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由 背德の花 发布的全部内容

  1. 自动下载关掉
  2. 梦里回顾~哪个服我陪你
  3. 一份是闪光名字的cfg一份是服务器命令的cfg    loper的cfg么设只读,如果exec啥东西就直接 写里边咯~看样子是播放软件Seismovision搞的。 哦~卡儿回来后尝试下改版驱动
  4. 怎么游戏里中文聊天。。
  5. ..cod难玩些
  6. DHzer0point加速驱动都正确识别..
  7. // generated by Call of Duty, do not modify unbindall unbindall bind TAB "+scores" bind ESCAPE "togglemenu" bind SPACE "+gostand" bind , "cg_drawFPS 1" bind . "exec tweak.cfg" bind / "cg_drawFPS 0" bind 1 "weapnext" bind 2 "weapnext" bind 4 "+smoke" bind 6 "+talk" bind ` "toggleconsole" bind A "+moveleft" bind B "vstr nade2" bind C "goprone" bind D "+moveright" bind E "+activate" bind F "gocrouch" bind G "+frag" bind Q "+melee" bind R "+reload" bind S "+back" bind T "chatmodepublic" bind V "mp_QuickMessage" bind W "+forward" bind X "openScriptMenu ingame changeweapon" bind Y "chatmodeteam" bind Z "+holdbreath" bind ~ "toggleconsole" bind ALT "+leanright" bind PAUSE "toggle cl_paused" bind ALT "+leanright" bind CTRL "+movedown" bind SHIFT "+leanleft" bind F1 "vote yes" bind F2 "vote no" bind F3 "exec tomato.cfg; say ^6tomato ^2Config ^9Loaded..." bind F4 "name ^1z^3E^1aL^7|^3Rainbow" bind F5 "vstr demo_tog" bind F6 "exec dot.cfg; say ^3dot ^2Config ^9Loaded..." bind F12 "screenshotJPEG" bind MOUSE1 "+attack" bind MOUSE2 "toggleads" bind MOUSE3 "+frag" bind MOUSE5 "+holdbreath" seta ai_corpseCount "10" seta cg_blood "1" seta cg_brass "1" seta cg_centerPrintY "-60" seta cg_chatHeight "10" seta cg_chatTime "12000" seta cg_connectionIconSize "0" seta cg_crosshairAlpha "1" seta cg_crosshairAlphaMin "0" seta cg_crosshairDynamic "0" seta cg_crosshairEnemyColor "1" seta cg_cursorHints "4" seta cg_descriptiveText "1" seta cg_drawBreathHint "1" seta cg_drawCrosshair "1" seta cg_drawCrosshairNames "1" seta cg_drawFPS "Simple" seta cg_drawLagometer "1" seta cg_drawMantleHint "0" seta cg_drawSnapshot "0" seta cg_drawTurretCrosshair "1" seta cg_gameBoldMessageWidth "60" seta cg_gameMessageWidth "70" seta cg_headIconMinScreenRadius "0.015" seta cg_hintFadeTime "100" seta cg_hudChatPosition "5 150" seta cg_hudCompassMaxRange "1500" seta cg_hudCompassMinRadius "0" seta cg_hudCompassMinRange "0" seta cg_hudCompassSize "1" seta cg_hudCompassSoundPingFadeTime "2" seta cg_hudCompassSpringyPointers "0" seta cg_hudDamageIconHeight "64" seta cg_hudDamageIconOffset "128" seta cg_hudDamageIconTime "2000" seta cg_hudDamageIconWidth "128" seta cg_hudGrenadeIconHeight "25" seta cg_hudGrenadeIconOffset "50" seta cg_hudGrenadeIconWidth "25" seta cg_hudGrenadePointerHeight "12" seta cg_hudGrenadePointerPivot "12 27" seta cg_hudGrenadePointerWidth "25" seta cg_hudObjectiveMaxRange "2048" seta cg_hudObjectiveMinAlpha "1" seta cg_hudObjectiveMinHeight "-70" seta cg_hudProneY "-160" seta cg_hudSayPosition "5 126" seta cg_hudStanceHintPrints "0" seta cg_marks "1" seta cg_marksLimit "1024" seta cg_noTaunt "0" seta cg_predictItems "1" seta cg_scoreboardBannerHeight "24" seta cg_scoreboardItemHeight "18" seta cg_scoreboardScrollStep "3" seta cg_scriptIconSize "0" seta cg_subtitleCharHeight "12" seta cg_subtitleMinTime "3" seta cg_subtitlePosX "120" seta cg_subtitlePosY "400" seta cg_subtitles "1" seta cg_subtitleWidthStandard "80" seta cg_subtitleWidthWidescreen "80" seta cg_teamChatsOnly "0" seta cg_viewsize "100" seta cg_voiceIconSize "0" seta cg_voiceSpriteTime "6000" seta cg_weaponCycleDelay "0" seta cg_youInKillCamSize "6" seta cl_allowDownload "0" seta cl_anonymous "0" seta cl_freelook "1" seta cl_maxpackets "63" seta cl_maxPing "800" seta cl_mouseAccel "0" seta cl_packetdup "1" seta cl_pitchspeed "140" seta cl_voice "1" seta cl_yawspeed "140" seta com_hunkMegs "350" seta com_introPlayed "1" seta com_maxfps "125" seta com_recommendedSet "1" seta con_inputBoxColor "0.25 0.25 0.2 1" seta con_inputHintBoxColor "0.4 0.4 0.35 1" seta con_minicon "0" seta con_miniconlines "5" seta con_minicontime "4" seta con_outputBarColor "1 1 0.95 0.6" seta con_outputSliderColor "0.15 0.15 0.1 0.6" seta con_outputWindowColor "0.35 0.35 0.3 0.75" seta con_restricted "0" seta demo_start "record; set demo_tog vstr demo_stop" seta demo_stop "stoprecord; set demo_tog vstr demo_start" seta demo_tog "vstr demo_stop" seta fx_sort "1" seta g_allowvote "1" seta g_antilag "0" seta g_banIPs "" seta g_clonePlayerMaxVelocity "80" seta g_deadChat "1" seta g_dropForwardSpeed "10" seta g_dropUpSpeedBase "10" seta g_dropUpSpeedRand "5" seta g_log "Server1_mp.log" seta g_logSync "1" seta g_oldVoting "1" seta g_playerCollisionEjectSpeed "25" seta g_useGear "1" seta g_useholdspawndelay "1" seta g_voiceChatTalkingDuration "500" seta g_voteAbstainWeight "0.5" seta hud_deathQuoteFadeTime "1000" seta hud_enable "1" seta hud_fade_ammodisplay "0" seta hud_fade_compass "0" seta hud_fade_healthbar "0" seta hud_fade_offhand "0" seta hud_fade_stance "0.05" seta hud_fadeout_speed "0.1" seta hud_flash_period_offhand "0.5" seta hud_flash_time_offhand "2" seta hud_health_pulserate_critical "0.5" seta hud_health_pulserate_injured "1" seta hud_health_startpulse_critical "0.33" seta hud_health_startpulse_injured "1" seta in_mouse "1" seta input_viewSensitivity "1" seta loc_forceEnglish "0" seta loc_language "0" seta m_filter "0" seta m_forward "0.25" seta m_pitch "0.022" seta m_side "0.25" seta m_yaw "0.022" seta mss_3d_provider "Miles Fast 2D Positional Audio" seta mss_khz "44" seta nade2 "+gostand; wait; -frag; wait; -gostand; wait; bind B" seta name "^3dot" seta net_noipx "0" seta net_noudp "0" seta net_socksEnabled "0" seta net_socksPassword "" seta net_socksPort "1080" seta net_socksServer "" seta net_socksUsername "" seta r_aaAlpha "dither (fast)" seta r_aaSamples "1" seta r_anisotropy "4" seta r_aspectRatio "auto" seta r_autopriority "1" seta r_depthPrepassModels "0" seta r_displayRefresh "85 Hz" seta r_distortion "1" seta r_dlightLimit "8" seta r_drawSun "1" seta r_fullscreen "1" seta r_gamma "1.3631" seta r_glow "1" seta r_ignorehwgamma "0" seta r_inGameVideo "1" seta r_lodBias "0" seta r_lodScale "1" seta r_mode "1024x768" seta r_monitor "0" seta r_multiGpu "1" seta r_overbrightBits "1" seta r_picmip "1" seta r_picmip_bump "1" seta r_picmip_manual "1" seta r_picmip_spec "1" seta r_polygonOffsetBias "-1" seta r_polygonOffsetScale "-1" seta r_portalBevels "0.7" seta r_railCoreWidth "1" seta r_rendererPreference "dx7" seta r_swapInterval "0" seta r_textureMode "bilinear" seta r_zFeather "1" seta rate "25000" seta sc_enable "1" seta sensitivity "6.17857" seta server1 "" seta server10 "" seta server11 "" seta server12 "" seta server13 "" seta server14 "" seta server15 "" seta server16 "" seta server2 "" seta server3 "" seta server4 "" seta server5 "" seta server6 "" seta server7 "" seta server8 "" seta server9 "" seta snaps "33" seta snd_bits "16" seta snd_errorOnMissing "0" seta snd_khz "44" seta snd_slaveFadeTime "500" seta snd_stereo "1" seta snd_touchStreamFilesOnLoad "0" seta snd_volume "0.595238" seta sv_allowAnonymous "0" seta sv_allowDownload "1" seta sv_floodProtect "1" seta sv_hostname "^1z^3E^1aL ^1COD2 server" seta sv_maxclients "32" seta sv_maxPing "0" seta sv_maxRate "20000" seta sv_minPing "0" seta sv_reconnectlimit "3" seta sv_voice "0" seta sys_configSum "128026549" seta sys_cpuGHz "3.01068" seta sys_gpu "NVIDIA GeForce 6600 GT" seta sys_sysMB "1024" seta ui_bigFont "0.4" seta ui_browserFriendlyfire "-1" seta ui_browserKillcam "-1" seta ui_browserMod "-1" seta ui_browserShowDedicated "0" seta ui_browserShowEmpty "1" seta ui_browserShowFull "1" seta ui_browserShowNoPassword "1" seta ui_browserShowPassword "1" seta ui_browserShowPure "0" seta ui_currentMap "2" seta ui_currentNetMap "2" seta ui_dedicated "0" seta ui_extraBigFont "0.55" seta ui_gametype "3" seta ui_joinGametype "0" seta ui_netGametype "3" seta ui_netGametypeName "sd" seta ui_netSource "2" seta ui_serverStatusTimeOut "7000" seta ui_smallFont "0.25" seta vid_xpos "3" seta vid_ypos "22" seta voice_deadChat "0" seta voice_global "1" seta voice_localEcho "0" seta winvoice_mic_mute "1" seta winvoice_mic_reclevel "65535" seta winvoice_mic_scaler "1" seta winvoice_save_voice "0"
  8. 明儿上图。/^^
  9. 进游戏主界面看右下角是1.2的么? 用的哪个补丁?英文版的话用这个吧~ http://download.activision.com/callofduty2...y2Patchv1_2.exe
  10. 眼睛充血。。注意睡眠
  11. 今儿武汉天气so ok! 太好了
  12. 要得~寄我张7900gt我好教你玩,学杂费全免
  13. 下回坚决无视这种论谁强不强的贴~没劲,不感兴趣。。你们讨论我先下了
  14. 爬墙男能化不利为有利~
  15. 乐呵乐呵得了..
  16. 罗盘加声音辨位~窝哪儿都给你掘出来!
  17. 要得要得!~
  18. 虚幻3引擎。 肯定很屌~
  19. 不尊重老师!~
  20. zEaL PUB SD一直就开着呢!~ 需用算号器重新生成。以下自开放以来被踢的人,原因是相同的GUID/CDKEY或者名字不符合 [04.12.2006 23:14:53] VIOLATION (DUPGUID) #116: ^1z^3E^1aL^7 ^2Guest ^1# ^530 (slot #7) Duplicate GUID/CDKEY [75073ea86f9fd40ae9723cfe2206eb59(-)] [04.12.2006 23:14:53] VIOLATION (DUPGUID) #116: ( ̄▽ ̄)♂ (slot #8) Duplicate GUID/CDKEY [75073ea86f9fd40ae9723cfe2206eb59(-)] [04.12.2006 23:15:18] VIOLATION (DUPGUID) #116: ^1z^3E^1aL^7|^5Vassily.Zaitsev (slot #7) Duplicate GUID/CDKEY [3b3d6c3bd0405c4ced85e40296c0e9e8(-)] [04.12.2006 23:15:18] VIOLATION (DUPGUID) #116: ^^13BabyFace (slot #9) Duplicate GUID/CDKEY [3b3d6c3bd0405c4ced85e40296c0e9e8(-)] [04.12.2006 23:21:42] VIOLATION (BADNAME) #111: ( ̄▽ ̄)♂ (slot #8) Bad Name (Extended ASCII Characters) [75073ea86f9fd40ae9723cfe2206eb59(-)] [04.12.2006 23:31:47] VIOLATION (DUPGUID) #116: coder (slot #8) Duplicate GUID/CDKEY [3b3d6c3bd0405c4ced85e40296c0e9e8(-)] [04.12.2006 23:31:47] VIOLATION (DUPGUID) #116: ^-^ (slot #11) Duplicate GUID/CDKEY [3b3d6c3bd0405c4ced85e40296c0e9e8(-)] [04.12.2006 23:40:39] VIOLATION (DUPGUID) #116: ^3ZGX (slot #8) Duplicate GUID/CDKEY [3b3d6c3bd0405c4ced85e40296c0e9e8(-)] [04.12.2006 23:40:39] VIOLATION (DUPGUID) #116: ^-^ (slot #11) Duplicate GUID/CDKEY [3b3d6c3bd0405c4ced85e40296c0e9e8(-)] [04.13.2006 13:28:16] VIOLATION (BADNAME) #111: (slot #7) Empty Player Name Disallowed [ff4b523ca96c074ab98020fc5d963254(-)] [04.13.2006 16:58:09] VIOLATION (DUPGUID) #116: mm-ld (slot #10) Duplicate GUID/CDKEY [3b3d6c3bd0405c4ced85e40296c0e9e8(-)] [04.13.2006 16:58:09] VIOLATION (DUPGUID) #116: xu x mm-ld (slot #12) Duplicate GUID/CDKEY [3b3d6c3bd0405c4ced85e40296c0e9e8(-)] [04.13.2006 17:03:18] VIOLATION (DUPGUID) #116: mm-ld (slot #10) Duplicate GUID/CDKEY [3b3d6c3bd0405c4ced85e40296c0e9e8(-)] [04.13.2006 17:03:18] VIOLATION (DUPGUID) #116: X mm-ld (slot #12) Duplicate GUID/CDKEY [3b3d6c3bd0405c4ced85e40296c0e9e8(-)] [04.13.2006 17:29:58] VIOLATION (BADNAME) #111: (slot #10) Empty Player Name Disallowed [ff4b523ca96c074ab98020fc5d963254(-)] [04.13.2006 17:35:14] VIOLATION (DUPGUID) #116: (slot #11) Duplicate GUID/CDKEY [3b3d6c3bd0405c4ced85e40296c0e9e8(-)] [04.13.2006 17:35:14] VIOLATION (DUPGUID) #116: ^1Kat^7her^8^7^8^2^3^4ine (slot #10) Duplicate GUID/CDKEY [3b3d6c3bd0405c4ced85e40296c0e9e8(-)]
  21. 心理作用。。呃哦~
  22. 研究下!~群众反映卡,另外kick严重
  23. 没显卡了~只有梦中玩玩了~我就这么想的
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