones until you finish the pose. Easier said then done however. You need only select specific limbs and other body parts to do so. As a tip, rotate is the only tool you should use to manipulate limbs while move should only be used if you wish to relocate the whole player model during drastic posings. Below is the finished product, a classic pose: Next: Compiling and Beyond MilkShape
Importing and Setting Up Now we want to open up the player model and then give him a handgun. Click File, Import, Half-Life SMD. Go to the Terrorist Model folder. There are now a few files in the folder. The file we're looking for is terror.smd (the correct reference .smd is named in the same vein as the model itself). This has all the polygons and basic skeleton. So after opening that file a dialog box will pop up. Once again, make sure everything is checked and click ok. After a few hard drive turns, you should have a terrorist chillin like below. Next, import the reference_p228.smd the same way you would with a player model EXCEPT when the SMD Import dialog box pops up, make sure Triangles is the only thing selected. This is very important! So important that to the right is a screenshot to avoid any confusion: Before we continue, let's hide some parts of the terrorist to make it easier to work with the gun and the hand. Click on the Groups tab at the upper right. Select holster-1, Click Hide. Repeat this to hide everything except terror_arms and w_p228. You should have something that looks like this: I chose the P228 for this tutorial because notice that the gun is pitch black. This happens to a few of the guns because I believe Gooseman accidently inverted them. The way to fix this is by mirroring the gun. While still in the Groups tab, click on w_p228 from the list, and click on Select. The gun should highlight red on the 2d windows. Click on Vertex from the top menu, then Mirror Left The gun moves over a bit, but at least it looks proper. Let's move the gun back over to the right hand and do some positioning. Click on the Model tab. Click on Move. You can either drag the gun with your mouse or type in a numeric amount. After its in position, click the Rotate button in the Model tab to the right. Adjust the gun so it lines up correctly (don't worry about the hand yet) and looks something like this: Next: Attaching and Posing
A basic guide to posing guys and attaching guns. scudzilla not included. 1. Introduction / Decompiling Update: The tut isn't 100% up to date with the newest version of CS and Milkshape, but I'm keeping it up here as a lot of the things it says are good to think about when you're making any piece of art with Milkshape. Clarification: I've been getting some mail from people who expected something else out of this tutorial, so let me clear things up: This tutorial DOES NOT show you how to make replacement models. This tutorial DOES show you how to pose guys and attach guns and stuff to them so that you can make really spiffy CS-Art! On with the show... Introduction First things first, straight from the MilkShape 3D web page: MilkShape 3D is a lowcount polygon modeler, which is capable of importing and exporting various (game) file formats. Currently there is support for Half-Life models, Quake2 models, Quake III Arena models, Unreal/UT models and Genesis 3D models. This tutorial was written with the intention of improving your abilitiy to make CS-Art. I'm not going to show you how to model a scudzilla with testicles of fury or make unique weapon replacement models either. There's already plenty of sites out there with that kind of information. Next to the titles of some sections you'll notice an "(avi)" link. This means there's a movie available for that particular section. All movies are zipped and under a meg so give em a try! If you haven't already, download the latest version of MilkShape now. This tutorial assumes you're using version 1.5.7 (the latest as of this writing). You might want to check out the documentation and play around with MilkShape for a few minutes before continuing to the next section. Decompiling Whichever model you're looking to decompile you will now find it within your /cstrike/models/ folder, be it in the /weapons, or /player folders. It's best to create a folder for your project and keep a copy of all your parts (guns, players, more guns) in folder's within that. The reason for this is that after you decompile a model, a whole bunch of of .smd files are dumped into whatever folder the model was in and it's easy to lose track of things. For this tutorial, I am using p_p228.mdl and terror.mdl. So my project folder looks like this: (C:) | +-- Tutorial | +-- P228 Model | +-- Terrorist Model The p_p228.mdl file goes in the P228 Model folder and the terror.mdl goes in the Terrorist Model folder. So let's go into Milkshape and decompile these suckers. First, make sure you have Show Message Window and Show Keyframer checked in the Window menu. Now click Tools, Half-Life, Decompile Normal HL MDL File. Go to the project folder and select p_p228.mdl. Now click Open. A dialog box will pop up. Check the first, third and fourth boxes only. If you choose to decompile the sequence .smd files then you will be stuck with all the bases for the in game animations. And we don't want all those poking around and creating more confusion. You'll notice in the message window at the bottom that some .smd files were written to disk. Repeat the same procedure for the terror.mdl. Next: Importing and Setting Up
我估计 tank_killed.scr 得自己改改内容。 比较不好资源的爆炸需要加入一个爆炸的实体名,而且要在地图.scr里面事先定义好爆炸。你看看资料备查里面有没有,没有的话只能去 modtheater 找了。