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  1. COD2 NOCDKEY server
  2. 文件名称: ExtremePlus (1.3 final)上传会员: EMHAO上传时间: 28 Jul 2006最后更新: 6 Nov 2008存放位置: 游戏录像 Game VideosReadme File:eXtreme+ 1.3 release notesMod Features* Message of the day system, incorporated in to a server information screen which shows other relevant information about your game and mod settings, this displayed when a player joins your server and accessible at any time from the in game menus* Fall Damage Modifier* Clan manage system, managed voting, general greeting + custom welcome messages for up to 4 clans* Welcome message system, incorporating general greeting, call vote status and custom welcome messages* Custom map rotations, random or player based (3 size settings)* End of game map voting system* Laser dot aiming HUD display* Spectator & Death music* Custom announcements, good luck message on spawn, first blood announcement on team based game types and time announcer* Score hud display, displayed towards end of game* Custom obituary, killing spree, weapon spree, noob streak and death on screen messages* Server message system, can display up to 10 custom messages, next map and or game type plus your complete map rotation.* Team Kill system (SINBIN), can monitor team based games for team killers, you set the limits and the mod will randomly either freeze them to the spot without a weapon or lift them in to the sky and drop them like a stone* Movie mode, lets you play the game in letterbox, some like, some hate, you decide!* COD2 health regen system, or COD health bar with the ability to drop health packs on death* Anti-Camper system, marks campers on the compass.* Forced client side dvar control, allow you to force:- data rate, mantle hint (on/off), crosshair (on/off), crosshair names (on/off), enemy crosshair (on/off), hud stance (on/off), bright model (on/off), red dot fade quick (on/off)* Stats board, at the end of game you can choose to see players stats, covers all death types, high score and kill ratio* Realism options, drop weapon on hand or arm hit (trip does not work yet!)* Choose which weapons are allowed* Grenade Override system, allow you to override the stock levels given by weapon class, or set a fixed amount and even a random amount each spawn.* Weapon Override, this feature allows you to set which weapons are available on a particular map, game type or even both. You can choose from snipers, rifles, machine guns, shotgun or pistol only play. Shotgun only rocks!, you can also choose whether to allow frag and/or smoke grenades in these modes* Weapon damage modifiers, you can set using % of their original damage, the damage caused by weapons. You can go above or below, so you want more powerful grenades, set it to 150, to get 50% more, if you want less damages, set it to 75 to get 75% of the damage* Grenade indicators, death icons, hit blip and objective indicators can be enabled or disabled* Two new game types added from the old days, hold the flag and last team standing* Mortar strikes, can be set to safe or deadly!Mod Features continued,* Planes can be set to safe, safe with bombs and also deadly!* Anti - Aircraft system, can have flak effects in the sky, can be set with the planes..* Ambient tracers, tracer fire spawned off play area on maps.* Secondary weapons, you can now choose an additional weapon, and set it to have the pistol too! You can choose to allow enemy weapons as secondary choice* Enemy weapon monitor, you can set this to stop players using enemy weapons in a map, or set it to allow only if there previous weapon ammo is low* First aid / Medic system, you can now heal yourself and team mates* Forced Auto Assign* Unknown soldier handling, the mod takes care of lazy players who don't change their name http://www.fpschina.com/uploads/default_smile.png' alt=':)'>* Name checker, runs in the background and monitors players names, if it finds a duplicate it renames the later joining player to Unknown Soldier, then (if enabled) the Unknown Soldier handling routine takes care of them* Sprinting (ported and modified Bell's sprint routine)* Spawn Protection system* Pophead & Pophelmet* Allied & Axis LiveStats!, in game number of live and dead allies* Pain & Death soundsInstallationIf you have a previous version of eXtreme+, move or delete them from your mod folder, if you wish to continue using the audio files, you can leave them!, the mod will however run without them, but for the moment you will loose the spectator music and all custom played sounds.WindowsCreate a folder in your Call of Duty root folder, i.e. C:\Program Files\Call of Duty 2\. Name it whatever you like (but keep it neat!), I have used xtreme as the folder name, but I suggest you use something like your clan or server name, so that there aren't a million other people with the same name which can cause a headache for the clients side! Unpack the contents of the ZIP file to that folder.Once, unpacked, associate the configuration files (.cfg's) with notepad or if your fancy something like 'Ultra Edit' and associate the iwd's with 'Winrar'. Open ALL the configuration files and set things the way you want them, the settings that are in there at the moment are to my liking and work quite well but it's your choice not mine. Please spend A LOT of time doing this so you get it all nice!Open up the file called custom.iwd (using Winrar) and in there you two folders, go in to the one called exclanlogo and you will find gsc file that holds the server name, associate the gsc with notepad or the like and edit the name in between "" quotes ONLY!, save the file and then your clans name will appear bottom right.Within custom.iwd go in to the other folder called localizedstrings, and associate the str file with you text editor (do not use EXCEL!), inside this file is where you set your custom text to appear on screen in the game, follow the instructions carefully and DO NOT ALTER the structure of the file, just the text between the quotes (you must leave the quotes)Once you're happy that it all, make a shortcut to your COD2 MP exe, place it somewhere you can find it easily and right click on it and select properties. In the section called target, edit the line to read"C:\Program Files\Activision\Call of Duty 2" +set fs_game myextreme+exec server.cfgYour path and folder name (myextreme) may be different but it's the +set etc.... that is important,Double click the shortcut and you should be up and running!Linux usersIf you're using Linux or FreeBSD then you most likely already know more than me about setting your server up. But essentially the same instructions apply but the path names, shortcuts and execution methods will differ. I am sorry, I am a Windows user and can't offer much more help with Linux!UpgradingRemove all the IWD files apart from your custom.iwd, this has not changed in 1.3. Also you can keep the music/sound files if you use them. Remember to go through the new server.cfg carefully making your selectionsOn how YOU want the mod to run.Bug reportsPlease report any bugs in the COD2 mod forums at www.gom.me.ukEnjoyAstorothAddition credits to:, Wizzard 220, Bell, Mattius and those I forgot :)Many thanks to:- Cyruz, Adogg, Dave White, Marc and Mike Nomad for helping during testing of 1.3....点击这里下载文件
  3. 我用GOOGLE查的,他们自己写的不是软件能看。
  4. You do not have permission to add files to this category
  5. == 整个盒子。。。。。。你也太贪心 想当初我还是论坛第1个买豪华版的人就因为机子带不动一直放着。 不过豪华版是不错DVD 主程序一张再加上DVD 介绍整个COD2 制作花絮的确是很有收藏的价值。
  6. 我进BF2 导入地图100%之后就会出现篮屏 DOS暴出兼容问题。。。。。。可我打COD2 一点问题都没有 -- 听说显卡驱动的问题。 可我换了新的旧的驱动都不行,谁知道怎么解决?
  7. 嗯,我在美国PING老外还行,PING国内200-300== 还有我把那个MOD打包的不知道能不能开服务器用。谁给个上传的地方?
  8. 找到2个不需要CDKEY的服务器 CoD2 "" "ThunderClap CoD2 eXtreme" ip: port: 28960 (default) country: Spain Gametypes: all Original CDkey: Not necessary
  9. ==...................可惜了我再找找不用CDKEY的
  10. 1 Toilet PaperDM extreme+ 14/22 28960 mp_stlo TPextreme 2 Toilet PaperPUB extreme+ 11/20 28960 mp_sidibousaid TPextreme 这美服的两个地址
  11. 之前看见有人说带加速和炮火支援的美服还有些不相信,这几天去刷服务器的时候进一个HQ的服务器。一看WOW 带加速 带自己加血 带炮火支援 我在上面的小小成绩 从底下的MOD名称看其MOD,好像叫PUB Extreme+ 我简单的介绍一下使用的方法: 加速:前进中按住F加速,有数值限制到0时需要停顿自动恢复。 血液显现:和COD一样血会血格一担你就剩1丝血如果不即使加血话就马上死亡。。。。跑动会加速死亡 加血:在弹药的上方会有个“+” 十字符号,开始的时候每人一个 当血少停住原地按F之后就会出现慢动作血就一点一点的往上加(注意一定要按死F否则加就一下不会满--,直接浪费一个血包) 炮火攻击:好像分数到达20多左右就会出炮台标志 按B开起望远镜 按F确定。 枪弹:开始可以选2把枪,不能再选。再选就只能使用新的选的枪(可能是MOD的BUG),枪弹有等级限制开始子弹不会多,随着分数不断上升子弹就会上升(用阻的可就小心了开始可就10发子弹,得节约的用) 使MOD用后的游戏图片
  12. HAHAHA要的DVD珍藏版的CDKEY。。。。。。。。。。。是不可能的。 我还用那 这么好的东西怎么能给人
  13. 谢了,原来是F12 ==
  14. COD我知道有但是COD2好像不能用?
  15. 刚才打了3局全是第2 --,1局玩阻击战爽死了。还好我没忘记怎么开枪,打了40多分
  16. 不在国内要不也去凑个热闹
  17. 是呀,好久不见了你还好吧? 唉,当时机子不行再加上期末要考试就一直没来。最近才换了卡 过来看看。
  18. 高手到不是现在手感很差的说。过去玩COD 步枪的时候还行
  19. 没办法,我在国外老外的网都不错 刷出来都是 100一内的 打起来真是不同凡响。 我一个人MP40 就打了56分 感觉还是速度快好打。 就是那个莱福枪实在是想BS 过去是喜欢不过自己现在喜欢用MP40 那些人用莱福枪 太—— 感觉应该取消莱福枪
  20. 一般 1024*768的分别率最好看清的图片的分别率 800*600 图片会模糊 不过得显卡好还才能开 效果当然是逼真度,我除了 SLI没办法开其他的我都开了 云雾和光线的效果超棒 还有血 环境让人感觉真的是在打战。不过我的卡还可以 30多人一起打都不卡爽死了 :devil:
  21. 是呀,现在换了机子打起来爽多了。老外的水平基本还是那么菜。
  22. 之前因为机子太旧不能带动COD2之后就没怎么来这里的,最近换了新机子 AMD 64 3500+ 1G内存 200G硬盘 又买个GF7600 GS COD2 终于又活了过了 效果全开 4X 1024X768 打网络不卡。 爽死了,终于我的COD2 DVD珍藏版没有白费。 不知道大家是打国内的服务器还是打外国的? 推荐几个服务器给我
  23. == 不出UO模式就是为了COD2 的资料片打基础。。。。。。。。看看COD不是和COD2一样。。。。。。其实感觉COD2就是COD的升级版
  24. 我喜欢
  25. 不错,支持!!! 可惜我现在由于机子跟不上,打COD2速度太慢。 白白浪费我买的COD2豪华版,真想再像我过去打COD UO的那个时候上演阻击表演。那些美国人见我了就叫哇!!!阻击手EM!!!让他们闻声丧胆感觉真好。
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