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===================================================================== 《英雄连队:火线对决》自述文件 ===================================================================== 目录 1) 安装及设定: 1.1 系统需求 1.2 支持的显示卡 1.3 DirectX®侦测及安装 2) 问题排除: 2.1 安装程序/更新问题 2.2 显示卡问题 2.3 音效问题 2.4 主机本驱动程序 2.5 操作系统特定问题 2.6 多人游戏及因特网问题 2.7 AMD Athlon 64 X2双核心处理器问题 2.8 已知某些显示卡发生的罕见问题 3) 快捷键 4) 提升效能 5) 软件著作授权合约 6) 客户服务与技术支持 7) 版权信息 ===================================================================== 1) 安装及设定: ===================================================================== 请注意:《英雄连队:火线对决》不支援Microsoft® Windows® 95/98/NT/2000。 1.1 系统需求 小需求 -WindowsXP 或 Vista -2.0 Ghz Intel Pentium IV 或同等;AMD Athlon XP 或同等 -Windows XP 512 MB RAM 和专用内存显示卡 (共享内存显示卡需要 1 GB RAM) -Windows Vista 1GB RAM -100% DirectX 9.0c 兼容的64MB 显示卡,支持Pixel Shader 1.1或同等 (请见以下支持的显示芯片) -DirectX9.0c 兼容的16位声卡 -DVD-ROM 光驱 -键盘、鼠标 -10 GB 未压缩的硬盘空间(我们建议游戏安装完毕后还有1GB的未使用空间) 建议配备 Direct3D 9: -3.0 Ghz Intel Pentium IV 或同等 -1 GB RAM -512 MB NVIDIA GeForce 6800 系列或更高阶显示卡 Direct3D 10: -3.0 Ghz Intel Pentium IV 或同等 -2 GB RAM -640 MB NVIDIA GeForce 8800 系列或更高阶显示卡 多人游戏需求: -每台计算机一组光盘 -为了进行6-8位玩家多人游戏或是独立战役对战,强烈建议使用「建议配备」进行游戏。 -游戏支持因特网(TCP/IP) 及局域网络联机(TCP/IP)。因特网游戏需要宽带联机和最新的驱动程序。局域网络联机需要网络适配卡及最新的驱动程序。 1.2 支持的显示卡 ATI Radeon 9500 系列 ATI Radeon 9600 系列 ATI Radeon 9700 系列 ATI Radeon 9800 系列 ATI Radeon X300 系列 ATI Radeon X550 系列 ATI Radeon X600 系列 ATI Radeon X700 系列 ATI Radeon X800 系列 ATI Radeon X1000 系列 ATI Radeon X1100 系列 ATI Radeon X1300 系列 ATI Radeon X1600 系列 ATI Radeon X1800 系列 ATI Radeon X1900 系列 ATI Radeon HD 2400 系列 ATI Radeon HD 2600 系列 ATI Radeon HD 2900 系列,或更高阶显示卡 NVIDIA GeForce3/Ti 系列 NVIDIA GeForce4/Ti (除了GeForce4 MX 系列之外) NVIDIA GeForce FX 5700 系列 NVIDIA GeForce FX 5800 系列 NVIDIA GeForce FX 5900 系列 NVIDIA GeForce 6200 系列 NVIDIA GeForce 6600 系列 NVIDIA GeForce 6800 系列 NVIDIA GeForce 7300 系列 NVIDIA GeForce 7600 系列 NVIDIA GeForce 7800 系列 NVIDIA GeForce 7900 系列 NVIDIA GeForce 8400 系列 NVIDIA GeForce 8500 系列 NVIDIA GeForce 8600 系列 NVIDIA GeForce 8700 系列 NVIDIA GeForce 8800 系列,或更高阶显示卡 1.3 DirectX®侦测及安装 《英雄连队:火线对决》安装程序会检查您计算机目前已安装的DirectX®版本。如果程序侦测到较旧的DirectX®版本,会自动安装DirectX® 9.0C 和 10。DirectX®的安装并不会危害你的DirectX®设定。《英雄连队:火线对决》需要安装Direct®才能进行游戏。 ===================================================================== 2. 问题排除 ===================================================================== 2.1 安装程序/更新问题 A. 与防毒程序的冲突 当进行《英雄连队:火线对决》安装时,建议关闭任何防毒程序。防毒软件可能经常干涉并且损坏新软件的安装过程。 B. 修改 任何对《英雄连队:火线对决》的修改可能会导致更新无法成功。在应用任何修改之前,我们建议备份受影响的档案并且在应用任何更新前取代它们。不这么做的话可能会导致必须重新安装游戏。 2.2 显示卡问题 A. 需要最新驱动程序 为了获得最佳效能及影像质量,执行《英雄连队:火线对决》时,请确定您已经为您的显示卡安装最新的驱动程序。如果您拥有ATI或是NVIDIA显示卡,你可以在产品网页找到驱动程序。 http://www.ati.com/ 驱动程序: Catalyst 7.7 或更新 http://www.nvidia.com/ 驱动程序: ForceWare Graphics Driver Version 162.18 或更新(GeForce 3 及 GeForce 4Ti 则使用93.71版或更新) 以旧版本ATI驱动程序初步测试,在进行《英雄连队:火线对决》时会出现某些图像破裂情形。升级到最新的ATI驱动程序可为大多数使用者解决这个问题。 以旧版本NVIDIA驱动程序初步测试,在进行《英雄连队:火线对决》时会出现效能低落以及对象消失的情形。升级到最新的NVIDIA驱动程序可为大多数使用者解决这个问题。 B. 超出图形选项中的建议自动设定 超出图形选项中的建议自动设定可能会导致效能低落和图形上的错误,因为设定超过了你硬件的性能。如果安装完最新的显示卡驱动程序后你感受到图形上的问题,请确定选择了游戏「主选单」页面「图形选项」中的「自动设定」。 C. 画面中原本应该出现特效的地方变成了黑色方块 如同上述,超出图形选项中的建议自动设定可能会导致不愿得到的图形破损。一个已知的问题牵涉到画面中原本应该出现特效的地方变成了黑色方块。对大部分使用者来说,这个问题可以透过降低分辨率设定来改正,或者如果您是使用AGP为基础的显示卡,另一个方法是增加你的「APG孔径大小」(AGP Aperture Size)。 2.3 音效问题 A. 需要最新的驱动程序 执行《英雄连队:火线对决》时,请确定有为您的声卡安装最新的驱动程序。 B. 游戏时音效断断续续 请确定有为您的声卡安装最新的驱动程序。如果这种情况还是存在,试着降低硬件加速功能。从在你的Windows®桌面,点选「开始」,然后「执行」,输入dxdiag后按下Enter键。这会带出「DirectX®诊断工具」,点选其中的「音效」卷标,然后试着降低「硬件音效加速等级」。 C. 影片回放期间从喇叭传出极大的静电干扰声 有些使用者可能会注意到,如果他们的主机本使用内建声卡,在影片回放期间从喇叭传出极大的静电干扰声。华硕的ASUS A8N32-SLI是鉴定过有这个问题的其中一张主机板。为了避免这种干扰: i) 从桌面点选「开始」─>「设定」─>「控制台」─>「声音及音讯装置」 ii) 然后在在「音量」卷标中选择「进阶」 iii) 在「选项」选单之下,选择「内容」并且点选「PC喇叭」左边的方块以在你的音量控制面版显示它。点选「确定」 iv) 透过直接点选PC喇叭音量控制下方的「静音」方块使PC喇叭不发出声音。 此干扰现在应该解决了。 D. 使用Microsoft®快捷键后在播放动画时出现音频不同步的情形 在非互动电影动画播放期间使用Microsoft®快捷键,像是Alt-Tab、Alt-Esc、Ctrl-Esc、Ctrl-Shift-Esc,以及Ctrl-Alt-Del会导致音频不同步。一旦回到互动游戏中,音频应该就会回归正常。 2.4 主机板驱动程序 《英雄连队:火线对决》需要绝对安装最新的显示卡以及主机板驱动程序,因为最近的驱动程序发生过重大的问题(不过非最新的驱动程序)。请确定为您的显示卡及主机板安装最新可获得的驱动程序。 当更新系统时,主机板驱动程序常常被忽略,结果就是大部分计算机仍然以非常老旧的版本运作,简单地不正确工作并且可能造成非常明显的速度降低及不稳定问题。 2.5 操作系统特定问题 A. Windows®按键妨碍游戏 如果在游戏进行中按到Windows®按键,「开始选单」会妨碍游戏进行。要是这种情况发生,简单地按下ESC键关闭选单并且返回游戏。遗憾的是,除了在游戏进行时小心不要按到这些按键外,没有办法避免这种情况再次发生。 B. 需要管理者权限来安装至Windows®及Vista 你必须拥有管理者权限才能正确地安装游戏。然而,在游戏安装之后,你不需要管理者权限也能进行游戏。 至于如果更改你的使用者设定以得到管理者权限的信息,请参考你的Windows®文件,或是点选「开始」钮并且选择 「说明及支持」。 C. Alt-Tab切换应用程序 有些驱动程序不支持Alt-Tab在《英雄连队:火线对决》以及其它应用程序之间切换。高度建议当《英雄连队:火线对决》正在执行时不要使用Alt-Tab切换至其它程序。当《英雄连队:火线对决》正在读取数据时使用Alt-Tab可能会导致返回至游戏时失去所有音效。 D. Windows® Vista 32位虚拟内存限制 最初版本的Windows® Vista可能会在执行《英雄连队:火线对决》时消耗太多虚拟内存。这可能造成游戏当机。请参阅微软知识库文件KB940105。 2.6 多人游戏及因特网问题 注意:THQ顾客支持不支持透过防火墙或分享联机进行多人游戏。 A. 你可以看见游戏列表但是无法加入它们,或是你可以主持一场游戏但是没人可以加入此游戏,或者当尝试主持游戏或加入一场游戏时,游戏在大厅画面中当机不动。 - 如果你有安装防火墙,它可能档下《英雄连队:火线对决》,但是防火墙的弹出窗口并没有在游戏前显示出来。离开游戏或是叫出「工作管理员」并且结束《英雄连队:火线对决》工作。到你的防火墙设定并且正确地调整它们以便《英雄连队:火线对决》能顺利执行。 - 如果你有安装像是ZoneAlarm或是Norton Personal Firewall等软件,那么你必须确定你允许《英雄连队:火线对决》进入因特网并且从因特网接受联机。 - 如果你启动Windowd防火墙,你必须确定《英雄连队:火线对决》列在清单上并且在此防火墙的「例外」部分中被选择。要这么做请开启「控制台」,连击「网络联机」图标,然后右击你的因特网联机。选择「内容」,然后「进阶」。你现在应该可以看见Windows防火墙的「设定」钮。点选此按钮并且确定防火墙关闭,或者「RelicCOH.ext」在Windows防火墙对话框的「例外」卷标中被选择。 - 如果问题持续发生请试着关闭防火墙。 -《英雄连队:火线对决》使用以下的端口联机至游戏大厅、主持游戏及接收联机: UDP 6112 UDP 30260 - 查阅你的路由器操作说明文件关于如何开启端口。此过程因为不同厂牌,甚至是同一个制作商不同型号的产品而有所不同。 B. NOD32 Virus Checker使用者: - NOD32扫瞄你计算机上程序的网络活动。你必须设定NOD32把《英雄连队:火线对决》从扫瞄排除在外,因为这会大幅地降低在线效能。在IMON设定,Miscellaneous标签底下,按下Exclusion 方块/区域中的edit钮。按下Exclude Application Diage中的ADD钮,然后在你的硬盘中找到RelicCoh.exe档案并且把它增加到排除列表。 C. NetLimiter使用者: - 这个程序限制程序的使用频宽,如果你没有正确地设定它,可能会限制《英雄连队:火线对决》。确定《英雄连队:火线对决》(RelicCoH.exe)分配到足够的频宽,如果您在Relic Online大厅或是进行在线游戏时经历问题,试着为《英雄连队:火线对决》增加允许的频宽。 D. 不支援Belkin Router型号 #F5D5231-4: - 这个路由器无法连接至在线多人游戏。 2.7 AMD Athlon 64 X2双核心处理器问题 有些使用AMD Athlon 64 X2双核心处理器的Windows®使用者可能会注意到如果不安装AMD Dual-core Optimizer,视讯效能会降低。 AMD Dual-Core Optimzer可以在以下网址找到: http://www.amd.com/us-en/Processors/Techni...1_13118,00.html 2.8 已知某些显示卡发生的罕见问题 ************************************************************************************************************* *注意:超频的GPU可能会过热而且通常是造成以下所列图像破裂的原因。* ************************************************************************************************************* A. 某些NVIDIA显示卡发生的视讯错误 显示卡名称:NVIDIA GeForce 6800 GT 制造商:NVIDIA 芯片种类:GeForce 6800 GT 显示内存:256.0 MB 这种罕见的错误以几种方式发生: - 地形材质贴图损毁变成彩虹色 - 使用者接口材质损毁 - 可摧毁建筑物产生极端的几何形状 这个问题可以简单地在你键盘上按下Alt-Tab键跳回Windows,然后再按一次Alt-Tab回到《英雄连队:火线对决》获得修正。 B. 阴影不正常绘制 显示卡名称:NVIDIA GeForce 7800 GT 制造商:NVIDIA 芯片种类:GeForce 7800 GT 显示内存:256.0 MB 这个罕见问题表现在大规模阴影损毁的形态,以包含在影片中不成比例的物体显示。对大部分的使用者来说,重新启动《英雄连队:火线对决》可以完全解决这个问题。 C. 使用者接口迷你地图显现损毁的材质 显示卡名称:NVIDIA GeForce 7800 GTX 制造商:NVIDIA 芯片种类:GeForce 7800 GTX 显示内存:512.0 MB 这个极为罕见的问题可以透过设定显示窗口大小来修正。有些使用者也许以窗口模式进行《英雄连队:火线对决》(这样你仍然可以看见背景中得Windows® XP),而调整这个窗口大小可以为大多数使用者减轻这个问题。 D. 地形材质损毁 显示卡名称:NVIDIA GeForce 7800 GTX 制造商:NVIDIA 芯片种类:GeForce 7800 GTX 显示内存:512.0 MB 显示卡名称:NVIDIA GeForce 7900 GTX 制造商:NVIDIA 芯片种类:GeForce 7900 GTX 显示内存:512.0 MB 在罕见的场合中,有些使用者可能会注意到某些程度的地面材质损毁。从损毁区域移动摄影机,然后再移动回来可以为大多数使用者减轻这个问题。 E. 在「解放卡昂」战役第三关过场动画期间的特效损毁 显示卡名称:NVIDIA GeForce 6800系列GPU 制造商:NVIDIA 芯片种类:GeForce 6800 Ultra 显示内存:512.0 MB 极为少数比例的玩家可能会注意到当使用这款显示卡进行游戏几个小时后,第三关最后动画的特效出现图形损毁的情形。 ===================================================================== 3. 快捷键 ===================================================================== 系统控制 跳出 = Escape 接受 = Enter 队列控制 = Shift 暂停 = Pause 系统选单 = F10 进入指挥树 = Control+Z 集中摄影机于选取物 = ' 旋转摄影机 = ALT + 鼠标移动 战术地图控制 进入战术地图 = Numpad0 离开战术地图 = Numpad0 重新设定摄影机 = Backspace 旋转摄影机 = ALT + 鼠标移动 一般工具列控制 循环切换工兵 = , 循环切换步兵 = . 循环切换车辆 = / 管理第一高级建筑物 = F1 管理第二高级建筑物 = F2 管理第三高级建筑物 = F3 管理第四高级建筑物 = F4 管理第五高级建筑物 = F5 管理第六高级建筑物 = F6 循环切换剧情事件 = Space 总体控制 攻击-移动 = A 撤退 = T 维修 = E 增援 = R 攻击地面 = G 停止 = H 集合 = Y 卸载 = U 标定 - 攻击位置(战术地图) = Control+A 标定 - 防御位置(战术地图) = Control+D 标定 - 占领位置(战术地图) = Control+C 取消建造 = Escape 除役 = Delete 总体建造 兴建建筑物 = B 兴建高级建筑物 = V 兴建沙包 = S 兴建地雷 = M 兴建铁丝网 = W 兴建坦克陷阱 = T 总体能力 破坏铁丝网 = C 伪装 = C 停火 = F 迫击炮弹幕 = B 迫击炮烟雾弹幕 = S 选择热键 专注于主要选择 = Control+Tab 选择下一个主要选择 = Tab 选择前一个主要选择 = Shift+Tab 专注单位群组选择 = Control 剧情事件选择 = Shift 群组热键 设定群组热键为0 = Control+0 设定群组热键为1 = Control+1 设定群组热键为2 = Control+2 设定群组热键为3 = Control+3 设定群组热键为4 = Control+4 设定群组热键为5 = Control+5 设定群组热键为6 = Control+6 设定群组热键为7 = Control+7 设定群组热键为8 = Control+8 设定群组热键为9 = Control+9 选择设定热键的群组0 = 0 选择设定热键的群组1 = 1 选择设定热键的群组2 = 2 选择设定热键的群组3 = 3 选择设定热键的群组4 = 4 选择设定热键的群组5 = 5 选择设定热键的群组6 = 6 选择设定热键的群组7 = 7 选择设定热键的群组8 = 8 选择设定热键的群组9 = 9 美军 总体美军能力 投掷手榴弹 = N 激励 = F 指挥所 建造工兵 = E 研发炸药包 = D 工兵 建造观测所 = P 建造医护站 = N 建造机枪阵地 = E 建造榴弹炮 = H 建造兵营 = B 建造武器支持中心 = W 建造调车厂 = M 建造战车库 = T 建造补给场 = S 建造伤检中心 = C 升级火焰喷射器 = F 升级扫雷器 = M 设置炸药包 = D 105mm 榴弹炮 榴弹炮弹幕 = B 兵营 建造步枪兵 = R 建造吉普车 = J 研发手榴弹 = N 研发黏着炸弹 = S 研发布朗宁自动步枪 = B 步枪兵 投掷黏着炸弹 = S 压制射击 = F 空降部队 升级无座力炮 = O 投掷炸药包 = S 游骑兵 升级汤普生冲锋枪 = U 武器支持中心 建造迫击炮班 = M 建造重机枪班 = H 建造狙击手 = S 重机枪班 穿甲弹扫射 = P 调车场 建造M3半履带车 = H 建造M8装甲车 = A 建造57mm 反战车炮 = T M3半履带车 升级四连装.50口径机枪 = U M8装甲车 升级M2HB .50口径重机枪 = U 升级装甲侧裙 = S 布雷 = M 57mm反战车炮 穿甲弹 = P 战车库 建造M10战车驱逐车 = M 建造M4雪曼鳄式战车 = C 建造M4雪曼战车 = S 升级M1A1C 76mm主炮 = U 升级防御性烟幕 = N 雪曼火焰喷射战车 升级推土铲 = B 降下/升起推土铲 = B M4雪曼战车 升级扫雷器 = C 升级升级M2HB .50口径重机枪 = U 发射烟雾弹 = S 切换扫雷 = M 多管火箭 发射多管火箭弹幕 = B 补给场 升级至等级1生产 = U 升级至等级2生产 = U 国防军 总体国防军能力 医药箱 = K 突击 = S 发射反坦克发射器 = P 指挥所 建造工兵 = P 升级至区域冲突阶段 = E 升级至突击作战阶段 = E 升级至全面作战阶段 = E 工兵 建造观测所 = P 建造碉堡 = B 建造88炮 = F 建造国防军兵营 = W 建造作战兵营 = B 建造突击军械库 = S 建造装甲指挥部 = P 建造作战指挥中心 = K 升级扫雷器 = M 升级火焰喷射器 = F 回收残骸 = S 碉堡 建造哥利亚 = G 升级至MG42重机枪 = M 升级至医护站 = A 升级至维修站 = R 哥利亚 引爆哥利亚 = D 国防军兵营 建造摩托车 = M 建造国民掷弹兵 = V 建造MG42重机枪班 = H 建造狙击手 = S 国民掷弹兵 升级MP40冲锋枪 = U 作战兵营 建造Sdkfz 251半履带车 = H 建造掷弹兵 = G 建造GR.34 80cm迫击炮班 = M 建造Pak 38 50mm反战车炮 = P 半履带车 升级火焰喷射器 = F 升级行走斯图卡 = S 火箭弹幕 = B 掷弹兵 升级火箭筒 = P 升级MG42轻机枪 = U 投掷手榴弹 = N 突击军械库 建造Sdkfz 234装甲车 = P 建造军官 = L 建造150mm多管火箭炮台 = N 建造四号驱逐战车 = S 美洲狮 升级美洲狮50mm炮 = U 军官 观测射击 = O 督导 = S 强制撤退 = F 多管火箭炮 多管火箭炮弹幕 = B 装甲指挥部 建造铁十字精锐队 = K 建造东风自走防空炮 = O 建造四号战车 = Z 建造豹式战车 = P 突击兵 升级MP44突击步枪 = U 投掷集束手榴弹 = N 作战指挥中心 老练步兵班 = I 优秀步兵 = I 菁英步兵 = I 老练武器班 = S 优秀支持单位 = S 菁英支持单位 = S 老练车辆 = V 优秀车辆 = V 菁英车辆 = V 老练战车 = T 优秀坦克成员 = T 菁英战车 = T 英联邦 总体英联邦热键 设置卡车 = M 机动卡车 = M 巩固资源 = R 升级速度调速器 = G 保持指挥范围 = P 前进观测弹幕 = B 撤退至上尉 = W 建造伞兵坑 = T 建造无线电 = R 坦克指挥官 = T 隐藏车体 = D 侧击加速 = F 坦克冲锋 = S 徐进弹幕 = C 监视弹幕 = O 反击炮台 = N 指挥所 建造装甲指挥卡车 = A 建造步兵指挥部 = F 建造步兵分队 = I 建造中尉 = L 建造布兰卡车 = B 步兵分队 升级步枪手榴弹 = N 升级侦察小组 = E 升级布兰轻机枪 = M 投掷烟雾手榴弹 = S 布署狙击手 = D Button Vehicle = V 建造建造一座维克斯机枪阵地 = H 建造三吋迫击炮阵地 = M 建造伤亡处理站 = C 布兰卡车 转换为中型机枪卡车 = C 穿甲弹扫射 = P 中尉 英雄冲锋 = C 迫击炮阵地 三吋迫击炮弹幕 = B 榴弹炮阵地 25磅弹幕 = B 伤亡处理站 医疗补给 = M 步兵指挥所 建造工兵班 = S 建造上尉 = C 建造斯图亚特坦克 = T 工兵班 升级至老练工兵 = X 升级至清除及侦测分队 = D 升级至PIAT = P 设置炸药包 = D PIAT突袭 = P 建造17磅反坦克炮 = A 建造25棒榴弹炮 = H 建造波弗斯40mm炮 = B 斯图亚克轻型坦克 发射霰弹炮弹 = F 上尉 胜利目标 = V 反战车炮阵地 穿甲弹 = P 改变武器面向 = F 装甲指挥所 建造克隆威尔坦克 = C 建造克隆威尔指挥坦克 = T 建造雪曼萤火虫式战车 = F 滑翔机 建造突击队 = C 突击队 使用烟幕弹 = S 投掷手榴弹 = N 设置炸药包 = D 小君主坦克滑翔机 建造小君主坦克 = T 小君主坦克 小约翰适配器 = L 发射烟雾弹 = S 滑翔机总部 建造重机枪突击队 = H 建造迫击炮突击队 = M 建造PIAT突击队 = P 教士型自走炮 教士05mm榴弹炮弹幕 = B 丘吉尔AVRE 发射彼塔迫击炮弹 = P 丘吉尔步兵坦克 地雷铲 = M 装甲精锐部队 总体装甲精锐部队热键 建造后勤连 = L 建造战斗连队 = K 建造装甲师指挥部 = J 建造装甲支援指挥部 = S 建造泰勒地雷 = M 建造路障 = R 投掷反坦克手榴弹 = K 投掷燃烧手榴弹 = N 设置愚人陷阱 = Y 焦土战术 = C 冲刺 = S 指挥所 建造装甲掷弹兵 = G 建造Kettenrad半履带摩托车 = K 研发燃烧手榴弹 = N 研发防御作战 = D 装甲掷弹兵 升级Gewehr43 = G 升级MP44 = M 升级火箭筒 = P 压制射击 = V 后勤连 建造侦察车 = S 建造弹药半履带车 = M 建造方克维根吸血鬼半履带车 = V 研发提高班规模 = I 研发反战车手榴弹 = A 侦察车 后勤升级 = L 弹药半履带车 保持支持范围 = M 建造哥利亚 = G 吸血鬼半履带车 窃取资源 = S 战斗连队 建造半履带车 = H 建造迫击炮半履带车 = M 建造坦克克星 = G 研发提升掷弹兵占领速度 = C 升级战斗连队 = U 研发高级维修 = E 迫击炮半履带车 迫击炮轰击 = B 燃烧迫击炮弹 = N 取消自由射击 = F 装甲师指挥部 建造突击掷弹兵 = G 建造装甲车 = C 建造马德三型坦克猎人 = T 研发团队热诚 = Z 升级装甲师指挥部 = U 装甲车 超速 = R 马德三型 架设主炮 = S 装甲支援指挥部 建造轻型反坦克半履带车 = H 建造四号战车步兵支援坦克 = P 建造虎式回收战车 = B 升级装甲支持指挥部 = U 研发老练士官 = V 轻型反坦克半履带车 履带破坏者 = B 专注射击 = F 四号战车步兵支援坦克 升级装甲侧裙 = S 升级MG42机枪手 = M 快速射击 = R 虎式回收战车 回收废车 = R 汉梅尔自走炮 快速射击 = C 汉梅尔弹幕 = B 空降伞兵 发射反坦克发射器 = P 升级FG42突击步枪 = M 投掷反建筑燃烧装置 = N 装甲精锐部队空军小组 建造Flakvierling38 20mm防空炮 = V 建造88公 Flak 36 反坦克炮/防空炮 = F 装甲精锐部队后勤车 巩固区域 = S 装甲精锐部队海瑟 侦测范围 = S 老练等级 防御加成1 = D 防御加成2 = D 防御加成3 = D 攻击加成1 = O 攻击加成2 攻击加成3 = O ===================================================================== 4. 提升效能 ===================================================================== 有几种方法可以提升《英雄连队:火线对决》在中、低阶系统上的执行效能,所有方法都可透过「选项」选单使用: 在选项选单中选择「自动」会调整最符合你硬件的设定。如果这么做没有用请尝试以下方法: - 降低分辨率 -- 从下拉选单中选择较低的分辨率设定。 - 降低材质细节 -- 从选单中选择较低的材质设定。 - 降低地形细节 -- 从选单中选择较低的地形细节设定。 - 降低阴影细节等级 -- 从选单中选择较低的阴影细节设定。 - 降低模型细节 -- 从选单中选择较低的模型细节设定。 - 降低FX细节 -- 从选单中选择较低的FX细节设定。 ===================================================================== 5. 软件著作授权合约 ===================================================================== 软件著作授权合约 Software License Agreement 凡使用本程序者,均视同同意并接受下列软件著作授权合约之规范,合约中之「程序」包含附随于此一合约之软件、相关媒介物、任何印刷数据、任何在线或电子文件,以及所有这些软件与数据之复制品与其所衍生的作品;本程序一经 贵用户拆开包装并/或使用,即表示 贵用户同意接受松岗科技股份有限公司(下称“松岗科技”)之本「授权合约」条款之拘束。 一、有限使用授权: 松岗科技授予 贵用户使用本程序之一套拷贝之非专有、不可转移、且有限度之权利,并且仅供 贵用户个人使用,所有在本授权书中未明文授予使用者之权利,均由松岗科技或其授权人所保留。本程序仅系授权使用,而非贩卖卖断, 贵用户仅取得使用本程序之授权,并非因此而取得本程序之著作或商标等相关权利,并且不应解释为贩卖本程序之任何权利。 二、著作等权利: 本程序及其拷贝之一切商标、著作与相关智慧财产权(包含但不仅限于本程序中的所有商标、程序代码、主题、对象、人物、人物名称、故事、对话、标语、地点、概念、美术、动画、声音、乐曲、音效与视觉效果、操作方式、道德权利,以及任何相关文件),均为松岗科技或其授权人所有。本程序受到美国著作权法、中华民国著作权法暨其国际著作权条约,以及其它法律之保护。本程序包含了某些授权数据,如有任何违反此一协议之行为,松岗科技或授权人会保护其权利并进行一切相关之法律追诉行动。 三、禁止使用项目: 本合约明文禁止对本程序或其任何部分进行商业利用,包含(但不仅限于)在网咖、游乐场或任何其它场所使用暨其下列所述之违法行为: 1、在未经松岗科技书面同意之下,为贩卖、出租、散布本程序或其任何拷贝之行为。 2、对本程序之整体或部分进行还原工程(Reverse engineer)、取得原始程序代码、修改、解编(Decompile)、反向组译(Disassemble),或者创作本程序之衍生作品。 3、移除、更改或遮盖任何包含于本程序之上或之内版权宣告或商标。 4、在违反任何适用法律或规定之下为输出或再输出本程序之行为,惟松岗科技得以合约方式提供上述以外之途径或场所,授权并允许 贵用户得将本程序做商业用途之使用(请参考后文之联络方式)。 四、有限保证: 1、松岗科技向本程序之原始购买者保证,自购买日起九十天内,载录本程序之媒介物不会有材料与制作上之瑕疪。惟如 贵用户自购买日起九十天内载录媒介发生损坏情形,只要该程序仍由松岗科技制造生产,松岗科技同意免费更换产品,然 贵用户应提供该产品之购买收据、回邮,以及购买日期之证明;在该程序已经绝版的情况下,松岗科技保留以等值或更高价之类似程序替换之权利。本项保证仅限于由松岗科技所提供之包含本程序之载录媒介,并不适用于正常之磨损,如果产品乃因不当使用或轻忽所造成,亦不适用本项保证。任何由条文所指定之保证均明确限制在前述之九十天期限之内方属有效。 2、此外,本保证取代所有其它不论是明示或默示之口头或书面保证,包括适售性、合于某一特定用途,或者不侵权之保证,且其它的陈述或任何要求均不得约束松岗科技,或要求松岗科技负责。 3、当贵用户退回程序换取保证替代品时,请将原本之产品光盘放于保护包装之中;其所退之物应包含: (1) 印有购买日期之收据复印件;(2) 打字或清楚打印之 贵用户姓名与寄回地址;(3) 简短描述损害情形,以及当 贵用户在执行本程序时所遭遇之问题与所使用系统配备;(4) 如果贵用户过了九十天保证期,但仍在购买日的一年之内退回本程序,每张游戏光盘应附上每片新台币200元的材料费。请注意:建议使用挂号信邮寄,并寄至以下地址。 松岗科技股份有限公司 网络游戏客户服务部 台北市中山区民生东路2段168号10楼 五、损害暨责任限制 : 1、在相关法律所允许的最大范围内,经由拥有、使用或无法使用本程序所造成之意外或附随之损害(包含财产损害、精神损失、计算机当机或失效,以及个人伤害),尽管松岗科技之前已经获知这些损害之可能性,松岗科技亦不负任何法律责任。松岗科技的赔偿不会超过支付使用本程序授权的实际金额。 2、有些州/国家不允许限制默示保证之时间长短,或者排除或限制意外或附随之伤害,因此上述的限制排除或责任限制可能不适用于贵客户,本保证授予您特定的法律权利,而随着管辖范围之不同,您可能会拥有其它的权利。 六、合约终止: 在不侵害松岗科技任何或其它权利的情况之下,如果 贵用户违反了本合约之条文,本合约将立即终止。在此情形下, 贵用户必须将本软件产品之所有备份与组成部分销毁。 七、美国政府的有限权利 : 本程序与文件说明完全由私人花费所开发完成,提供做为「商用计算机软件」或是「受限制计算机软件」,由美国政府或其承包商之使用、复制或公开受到「科技数据及计算机软件」(Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software)条款DFARS 252.227-7013附属条例 ©(1)(ii) 之限制,亦视情况受「商用计算机软件有限权利条款」(Commercial Computer Software Restricted Rights)FAR 52.227-19的附属条例 ©(1) 及 ©(2) 之约束;本产品之代理/制造商为松岗科技股份有限公司。 八、禁制令: 由于本合约之条款若无特定强制执行效力,松岗科技将会受到无法弥补的损害,故 贵用户同意松岗科技除了在适用法律下能获得的赔偿之外,得不受限制而拥有其它损害之保障与请求,以在本合约受到违反时能获得公正的赔偿。 九、保全条款: 贵用户同意保全、维护松岗科技及其合伙人、成员、承包商、高级职员、主管、职员与代理商免于各种因为您依照或疏于遵守本合约款使用本程序之行为而直接或间接造成之各种伤害、损失与花费。 十、其它事项: 1、本合约代表了双方对此一授权之完全协议,并且取代双方之间的先前所有协议,合约唯有在双方以书面方式之下方能修改。如果本授权合约中有任何条款因任何原因以致无法强制执行时,此类条款应做最小之必要修正使之得以强制执行,而合约中其它的条款则不受影响。本保证仅限适用于中华民国台湾及澎湖、金门、马祖地区所有。 2、本合约适用中华民国之相关法令解释,惟松岗科技亦得选择指定适用著作权人国家之法律与管辖;同时您同意受到加州洛杉矶的州立与联邦法院之专门管辖。 3、如果贵用户有任何关于本授权书之问题,得与松岗科技联络,联络方式如下: 十一、其它限制: 本合约之相关保证项目不包括使用者的软件及相关数据遗失、失窃、意外损坏、使用不当或未经同意更改而导致之损坏。除了上述各项保证外,任何其它直接、隐含之表示方式、状况、或担保均不再保证之内。此外,对于因特殊的、因事件而起、非直接或其它类似的损坏,松岗公司并不负任何赔偿责任。亦即松岗公司不对时间损失、数据损失、利润损失或未使用本软件之损失等等负责赔偿任。松岗公司另对于使用不变、或相关之状况所造成之损失亦不作赔偿或以其它软件作为赔偿之代替。 如果贵用户有任何关于本授权书之问题,得与松岗科技联络,联络信息如下: 松岗科技股份有限公司 台北市中山区民生东路2段168号10楼 ===================================================================== 6. 客户服务与技术支持 ===================================================================== 客户服务与技术支持 Customers Service and Technical Support 注意:我们并不提供游戏提示、密技以及作弊密码的服务,我们的客户服务人员只接受技术问题的咨询。 当您在进行游戏的过程中发生技术问题而无法继续进行游戏时,您可以透过我们的技术支持服务获得解答。在您以电话或电子邮件与我们的客户服务人员取得连系前,麻烦您先查阅本游戏手册有关“疑难解答”或“技术支持”的章节。如果您的问题并没有列于其中,也请您先确认您的计算机系统备以及以下相关信息,以便提供我们客户服务人员参考。请注意,您提供的信息越详实,越可以让我们的客户服务人员判断如何解决您的问题。 您执行游戏计算机时所使用的品牌、操作系统(OS)、中央处理器(CPU)厂牌与型号、物理内存(RAM)、硬盘可用空间、显示卡厂牌与型号、声卡厂牌与型号、光驱规格与速率、调制解调器、游戏控制器或其它硬件外围。 连络信息: 客服网站/电子邮件:www.unalis.com.tw / support@unalis.com.tw 我们将在网站上将提供最新的游戏信息,供您寻求问题解答。我们每天都会不定期的更新技术支持服务以及游戏疑难解答的内容,请检视支持网页之说明以解决您的问题。当您无法在支持网页上找到解答时,您可以透过电子邮件信箱,将您的问题向我们的服务人员反应。我们会在工作天24-72小时之内,尽速的回复以解决您的问题。 注意:客服网站 / 电子邮件支持,仅适用于繁体中文 客服专线电话:(02) 2502-3250 您可以透过我们的客户服务电话,直接与我们的客户服务人员取得连系。我们的服务时间为:星期一至星期日,上午10:00至下午7:00。请在拨电话前,先将上述硬件信息备妥,以提供客户服务人员参考。 维修服务: 请勿在未与松岗科技客户服务人员取得连系前,将游戏产品或其它内容物寄回。如果您的产品有任何问题,请在与客户服务人员取得连系后,依照客户服务人员的指示说明,进行相关更换或维修的服务。本公司将酌收维修材料费,请参照下述说明。 ◆说明书费用:工本费新台币100元并附上回邮信封。 ◆光盘费用:因人为因素而导致光盘损毁,更换费用为新台币200元/片(附回邮工本费新台币50元),连同原版光盘寄回更换。 注意:游戏序号为全球独一无二之英文字符或数字号码组合而成,如果您的游戏序号不慎遗失,我们将无法补发,请妥善保存您的游戏序号。 注意事项: 1.我们仅提供本公司发行之游戏软件相关技术咨询服务,如果您的硬设备或是网络通讯有问题,请检查您的系统设定(驱动程序、防火墙等等),并洽询硬件制造商或您的网络服务提供者(ISP),以获得解答。 2.由于本公司现场并无备品,为了节省您宝贵的时间,有任何需要服务的地方,请您使用先使用电子邮件或电话与我们的客服人员连系。若您想要亲自送件,本公司仅提供收件的服务,之后会由客服中心直接帮您处理寄出。 3.此外在该程序已经绝版的情况下,较早期的游戏产品与相关配件可能已无库存,请洽询客服人员以获得相关信息。 4.如有任何未尽事宜或如有关于本退换货办法之问题,请与松岗科技客服部联络,本公司保有最终说明与解释之权利。 ===================================================================== 7. 版权信息 ===================================================================== ?2006 THQ Inc. Developed by Relic Entertainment. NVIDIA, the NVIDIA Logo, GeForce and "The Way It's Meant to be Played" Logo are registered trademarks and/or trademarks of NVIDIA Corporation in the United States and other countries. Uses Miles Sound System. Copyright ?1991-2006 by RAD Game Tools, Inc. DivX is a registered trademark of DivX, Inc., in the USA and other countries. Havok.comTM; ?Copyright 1999-2002 Havok.com Inc. (and its Licensors). All Rights Reserved. See www.havok.com for details. Portions of this software are copyright ?2006 The FreeType Project. Intel, the Intel logo, Intel Core and Core Inside are trademarks or registered trademarks of Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries in the United States and other countries. This product contains copyrighted material owned or distributed under authority by Quazal Technologies, Inc. Copyright 1998-2006, Quazal Technologies Inc. All Rights Reserved. MPEG Layer-3 playback supplied with the Miles Sound System from RAD Game Tools, Inc. MPEG Layer-3 audio compression technology licensed by Fraunhofer IIS and THOMSON multimedia. THQ, Relic Entertainment, Company of Heroes: Opposing Fronts and their respective logos are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of THQ Inc. All rights reserved. All other trademarks, logos and copyrights are property of their respective owners.
只改盘符不够,盘符后面的路径都得改成实际情况。 我也在网吧这么做过,没问题的。 如果还不行,可能你去的网吧对登录用户的权限做了限制,譬如不能改注册表、在我的文档中没有写权限等等。
目前没有解包的软件,所以还无法断定是否只是地图多少上的差异。 现在的游戏体积主要大在以下方面: 高清晰的视频、高采样率的音频和高质量的贴图。有的游戏甚至针对不同硬件的需求同时做了高中低质量的视频、音频、贴图,那游戏的整体体积就更大了。 有些游戏的试玩版只提供低质量的音频和贴图,以控制体积。譬如英雄连资料片的试玩版。
对于补丁的严格检查主要是考虑到以后升级的需要。 其实也看游戏结构和升级的特点,有的游戏就不需要严格的检查。
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安装完成后更改游戏语言版本的方法: 进入 我的文档\EA Games\Medal of Honor Airborne™\Config 文件夹; 打开 MOHASettings.ini(如果您安装游戏后从未运行过游戏,则不会有该文件); 把 Language = INT 改为 Language = TCH 是繁体中文版,反之是英文版。
================================================================== 合法信息 ================================================================== 本软件产品只以“现状”提供,并不附带任何明示或默许的保证,包括但不 限于默许的保证或适售性,适合某一特定用途或不侵权的担保。美国艺电对 拥有、使用或不能使用本软件产品所导致的特别、随附或衍生的损害不负任 何损失赔偿责任。 一些国家或地区不允许规定默许保证的时效和/或随附或衍生损害的免责或 时效,因此以上责任的时效和/或免责可能不适用于您。本保证给予您特定 的权利,您可以根据各地规定享有其它权利。 美国艺电保留在任何时刻对本文档及相应软件产品进行改进的权利,届时不 再另行通知。 本文档及相应软件产品均已注册版权,版权所有。未经美国艺电正式的书面 授权,不得对本文档及相应软件产品的任何部分进行拷贝、复制翻译或改编 为任何电子出版物及其它媒体形式。 ================================================================== 艺电版权信息 ================================================================== Software and Documentation © 2007 Electronic Arts Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ================================================================== 荣誉勋章 神兵天降 自述文档 - 2007年7月 ================================================================== 感谢您购买《荣誉勋章 神兵天降》,本自述文档中的信息也许有助于您对 自己的空降部队实施有效策动,请您仔细阅读。 ================================================================== 系统需求 ================================================================== 《荣誉勋章 神兵天降》需要安装DirectX 9.0c,您可以在安装游戏画面中 按照画面提示安装DirectX 9.0c程序。 详细系统需求信息: 操作系统:Windows XP (SP2), Windows Vista (32位; 不支持64位Windows Vista) 中央处理器(单核):Windows XP需要Intel P4 2.8 GHz或AMD Athlon 2800+ Windows Vista需要Intel P4 3.0 GHz或AMD Athlon 3800+ 内存:Windows XP需要1GB/ Windows Vista需要1GB 光驱*:8X或更快DVD-ROM驱动器 硬盘:9GB以上剩余空间 注意:不支持64位版本的Windows操作系统 显卡:NVIDIA GeForce 6600 GT,ATI Radeon X1300 Pro,或支持 Windows XP和Vista的DirectX 9.0c和Shader 3.0的更好显卡 (注意:不支持NVIDIA 6800XT,6800LE, 7100GS, 7200GS, 7200LE, 7300GS,7300GT) 注意:《荣誉勋章 神兵天降》不支持NVIDIA SLI和ATI Crossfire 模式。 声卡:支持DirectX 9.0c的声卡(注意:Creative Sound Blaster Audigy 系列声卡在Windows Vista系统下可能会造成性能低下) *如果您购买的是EA Link版本游戏,则不需要光驱。 了解关于EA Link服务的更多资讯,请访问:http://www.ea.com/ealink/ ================================================================== 安装介绍 ================================================================== 重要:在运行《荣誉勋章 神兵天降》前,请确保您已安装最新的显卡及声 卡驱动程序。过期的显卡或声卡驱动程序可能造成游戏进行的缓慢和延迟, 甚至造成游戏完全无法运行。您可以从您的显卡及声卡提供商的官方网站下 载最新的驱动程序。 请在游戏过程中避免运行任何后台程序,否则可能会与游戏出现冲突,包括 杀毒程序,会妨碍游戏正常运行。 如果您是通过EA Link购买的游戏,请参阅EA Link帮助菜单中的详细安装指导。 并且您必须安装EA Link来运行游戏。 要在Windows XP或Vista系统下安装《荣誉勋章 神兵天降》: 1. 将《荣誉勋章 神兵天降》的游戏光盘放入您的DVD-ROM光盘驱动器。 如果光盘在放入光盘驱动器后没有自动运行,可能是由于您禁止了这 项功能。要想启动自动播放功能,请查看您的Windows用户手册。 如果您无法或不愿启动光盘自动播放功能,请用资源浏览器打开《荣 誉勋章 神兵天降》游戏光盘驱动器的位置,在根目录下鼠标双击 “Setup”应用程序。 2. 根据界面上出现的说明安装游戏。 如果您的《荣誉勋章 神兵天降》序列号出现问题,或您需要任何技术支持, 请在游戏的自动播放菜单点击“技术支持”键。您也可以访问该产品的官方网 站并选择“支持”选项。您必须注册您的产品才能享用全部客户服务。 ================================================================== 卸载游戏 ================================================================== 要卸载《荣誉勋章 神兵天降》(Windows XP系统): 1. 点击Windows任务栏的“开始”键。 2. 选择开始菜单中的“控制面板”。 3. 双击“添加或删除程序”。 4. 选择《荣誉勋章 神兵天降》并点击该名称下的“更改/删除” 键。 5. 根据出现的说明进行卸载游戏。 要卸载《荣誉勋章 神兵天降》(Windows Vista系统): 1. 点击Windows任务栏的“开始”键。 2. 在“开始”菜单点击“控制面板”。 3. 在“程序”或“程序和功能” (根据你的控制面板设置)栏目下点击“卸载程序”。 4. 选择并双击程序列表中的《荣誉勋章 神兵天降》。 5. 根据出现的说明进行卸载游戏。 ================================================================== 问题解决 ================================================================== 请特别留意,过时的显卡或声卡驱动可能会引起游戏表现不佳,或者根本无 法运行。要获得最佳的《荣誉勋章 神兵天降》游戏体验,请确认您已安装 了最新的显卡和声卡驱动,这些驱动程序通常可以从您系统或硬件供应商的 网站上下载得到。如果您不知道自己显卡或声卡的型号,或者您不知道如何 更新系统驱动程序,请参看您系统或外设的相关资料。 欲获得更多相关支持,请登陆《荣誉勋章 神兵天降》官方网站的社区论坛: http://www.moha.ea.com ================================================================== 保存游戏、游戏截图 ================================================================== 在Windows XP下,游戏存档文件将保存在以下位置: C:\Documents and Settings\\My Documents\EA Games\Medal of Honor Airborne\Saved 在Windows Vista下,游戏存档文件将保存在以下位置: C:\Users\\Documents\EA Games\Medal of Honor Airborne\Saved 在Windows XP下,游戏截图将保存在以下位置: C:\Program Files\Electronic Arts\Medal of Honor Airborne\UnrealEngine3\MOHAGame\ScreenShots 在Windows Vista下,游戏截图将保存在以下位置: C:\Program Files\Electronic Arts\Medal of Honor Airborne\UnrealEngine3\MOHAGame\ScreenShots ================================================================== 画面性能优化 ================================================================== 《荣誉勋章 神兵天降》会自动选择最适合您系统配置的画面设定,作为游戏 的默认设置。不过您也可以开启“《荣誉勋章 神兵天降》安装设置”进行手动 设置。 要开启“《荣誉勋章 神兵天降》安装设置”,在Windows XP下,点击“开始”键, 点击“程序”,然后点击“Electronic Arts”再点击“荣誉勋章 神兵天降”即可。 在Windows Vista下,点击“开始”键,点击“所有程序”,点击“Electronic Arts” 再点击“荣誉勋章 神兵天降”即可。 要实现更好的性能,推荐使用更低的系统设置。 ================================================================== 已知问题 ================================================================== 如果您尝试将显示器设置更改为“肖像模式”可能会出现问题——即画面内容垂 直显示而非标准4:3或16:9比例。《荣誉勋章 神兵天降》仅支持标准4:3模式 或16:9宽屏模式。 在Windows Vista下使用Creative Sound Blaster Audigy显卡的用户,建议 您使用较低的设置来增强游戏运行性能。 截至本文档完成时,Windows Vista已经可以支持ATI生产的Radeon X1300 Pro芯片,以及NVIDIA的GeForce 6600 GT芯片。此外,本游戏也支持以上 芯片在Windows Vista环境下运行。 如果你的系统中使用了NVIDIA SLI或ATI Crossfire显卡,我们推荐不要使用 强制分桢渲染选项。该选项事实上会降低《荣誉勋章 神兵天降》的运行性能。 提示:《荣誉勋章 神兵天降》不支持NVIDIA SLI和ATI Crossfire模式。 如果你使用SigmaTel系列声卡时遇到声音问题,请下载最新驱动并调整你的 音频设置。 提示:《荣誉勋章 神兵天降》不支持SigmaTel声卡。 ================================================================== NAT端口映射/防火墙 ================================================================== 请注意在使用Belkin和USRobotics路由器尝试进行连接功能时,可能会导致 无法解决的问题。 如果您在《荣誉勋章 神兵天降》游戏中使用防火墙软件,您需要将 游戏的执行文件添加到防火墙软件的“允许执行文件”列表内。您需要在防 火墙软件中指定游戏可执行文件的路径,该执行文件的默认路径位于 "C:\Program Files\Electronic Arts\Medal of Honor Airborne\UnrealEngine3\Binaries\MOHA.exe"。 在防火墙保护下多数情况您无需使用Port Forwarding(端口转发)/ Port Triggering(端口触发)功能。《荣誉勋章 神兵天降》适用于大多 数防火墙软件。 《荣誉勋章 神兵天降》使用UDP端口1000。 如果发生NAT连接困难,请您退出游戏,如果是一般的NAT连接问题,请您退 出游戏,重新启动游戏,重新登录帐户。 另外,如果您同时使用宽带调制解调器和路由器进行游戏,请您联系您的 ISP宽带提供商关闭您的调制解调器内置防火墙。 如果你在与路由器连接时遇到连接困难的问题,请映射端口10000 如果你的路由器支持UPnP,请打开它。 以下路由器存在连接困难问题,游戏不支持: LinkSys WRT54GX4 Netgear WGT624 NetGear WGR614v7 NetGear FV318 NetGear RP614v2 ================================================================== * 管理员权限 ================================================================== 请注意如果您不是当前系统的管理员,您的《荣誉勋章 神兵天降》可能无 法添加至您的防火墙软件“允许执行文件”列表内。您必须通过具备管理员权 限的帐号,或将您的帐号更改为管理员账号,要做到这些,请参考以下步骤: Windows XP系统下, 1. 注销Windows,选择管理员帐号登录。 2. 登陆后,选择Windows任务栏上的“开始”键。 3. 选择“控制面板”。 4. 选择“用户帐户”。 5. 选择“用户”栏。 6. 在“本机用户”下点击您的帐户名称。 7. 点击“更改我的帐户类型”。 8. 选择“计算机管理员”。 9. 点击“更改帐户类型”。 Windows Vista系统下, 1. 注销Windows,选择管理员帐号登录。 2. 登陆后,选择Windows任务栏上的“开始”键。 3. 选择“控制面板”。 4. 在“用户帐户”栏下点击“更改帐户类型”。 5. 在“本机用户”下点击您的帐户名称。 6. 点击“属性”。 7. 选择“其它”键。 8. 在下拉菜单中选择“计算机管理员”。 9. 点击“应用”,然后“确定”。 ================================================================== 音频问题 ================================================================== 如果游戏中出现声音丢失的状况,很可能和扬声器设置有关。如果您的扬声 器设置为环绕声设置,但您并没有环绕声系统,部分声道可能在游戏中无法 出现。 如果您的操作系统为Windows XP,请按照如下步骤调整扬声器设置: 1. 点击Windows任务栏上的“开始”键。 2. 选择“控制面板”。 3a. 如果您的控制面板显示为分类视图,请点击“声音、语音和音频设备”。 3b. 如果您的控制面板显示为经典视图,请点击“声音和音频设备”。 4. 在“扬声器设置”标题下,点击“高级”。 5. 在“扬声器设置”下拉菜单中选择正确的设置选项。 6. 点击“确定”。 如果您的操作系统为Windows Vista,请按照如下步骤调整扬声器设置: 1. 点击Windows任务栏上的“开始”键。 2. 在开始菜单中选择“控制面板”。 3. 点击“高级选项”。 4. 在左栏找到并点击“硬件和声音”。 5. 在“声音”标题下点击“管理声音设备”。 6. 选择您的扬声器,点击“设置”。 7. 选择正确的设置,并跟随画面提示继续进程。 这将可以解决上述问题。 ================================================================== PhysX安装 ================================================================== 《荣誉勋章 神兵天降》需要安装Ageia PhysX才能运行。该软件会随《荣誉 勋章 神兵天降》安装程序一起正常安装。如果PhysX被卸载,只需运行《荣 誉勋章 神兵天降》游戏DVD下PhysX文件夹内的PhysX_xxxx_SystemSoftware 程序(xxxx是版本号)即可重新安装。 若想了解更多关于PhysX的信息,请访问网站:http://www.ageia.com/ ================================================================== Additional Credits ================================================================== THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE FOUNDATION OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ================================================================== 自述文件档案结束。 ==================================================
文件名称: 《英雄连》繁体中文版 V1.20 -> V2.101 升级补丁 上传会员: S-22 上传时间: 2007年09月28日 23:32 最后更新: 2007年09月29日 08:25 存放位置: 游戏补丁 Game Patches 《英雄连》(Company of Heros)繁体中文版 V1.20 -> V2.101 升级补丁。 该补丁可以把繁体中文版《英雄连》的第一个版本 V1.20 升级到 V2.101 。 v2.101 09/24/2007 Online - Connectivity improvements. - Lobby improvements. - Fixed several simulation crashes. - Automatch fixes. Gameplay - Vet 3 Ostwind receives a 40% boost to accuracy. - Wehrmacht Panzer Command Building reduced 15 fuel. - Wehrmacht Panzer Command build time increased by 15s - Knights' Cross Holders receive Panzerfaust ability at Vet 3 - Panther cost reduced from 140 fuel to 125 fuel - Panzerfausts cost reduced to 35 - Panzerfausts improved vs light vehicles. - Stugs and StuHs receive a 15% health modifier at vet 2 - Wehrmacht Halftracks receive damage modifier at Vet 1 decreased from .85 to .75 - Wehrmacht Halftracks deliver 20% more damage Vet 2 - Vet 2 StuH has a received penetration modifier of .85 - Churchill Crocodile Flamethrower range increased from 20 to 35 - Churchill Crocodile Flamethrower damage output increased vs pinned (1.5 damage, 2x accuracy) and suppressed targets (1.25 damage). - Sniper rifles accuracy vs trench cover increased from .25 to .45 - Reduced cost of Allied MG nest by 5 fuel. - Ranger Veterancy experience requirements increased to 14/28/50 - British Howitzer Popcap reduced to 10 from 12. - BAR damage increased to .4 versus Panzer Elite soldiers. - Puma\234 Armoured Car Vet 2 range bonus reduced to 1.125 from 1.2 - Nebelwerfer Vet 3 damage reduced to 1.15 from 1.25. - More StuH projectile Tuning. Projectile set to artillery type to deal with very errant misses. - FG42 tuned. Burst length reset, moving accuracy and moving burst modifiers adjusted to match non-assault rifle weapons. - Tuned some Stug and StuH target damage modifiers. - Vet exp values tuned for British and Panzer Elite Vehicles, British Captains, LTs, and Luftwaffe Ground forces. - Pak35 weapon on 250 AT halftrack had its priority tuned vs team weapons. Will kill weapon teams more effectively instead of shell intersecting team weapon. - Bug fix for V1 that prevented it from landing if the FOW closed in too early during the ability (if a spotter was killed for example). - Received accuracy modifier removed from British Captain. - Bren carriers build time increased to 35 seconds. - Bren carriers Armour Piercing ability cost increased to 40 munitions. - UI changes to creeping barrage. - Fixed Bofors vs tp_armour_axis_panther_skirts - Vet cost Updates for Werhmacht Support units and Vehicles (from manpower/fuel - 100/30, 300/50, 300/70 to 100/20, 200/40, 250/50) - Wehrmacht Puma/234 Heavy Armoured car receives a 20% weapon range increase at Vet 2 and a 30% weapon damage increase at Vet 3 - Wehrmacht Mortar teams receive a 50% damage increase to their barrage at Vet 3 - Wehrmacht Nebelwerfers receive a 35% speed boost at vet 1 - Wehrmacht Nebelwerfers receive a 25% damage increase to their barrage at vet 3 - Wehrmacht MG42s receive a +15 sight range increase at Vet 3 - Wehrmacht Pak38s receive a 25% damage boost at Vet 3. - Kettenkrad sniper detection range increased to 20. - King Tiger generates 100mp reduction for 5 minutes upon arrival. - Wehrmacht Battle Phase fuel cost reduced to 50 from 65 - Armour Piercing shells on Allied 57mm AT and British 17pounder increased to 50mun - Wehrmacht Panthers, Stugs, and Panzer IVS, and PE Panzer IVs Infantry Support Tanks are more resistant to infantry AT (Panzerschrecks, Bazookas, Sticky Bombs, Recoilless rifles, PIATs etc.) when they receive armour skirts from Veterancy or upgrades. - Wehrmacht pioneers receive a repair ability at Vet 3 that enables them to repair more effectively in combat. The damage modifier while repairing was reduced. - British LTs are affected by suppression, but can take a considerable amount of fire before becoming suppressed. - British Infantry sections and LTs have their capture modifier set to 1.0 instead of 1.5. - Bren carriers lose a received damage bonus (.85) when they upgrade with the Vickers MMG. - Mortar damage modifier increased vs tp_trench cover types. - British mortars have additional accuracy bonus vs slit trenches. - British Rifle grenades improved vs tp_trench cover type and trench objects. - Panzer Grenadiers and Fallschirmjagers have their passive mine detection re-enabled. Mines within 10m will be detected when the PGs are immobile for 3 seconds. - 250 Funkwagen halftrack will detect and reveal camouflaged snipers in an area around itself when setup. - British Infanty damage modifier while constructing emplacements increased from 1.5 to 2.0 to match Sappers. - Panzer Elite start with 50 munitions. - Stormtrooper's bundled grenade does 3x damage vs slit trenches. - Button vehicle will disable coaxial MGs before the main gun. Main gun will remain active for 5 seconds after ability is applied. - Tank guns set to .9 damage vs tp_infantry_soldier (Panzer Grenadiers and British Infantry). Increased from .7 - Removed rear damage enabled flag from Kettenkrad. - Panzer Grenadier AT grenades set to do the same damage vs British Infantry as regular infantry. - Wehrmacht forces receive a new medkit. - The basic medkit is available at tier 2 (after researching Escalate to Skirmish) but only functions in friendly territory. - At tier 4 (Escalate to Battle Phase) they receive a new medkit that can be used anywhere. - Stukas, V1s, and Nebelwerfers all have improved damage vs British emplacements. - Nebelwerfers and Stukas set to 1.0 damage vs tp_infantry_soldier. - Pak 38s and Flak 88s have been moved into the Vehicle Veterancy research at the KampfKraft Center. - Mortars set to do 1.0 damage vs tp_infantry_soldier target types (Panzer Grenadiers and British Infantry). - Building critical tuning. - V1 FOW scatter modifiers reduced. - PIAT scatter modified to reduce anti-infantry effectiveness - British Priest damage modifier vs buildings set from .35 to .25 - Panzer Elite Scout car health increased from 220 to 260. - British Artillery cooldowns (basic and supercharge barrages) set from 60 to 90. - StuH weapon scatter reduced, angle of gun depression increased marginally. - StuH tilt set to 0m. - Panzer Elite AT grenade damage bug fixed on target types associated with British Infantry. - Pioneer veterancy moved to support veteran choice. - Help text not yet updated. - Pioneers have a received damage modifier when massed. - Butterfly mines set to damage all infantry types equally. - All Flamethrowers set to do damage to gliders after they land. - Removed incorrect squad AI plan from several tank squads. - Fixed a bug where abilities, such as BAR suppression, were able to be used in hold of M3 Halftrack. These abilities wouldn't work in the halftrack. - A data bug fix was made to Panzer Elite Suppressive Volley Fire - The modifiers would reset incorrectly when the squad moved. - Panzer Grenadier G43 Rifle upgrade cost increased to 50 from 35 - Lieutenant Auras were tuned. - Removed received suppression modifiers - Set stacking cooldown weapon modifier on LT vet 2 from .75 to .9 - Fixed a bug where the non-stacking modifier was stacking. - Added reload weapon modifier to LT vet 2 and set to .9 - Removed reload weapon modifiers on LTs - Removed stacking accuracy modifier on LT vet 2 - Reduced popcap bonus on LT vet 3 from 8 to 4. - Increased the amount of action required to gain veterancy levels on British Lieutenants from: - Second level requires 30 instead of 24 - Third level requires 54 instead of 36 - Panzer Elite Halftrack costs were adjusted - 250 Infantry Halftrack drops to 15 fuel from 20 - 250 'Funkwagen' Halftrack drops to 0 from 20 fuel. - Munitions Halftrack was decreased from 280 to 220 manpower - All Panzer Elite 250 halftracks were increased in health from 260 to 300 - Panzer Elite Scout cars cost decreased from 240 to 220 manpower - Panzer Elite Scout Car popcap decreased from 4 to 2. - Tank Buster infantry increased in cost to 390 manpower - Assault Infantry increased in price to 360 manpower - Received damage modifiers reduced to .99 on Group Zeal ability for Panzer Elite. - Panzer Elite 88mm health increased from 250 to 375. - British 25pounder fuel cost increased from 55 to 75. - British 25pounder popcap increased to 12 from 8 - British 25pounder scatter increased 'forward' to help prevent shots landing within its minimum range. - Building criticals fixed for artillery. A bug was killing all occupants of a building when there was a near miss by artillery shell. - Axis Personnel population upkeep threshold increased from 12 to 14 - Pioneer upkeep doubled from approximately 3 to approximately 6. - Upkeep removed from repair pioneer at Repair Bunker. - tp_slit_trench had its disable_target_search removed and artillery was added to its projectile pass through for flamethrowers. - V1 set to a new projectile type that will allow it to pass through buildings in order for it to hit its targeted location. - V1 scatter tuned. - PIAT Weapon tuned - Damage reduced from 100 to 90 - Target accuracy reduced vs moving light vehicles (generally from .8 to .4). - PIAT armour penetration values set for a few missing Commonwealth vehicles (in case PIAT is picked up) - Allied Bazookas are slightly less accurate vs light vehicles. - British Starting pop cap dropped from 46 to 40 - Panzer Elite Base Building Health increased from 500 to 1000. - Heavy Tank guns have reduced accuracy vs PE light vehicles. Modifier is set from 1 to .6 - Stuarts, M8 Greyhounds have .8 moving accuracy modifier vs PE Light vehicles. - Sticky bombs given a .8 damage modifier vs Panzer Elite Light vehicles. - Snipers retreat modifiers tuned. Sniper retreat received accuracy modifier set to .75 - Axis Mortar scatter reduced marginally to account for its extra range. Angle drops from 10 to 9, distance_scatter drops from 12 to 10. - Fallschirmjager FG42 rifle tuned. - Increased suppression - Increased accuracy at long range - Increased burst length - Increased reload frequency. Weapon will reload less often. - Removed 'building' type off Wehrmacht and Panzer Elite defenses to prevent Registered Artillery from being used on these structures. - Registered artillery has a slight modification to its target requirements. - Panzer Elite Aid Station health regeneration modifier set from .15 to .095 v2.100 09/24/2007 Online - Refactored network library. General Features - Added Commonwealth Army. - Added Panzer Elite Army. Gameplay - A large number of bug fixes and tuning changes have been addressed. 点击这里下载文件
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《英雄连》(Company of Heros)繁体中文版 V1.20 → V2.101 升级补丁。 该补丁可以把繁体中文版《英雄连》的第一个版本 V1.20 升级到 V2.101 。 v2.101 09/24/2007 Online - Connectivity improvements. - Lobby improvements. - Fixed several simulation crashes. - Automatch fixes. Gameplay - Vet 3 Ostwind receives a 40% boost to accuracy. - Wehrmacht Panzer Command Building reduced 15 fuel. - Wehrmacht Panzer Command build time increased by 15s - Knights' Cross Holders receive Panzerfaust ability at Vet 3 - Panther cost reduced from 140 fuel to 125 fuel - Panzerfausts cost reduced to 35 - Panzerfausts improved vs light vehicles. - Stugs and StuHs receive a 15% health modifier at vet 2 - Wehrmacht Halftracks receive damage modifier at Vet 1 decreased from .85 to .75 - Wehrmacht Halftracks deliver 20% more damage Vet 2 - Vet 2 StuH has a received penetration modifier of .85 - Churchill Crocodile Flamethrower range increased from 20 to 35 - Churchill Crocodile Flamethrower damage output increased vs pinned (1.5 damage, 2x accuracy) and suppressed targets (1.25 damage). - Sniper rifles accuracy vs trench cover increased from .25 to .45 - Reduced cost of Allied MG nest by 5 fuel. - Ranger Veterancy experience requirements increased to 14/28/50 - British Howitzer Popcap reduced to 10 from 12. - BAR damage increased to .4 versus Panzer Elite soldiers. - Puma\234 Armoured Car Vet 2 range bonus reduced to 1.125 from 1.2 - Nebelwerfer Vet 3 damage reduced to 1.15 from 1.25. - More StuH projectile Tuning. Projectile set to artillery type to deal with very errant misses. - FG42 tuned. Burst length reset, moving accuracy and moving burst modifiers adjusted to match non-assault rifle weapons. - Tuned some Stug and StuH target damage modifiers. - Vet exp values tuned for British and Panzer Elite Vehicles, British Captains, LTs, and Luftwaffe Ground forces. - Pak35 weapon on 250 AT halftrack had its priority tuned vs team weapons. Will kill weapon teams more effectively instead of shell intersecting team weapon. - Bug fix for V1 that prevented it from landing if the FOW closed in too early during the ability (if a spotter was killed for example). - Received accuracy modifier removed from British Captain. - Bren carriers build time increased to 35 seconds. - Bren carriers Armour Piercing ability cost increased to 40 munitions. - UI changes to creeping barrage. - Fixed Bofors vs tp_armour_axis_panther_skirts - Vet cost Updates for Werhmacht Support units and Vehicles (from manpower/fuel - 100/30, 300/50, 300/70 to 100/20, 200/40, 250/50) - Wehrmacht Puma/234 Heavy Armoured car receives a 20% weapon range increase at Vet 2 and a 30% weapon damage increase at Vet 3 - Wehrmacht Mortar teams receive a 50% damage increase to their barrage at Vet 3 - Wehrmacht Nebelwerfers receive a 35% speed boost at vet 1 - Wehrmacht Nebelwerfers receive a 25% damage increase to their barrage at vet 3 - Wehrmacht MG42s receive a +15 sight range increase at Vet 3 - Wehrmacht Pak38s receive a 25% damage boost at Vet 3. - Kettenkrad sniper detection range increased to 20. - King Tiger generates 100mp reduction for 5 minutes upon arrival. - Wehrmacht Battle Phase fuel cost reduced to 50 from 65 - Armour Piercing shells on Allied 57mm AT and British 17pounder increased to 50mun - Wehrmacht Panthers, Stugs, and Panzer IVS, and PE Panzer IVs Infantry Support Tanks are more resistant to infantry AT (Panzerschrecks, Bazookas, Sticky Bombs, Recoilless rifles, PIATs etc.) when they receive armour skirts from Veterancy or upgrades. - Wehrmacht pioneers receive a repair ability at Vet 3 that enables them to repair more effectively in combat. The damage modifier while repairing was reduced. - British LTs are affected by suppression, but can take a considerable amount of fire before becoming suppressed. - British Infantry sections and LTs have their capture modifier set to 1.0 instead of 1.5. - Bren carriers lose a received damage bonus (.85) when they upgrade with the Vickers MMG. - Mortar damage modifier increased vs tp_trench cover types. - British mortars have additional accuracy bonus vs slit trenches. - British Rifle grenades improved vs tp_trench cover type and trench objects. - Panzer Grenadiers and Fallschirmjagers have their passive mine detection re-enabled. Mines within 10m will be detected when the PGs are immobile for 3 seconds. - 250 Funkwagen halftrack will detect and reveal camouflaged snipers in an area around itself when setup. - British Infanty damage modifier while constructing emplacements increased from 1.5 to 2.0 to match Sappers. - Panzer Elite start with 50 munitions. - Stormtrooper's bundled grenade does 3x damage vs slit trenches. - Button vehicle will disable coaxial MGs before the main gun. Main gun will remain active for 5 seconds after ability is applied. - Tank guns set to .9 damage vs tp_infantry_soldier (Panzer Grenadiers and British Infantry). Increased from .7 - Removed rear damage enabled flag from Kettenkrad. - Panzer Grenadier AT grenades set to do the same damage vs British Infantry as regular infantry. - Wehrmacht forces receive a new medkit. - The basic medkit is available at tier 2 (after researching Escalate to Skirmish) but only functions in friendly territory. - At tier 4 (Escalate to Battle Phase) they receive a new medkit that can be used anywhere. - Stukas, V1s, and Nebelwerfers all have improved damage vs British emplacements. - Nebelwerfers and Stukas set to 1.0 damage vs tp_infantry_soldier. - Pak 38s and Flak 88s have been moved into the Vehicle Veterancy research at the KampfKraft Center. - Mortars set to do 1.0 damage vs tp_infantry_soldier target types (Panzer Grenadiers and British Infantry). - Building critical tuning. - V1 FOW scatter modifiers reduced. - PIAT scatter modified to reduce anti-infantry effectiveness - British Priest damage modifier vs buildings set from .35 to .25 - Panzer Elite Scout car health increased from 220 to 260. - British Artillery cooldowns (basic and supercharge barrages) set from 60 to 90. - StuH weapon scatter reduced, angle of gun depression increased marginally. - StuH tilt set to 0m. - Panzer Elite AT grenade damage bug fixed on target types associated with British Infantry. - Pioneer veterancy moved to support veteran choice. - Help text not yet updated. - Pioneers have a received damage modifier when massed. - Butterfly mines set to damage all infantry types equally. - All Flamethrowers set to do damage to gliders after they land. - Removed incorrect squad AI plan from several tank squads. - Fixed a bug where abilities, such as BAR suppression, were able to be used in hold of M3 Halftrack. These abilities wouldn't work in the halftrack. - A data bug fix was made to Panzer Elite Suppressive Volley Fire - The modifiers would reset incorrectly when the squad moved. - Panzer Grenadier G43 Rifle upgrade cost increased to 50 from 35 - Lieutenant Auras were tuned. - Removed received suppression modifiers - Set stacking cooldown weapon modifier on LT vet 2 from .75 to .9 - Fixed a bug where the non-stacking modifier was stacking. - Added reload weapon modifier to LT vet 2 and set to .9 - Removed reload weapon modifiers on LTs - Removed stacking accuracy modifier on LT vet 2 - Reduced popcap bonus on LT vet 3 from 8 to 4. - Increased the amount of action required to gain veterancy levels on British Lieutenants from: - Second level requires 30 instead of 24 - Third level requires 54 instead of 36 - Panzer Elite Halftrack costs were adjusted - 250 Infantry Halftrack drops to 15 fuel from 20 - 250 'Funkwagen' Halftrack drops to 0 from 20 fuel. - Munitions Halftrack was decreased from 280 to 220 manpower - All Panzer Elite 250 halftracks were increased in health from 260 to 300 - Panzer Elite Scout cars cost decreased from 240 to 220 manpower - Panzer Elite Scout Car popcap decreased from 4 to 2. - Tank Buster infantry increased in cost to 390 manpower - Assault Infantry increased in price to 360 manpower - Received damage modifiers reduced to .99 on Group Zeal ability for Panzer Elite. - Panzer Elite 88mm health increased from 250 to 375. - British 25pounder fuel cost increased from 55 to 75. - British 25pounder popcap increased to 12 from 8 - British 25pounder scatter increased 'forward' to help prevent shots landing within its minimum range. - Building criticals fixed for artillery. A bug was killing all occupants of a building when there was a near miss by artillery shell. - Axis Personnel population upkeep threshold increased from 12 to 14 - Pioneer upkeep doubled from approximately 3 to approximately 6. - Upkeep removed from repair pioneer at Repair Bunker. - tp_slit_trench had its disable_target_search removed and artillery was added to its projectile pass through for flamethrowers. - V1 set to a new projectile type that will allow it to pass through buildings in order for it to hit its targeted location. - V1 scatter tuned. - PIAT Weapon tuned - Damage reduced from 100 to 90 - Target accuracy reduced vs moving light vehicles (generally from .8 to .4). - PIAT armour penetration values set for a few missing Commonwealth vehicles (in case PIAT is picked up) - Allied Bazookas are slightly less accurate vs light vehicles. - British Starting pop cap dropped from 46 to 40 - Panzer Elite Base Building Health increased from 500 to 1000. - Heavy Tank guns have reduced accuracy vs PE light vehicles. Modifier is set from 1 to .6 - Stuarts, M8 Greyhounds have .8 moving accuracy modifier vs PE Light vehicles. - Sticky bombs given a .8 damage modifier vs Panzer Elite Light vehicles. - Snipers retreat modifiers tuned. Sniper retreat received accuracy modifier set to .75 - Axis Mortar scatter reduced marginally to account for its extra range. Angle drops from 10 to 9, distance_scatter drops from 12 to 10. - Fallschirmjager FG42 rifle tuned. - Increased suppression - Increased accuracy at long range - Increased burst length - Increased reload frequency. Weapon will reload less often. - Removed 'building' type off Wehrmacht and Panzer Elite defenses to prevent Registered Artillery from being used on these structures. - Registered artillery has a slight modification to its target requirements. - Panzer Elite Aid Station health regeneration modifier set from .15 to .095 v2.100 09/24/2007 Online - Refactored network library. General Features - Added Commonwealth Army. - Added Panzer Elite Army. Gameplay - A large number of bug fixes and tuning changes have been addressed. -
《英雄连》包括资料片《抵抗前线》V2.xxx 简体中文增补包第一版制作完成: http://www.fpschina.com/index.php?showtopic=18854 该简体中文增补包的主要特性包括: 不修改游戏原文件,不影响以后升级; 可随时在原语言和简体中文版之间切换; 适用于所有语言的 V2.xxx 版本,包括原版和资料片; 对于以后的新版增补包,直接覆盖安装即可,无需卸载老版本的增补包。 欢迎大家提出问题,以便我们在第二版中补充和完善。
将解压缩后得到的 RelicCOH.exe 文件和 rs 文件夹覆盖到游戏文件夹即可。 注意备份原文件。
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《英雄连》(Company of Heros)繁体中文版 V1.71 → V2.101 升级补丁。 v2.101 09/24/2007 Online - Connectivity improvements. - Lobby improvements. - Fixed several simulation crashes. - Automatch fixes. Gameplay - Vet 3 Ostwind receives a 40% boost to accuracy. - Wehrmacht Panzer Command Building reduced 15 fuel. - Wehrmacht Panzer Command build time increased by 15s - Knights' Cross Holders receive Panzerfaust ability at Vet 3 - Panther cost reduced from 140 fuel to 125 fuel - Panzerfausts cost reduced to 35 - Panzerfausts improved vs light vehicles. - Stugs and StuHs receive a 15% health modifier at vet 2 - Wehrmacht Halftracks receive damage modifier at Vet 1 decreased from .85 to .75 - Wehrmacht Halftracks deliver 20% more damage Vet 2 - Vet 2 StuH has a received penetration modifier of .85 - Churchill Crocodile Flamethrower range increased from 20 to 35 - Churchill Crocodile Flamethrower damage output increased vs pinned (1.5 damage, 2x accuracy) and suppressed targets (1.25 damage). - Sniper rifles accuracy vs trench cover increased from .25 to .45 - Reduced cost of Allied MG nest by 5 fuel. - Ranger Veterancy experience requirements increased to 14/28/50 - British Howitzer Popcap reduced to 10 from 12. - BAR damage increased to .4 versus Panzer Elite soldiers. - Puma\234 Armoured Car Vet 2 range bonus reduced to 1.125 from 1.2 - Nebelwerfer Vet 3 damage reduced to 1.15 from 1.25. - More StuH projectile Tuning. Projectile set to artillery type to deal with very errant misses. - FG42 tuned. Burst length reset, moving accuracy and moving burst modifiers adjusted to match non-assault rifle weapons. - Tuned some Stug and StuH target damage modifiers. - Vet exp values tuned for British and Panzer Elite Vehicles, British Captains, LTs, and Luftwaffe Ground forces. - Pak35 weapon on 250 AT halftrack had its priority tuned vs team weapons. Will kill weapon teams more effectively instead of shell intersecting team weapon. - Bug fix for V1 that prevented it from landing if the FOW closed in too early during the ability (if a spotter was killed for example). - Received accuracy modifier removed from British Captain. - Bren carriers build time increased to 35 seconds. - Bren carriers Armour Piercing ability cost increased to 40 munitions. - UI changes to creeping barrage. - Fixed Bofors vs tp_armour_axis_panther_skirts - Vet cost Updates for Werhmacht Support units and Vehicles (from manpower/fuel - 100/30, 300/50, 300/70 to 100/20, 200/40, 250/50) - Wehrmacht Puma/234 Heavy Armoured car receives a 20% weapon range increase at Vet 2 and a 30% weapon damage increase at Vet 3 - Wehrmacht Mortar teams receive a 50% damage increase to their barrage at Vet 3 - Wehrmacht Nebelwerfers receive a 35% speed boost at vet 1 - Wehrmacht Nebelwerfers receive a 25% damage increase to their barrage at vet 3 - Wehrmacht MG42s receive a +15 sight range increase at Vet 3 - Wehrmacht Pak38s receive a 25% damage boost at Vet 3. - Kettenkrad sniper detection range increased to 20. - King Tiger generates 100mp reduction for 5 minutes upon arrival. - Wehrmacht Battle Phase fuel cost reduced to 50 from 65 - Armour Piercing shells on Allied 57mm AT and British 17pounder increased to 50mun - Wehrmacht Panthers, Stugs, and Panzer IVS, and PE Panzer IVs Infantry Support Tanks are more resistant to infantry AT (Panzerschrecks, Bazookas, Sticky Bombs, Recoilless rifles, PIATs etc.) when they receive armour skirts from Veterancy or upgrades. - Wehrmacht pioneers receive a repair ability at Vet 3 that enables them to repair more effectively in combat. The damage modifier while repairing was reduced. - British LTs are affected by suppression, but can take a considerable amount of fire before becoming suppressed. - British Infantry sections and LTs have their capture modifier set to 1.0 instead of 1.5. - Bren carriers lose a received damage bonus (.85) when they upgrade with the Vickers MMG. - Mortar damage modifier increased vs tp_trench cover types. - British mortars have additional accuracy bonus vs slit trenches. - British Rifle grenades improved vs tp_trench cover type and trench objects. - Panzer Grenadiers and Fallschirmjagers have their passive mine detection re-enabled. Mines within 10m will be detected when the PGs are immobile for 3 seconds. - 250 Funkwagen halftrack will detect and reveal camouflaged snipers in an area around itself when setup. - British Infanty damage modifier while constructing emplacements increased from 1.5 to 2.0 to match Sappers. - Panzer Elite start with 50 munitions. - Stormtrooper's bundled grenade does 3x damage vs slit trenches. - Button vehicle will disable coaxial MGs before the main gun. Main gun will remain active for 5 seconds after ability is applied. - Tank guns set to .9 damage vs tp_infantry_soldier (Panzer Grenadiers and British Infantry). Increased from .7 - Removed rear damage enabled flag from Kettenkrad. - Panzer Grenadier AT grenades set to do the same damage vs British Infantry as regular infantry. - Wehrmacht forces receive a new medkit. - The basic medkit is available at tier 2 (after researching Escalate to Skirmish) but only functions in friendly territory. - At tier 4 (Escalate to Battle Phase) they receive a new medkit that can be used anywhere. - Stukas, V1s, and Nebelwerfers all have improved damage vs British emplacements. - Nebelwerfers and Stukas set to 1.0 damage vs tp_infantry_soldier. - Pak 38s and Flak 88s have been moved into the Vehicle Veterancy research at the KampfKraft Center. - Mortars set to do 1.0 damage vs tp_infantry_soldier target types (Panzer Grenadiers and British Infantry). - Building critical tuning. - V1 FOW scatter modifiers reduced. - PIAT scatter modified to reduce anti-infantry effectiveness - British Priest damage modifier vs buildings set from .35 to .25 - Panzer Elite Scout car health increased from 220 to 260. - British Artillery cooldowns (basic and supercharge barrages) set from 60 to 90. - StuH weapon scatter reduced, angle of gun depression increased marginally. - StuH tilt set to 0m. - Panzer Elite AT grenade damage bug fixed on target types associated with British Infantry. - Pioneer veterancy moved to support veteran choice. - Help text not yet updated. - Pioneers have a received damage modifier when massed. - Butterfly mines set to damage all infantry types equally. - All Flamethrowers set to do damage to gliders after they land. - Removed incorrect squad AI plan from several tank squads. - Fixed a bug where abilities, such as BAR suppression, were able to be used in hold of M3 Halftrack. These abilities wouldn't work in the halftrack. - A data bug fix was made to Panzer Elite Suppressive Volley Fire - The modifiers would reset incorrectly when the squad moved. - Panzer Grenadier G43 Rifle upgrade cost increased to 50 from 35 - Lieutenant Auras were tuned. - Removed received suppression modifiers - Set stacking cooldown weapon modifier on LT vet 2 from .75 to .9 - Fixed a bug where the non-stacking modifier was stacking. - Added reload weapon modifier to LT vet 2 and set to .9 - Removed reload weapon modifiers on LTs - Removed stacking accuracy modifier on LT vet 2 - Reduced popcap bonus on LT vet 3 from 8 to 4. - Increased the amount of action required to gain veterancy levels on British Lieutenants from: - Second level requires 30 instead of 24 - Third level requires 54 instead of 36 - Panzer Elite Halftrack costs were adjusted - 250 Infantry Halftrack drops to 15 fuel from 20 - 250 'Funkwagen' Halftrack drops to 0 from 20 fuel. - Munitions Halftrack was decreased from 280 to 220 manpower - All Panzer Elite 250 halftracks were increased in health from 260 to 300 - Panzer Elite Scout cars cost decreased from 240 to 220 manpower - Panzer Elite Scout Car popcap decreased from 4 to 2. - Tank Buster infantry increased in cost to 390 manpower - Assault Infantry increased in price to 360 manpower - Received damage modifiers reduced to .99 on Group Zeal ability for Panzer Elite. - Panzer Elite 88mm health increased from 250 to 375. - British 25pounder fuel cost increased from 55 to 75. - British 25pounder popcap increased to 12 from 8 - British 25pounder scatter increased 'forward' to help prevent shots landing within its minimum range. - Building criticals fixed for artillery. A bug was killing all occupants of a building when there was a near miss by artillery shell. - Axis Personnel population upkeep threshold increased from 12 to 14 - Pioneer upkeep doubled from approximately 3 to approximately 6. - Upkeep removed from repair pioneer at Repair Bunker. - tp_slit_trench had its disable_target_search removed and artillery was added to its projectile pass through for flamethrowers. - V1 set to a new projectile type that will allow it to pass through buildings in order for it to hit its targeted location. - V1 scatter tuned. - PIAT Weapon tuned - Damage reduced from 100 to 90 - Target accuracy reduced vs moving light vehicles (generally from .8 to .4). - PIAT armour penetration values set for a few missing Commonwealth vehicles (in case PIAT is picked up) - Allied Bazookas are slightly less accurate vs light vehicles. - British Starting pop cap dropped from 46 to 40 - Panzer Elite Base Building Health increased from 500 to 1000. - Heavy Tank guns have reduced accuracy vs PE light vehicles. Modifier is set from 1 to .6 - Stuarts, M8 Greyhounds have .8 moving accuracy modifier vs PE Light vehicles. - Sticky bombs given a .8 damage modifier vs Panzer Elite Light vehicles. - Snipers retreat modifiers tuned. Sniper retreat received accuracy modifier set to .75 - Axis Mortar scatter reduced marginally to account for its extra range. Angle drops from 10 to 9, distance_scatter drops from 12 to 10. - Fallschirmjager FG42 rifle tuned. - Increased suppression - Increased accuracy at long range - Increased burst length - Increased reload frequency. Weapon will reload less often. - Removed 'building' type off Wehrmacht and Panzer Elite defenses to prevent Registered Artillery from being used on these structures. - Registered artillery has a slight modification to its target requirements. - Panzer Elite Aid Station health regeneration modifier set from .15 to .095 v2.100 09/24/2007 Online - Refactored network library. General Features - Added Commonwealth Army. - Added Panzer Elite Army. Gameplay - A large number of bug fixes and tuning changes have been addressed. -
文件名称: 《英雄连》繁体中文版 V1.71 -> V2.101 升级补丁 上传会员: S-22 上传时间: 2007年09月28日 18:14 最后更新: 2007年09月29日 08:26 存放位置: 游戏补丁 Game Patches 《英雄连》(Company of Heros)繁体中文版 V1.71 -> V2.101 升级补丁。 v2.101 09/24/2007 Online - Connectivity improvements. - Lobby improvements. - Fixed several simulation crashes. - Automatch fixes. Gameplay - Vet 3 Ostwind receives a 40% boost to accuracy. - Wehrmacht Panzer Command Building reduced 15 fuel. - Wehrmacht Panzer Command build time increased by 15s - Knights' Cross Holders receive Panzerfaust ability at Vet 3 - Panther cost reduced from 140 fuel to 125 fuel - Panzerfausts cost reduced to 35 - Panzerfausts improved vs light vehicles. - Stugs and StuHs receive a 15% health modifier at vet 2 - Wehrmacht Halftracks receive damage modifier at Vet 1 decreased from .85 to .75 - Wehrmacht Halftracks deliver 20% more damage Vet 2 - Vet 2 StuH has a received penetration modifier of .85 - Churchill Crocodile Flamethrower range increased from 20 to 35 - Churchill Crocodile Flamethrower damage output increased vs pinned (1.5 damage, 2x accuracy) and suppressed targets (1.25 damage). - Sniper rifles accuracy vs trench cover increased from .25 to .45 - Reduced cost of Allied MG nest by 5 fuel. - Ranger Veterancy experience requirements increased to 14/28/50 - British Howitzer Popcap reduced to 10 from 12. - BAR damage increased to .4 versus Panzer Elite soldiers. - Puma\234 Armoured Car Vet 2 range bonus reduced to 1.125 from 1.2 - Nebelwerfer Vet 3 damage reduced to 1.15 from 1.25. - More StuH projectile Tuning. Projectile set to artillery type to deal with very errant misses. - FG42 tuned. Burst length reset, moving accuracy and moving burst modifiers adjusted to match non-assault rifle weapons. - Tuned some Stug and StuH target damage modifiers. - Vet exp values tuned for British and Panzer Elite Vehicles, British Captains, LTs, and Luftwaffe Ground forces. - Pak35 weapon on 250 AT halftrack had its priority tuned vs team weapons. Will kill weapon teams more effectively instead of shell intersecting team weapon. - Bug fix for V1 that prevented it from landing if the FOW closed in too early during the ability (if a spotter was killed for example). - Received accuracy modifier removed from British Captain. - Bren carriers build time increased to 35 seconds. - Bren carriers Armour Piercing ability cost increased to 40 munitions. - UI changes to creeping barrage. - Fixed Bofors vs tp_armour_axis_panther_skirts - Vet cost Updates for Werhmacht Support units and Vehicles (from manpower/fuel - 100/30, 300/50, 300/70 to 100/20, 200/40, 250/50) - Wehrmacht Puma/234 Heavy Armoured car receives a 20% weapon range increase at Vet 2 and a 30% weapon damage increase at Vet 3 - Wehrmacht Mortar teams receive a 50% damage increase to their barrage at Vet 3 - Wehrmacht Nebelwerfers receive a 35% speed boost at vet 1 - Wehrmacht Nebelwerfers receive a 25% damage increase to their barrage at vet 3 - Wehrmacht MG42s receive a +15 sight range increase at Vet 3 - Wehrmacht Pak38s receive a 25% damage boost at Vet 3. - Kettenkrad sniper detection range increased to 20. - King Tiger generates 100mp reduction for 5 minutes upon arrival. - Wehrmacht Battle Phase fuel cost reduced to 50 from 65 - Armour Piercing shells on Allied 57mm AT and British 17pounder increased to 50mun - Wehrmacht Panthers, Stugs, and Panzer IVS, and PE Panzer IVs Infantry Support Tanks are more resistant to infantry AT (Panzerschrecks, Bazookas, Sticky Bombs, Recoilless rifles, PIATs etc.) when they receive armour skirts from Veterancy or upgrades. - Wehrmacht pioneers receive a repair ability at Vet 3 that enables them to repair more effectively in combat. The damage modifier while repairing was reduced. - British LTs are affected by suppression, but can take a considerable amount of fire before becoming suppressed. - British Infantry sections and LTs have their capture modifier set to 1.0 instead of 1.5. - Bren carriers lose a received damage bonus (.85) when they upgrade with the Vickers MMG. - Mortar damage modifier increased vs tp_trench cover types. - British mortars have additional accuracy bonus vs slit trenches. - British Rifle grenades improved vs tp_trench cover type and trench objects. - Panzer Grenadiers and Fallschirmjagers have their passive mine detection re-enabled. Mines within 10m will be detected when the PGs are immobile for 3 seconds. - 250 Funkwagen halftrack will detect and reveal camouflaged snipers in an area around itself when setup. - British Infanty damage modifier while constructing emplacements increased from 1.5 to 2.0 to match Sappers. - Panzer Elite start with 50 munitions. - Stormtrooper's bundled grenade does 3x damage vs slit trenches. - Button vehicle will disable coaxial MGs before the main gun. Main gun will remain active for 5 seconds after ability is applied. - Tank guns set to .9 damage vs tp_infantry_soldier (Panzer Grenadiers and British Infantry). Increased from .7 - Removed rear damage enabled flag from Kettenkrad. - Panzer Grenadier AT grenades set to do the same damage vs British Infantry as regular infantry. - Wehrmacht forces receive a new medkit. - The basic medkit is available at tier 2 (after researching Escalate to Skirmish) but only functions in friendly territory. - At tier 4 (Escalate to Battle Phase) they receive a new medkit that can be used anywhere. - Stukas, V1s, and Nebelwerfers all have improved damage vs British emplacements. - Nebelwerfers and Stukas set to 1.0 damage vs tp_infantry_soldier. - Pak 38s and Flak 88s have been moved into the Vehicle Veterancy research at the KampfKraft Center. - Mortars set to do 1.0 damage vs tp_infantry_soldier target types (Panzer Grenadiers and British Infantry). - Building critical tuning. - V1 FOW scatter modifiers reduced. - PIAT scatter modified to reduce anti-infantry effectiveness - British Priest damage modifier vs buildings set from .35 to .25 - Panzer Elite Scout car health increased from 220 to 260. - British Artillery cooldowns (basic and supercharge barrages) set from 60 to 90. - StuH weapon scatter reduced, angle of gun depression increased marginally. - StuH tilt set to 0m. - Panzer Elite AT grenade damage bug fixed on target types associated with British Infantry. - Pioneer veterancy moved to support veteran choice. - Help text not yet updated. - Pioneers have a received damage modifier when massed. - Butterfly mines set to damage all infantry types equally. - All Flamethrowers set to do damage to gliders after they land. - Removed incorrect squad AI plan from several tank squads. - Fixed a bug where abilities, such as BAR suppression, were able to be used in hold of M3 Halftrack. These abilities wouldn't work in the halftrack. - A data bug fix was made to Panzer Elite Suppressive Volley Fire - The modifiers would reset incorrectly when the squad moved. - Panzer Grenadier G43 Rifle upgrade cost increased to 50 from 35 - Lieutenant Auras were tuned. - Removed received suppression modifiers - Set stacking cooldown weapon modifier on LT vet 2 from .75 to .9 - Fixed a bug where the non-stacking modifier was stacking. - Added reload weapon modifier to LT vet 2 and set to .9 - Removed reload weapon modifiers on LTs - Removed stacking accuracy modifier on LT vet 2 - Reduced popcap bonus on LT vet 3 from 8 to 4. - Increased the amount of action required to gain veterancy levels on British Lieutenants from: - Second level requires 30 instead of 24 - Third level requires 54 instead of 36 - Panzer Elite Halftrack costs were adjusted - 250 Infantry Halftrack drops to 15 fuel from 20 - 250 'Funkwagen' Halftrack drops to 0 from 20 fuel. - Munitions Halftrack was decreased from 280 to 220 manpower - All Panzer Elite 250 halftracks were increased in health from 260 to 300 - Panzer Elite Scout cars cost decreased from 240 to 220 manpower - Panzer Elite Scout Car popcap decreased from 4 to 2. - Tank Buster infantry increased in cost to 390 manpower - Assault Infantry increased in price to 360 manpower - Received damage modifiers reduced to .99 on Group Zeal ability for Panzer Elite. - Panzer Elite 88mm health increased from 250 to 375. - British 25pounder fuel cost increased from 55 to 75. - British 25pounder popcap increased to 12 from 8 - British 25pounder scatter increased 'forward' to help prevent shots landing within its minimum range. - Building criticals fixed for artillery. A bug was killing all occupants of a building when there was a near miss by artillery shell. - Axis Personnel population upkeep threshold increased from 12 to 14 - Pioneer upkeep doubled from approximately 3 to approximately 6. - Upkeep removed from repair pioneer at Repair Bunker. - tp_slit_trench had its disable_target_search removed and artillery was added to its projectile pass through for flamethrowers. - V1 set to a new projectile type that will allow it to pass through buildings in order for it to hit its targeted location. - V1 scatter tuned. - PIAT Weapon tuned - Damage reduced from 100 to 90 - Target accuracy reduced vs moving light vehicles (generally from .8 to .4). - PIAT armour penetration values set for a few missing Commonwealth vehicles (in case PIAT is picked up) - Allied Bazookas are slightly less accurate vs light vehicles. - British Starting pop cap dropped from 46 to 40 - Panzer Elite Base Building Health increased from 500 to 1000. - Heavy Tank guns have reduced accuracy vs PE light vehicles. Modifier is set from 1 to .6 - Stuarts, M8 Greyhounds have .8 moving accuracy modifier vs PE Light vehicles. - Sticky bombs given a .8 damage modifier vs Panzer Elite Light vehicles. - Snipers retreat modifiers tuned. Sniper retreat received accuracy modifier set to .75 - Axis Mortar scatter reduced marginally to account for its extra range. Angle drops from 10 to 9, distance_scatter drops from 12 to 10. - Fallschirmjager FG42 rifle tuned. - Increased suppression - Increased accuracy at long range - Increased burst length - Increased reload frequency. Weapon will reload less often. - Removed 'building' type off Wehrmacht and Panzer Elite defenses to prevent Registered Artillery from being used on these structures. - Registered artillery has a slight modification to its target requirements. - Panzer Elite Aid Station health regeneration modifier set from .15 to .095 v2.100 09/24/2007 Online - Refactored network library. General Features - Added Commonwealth Army. - Added Panzer Elite Army. Gameplay - A large number of bug fixes and tuning changes have been addressed. 点击这里下载文件
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