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由 飞天猪 发布的全部内容

  1. 不喜欢使用免CD 影响联网 现在最期待两个 1 NORMANDY 44 V3的资料片MOD 2 COD4的正式版
  2. 使用本站提供的简体补丁第2版的同志 有福啦 不用改Locale里面的语种设置 直接可以升级成功。
  3. 一直认为这个MOD很不错 有新皮肤 新声效 还很注意平衡性 今天去看论坛时 发现他正在加紧资料片MOD的制作 估计不多久就会出来了 版本是Normandy 44 v3 以前是Normandy 44 v2.4 可惜好大哦 2.4就有155MB To bad that we are not able to implement new models in the game. What I really would like to see is a fixed stock M1 Carbine, a G43 without scope and a K98 with scope. Besides that I think the game is quite complete, regarding tanks. It shouldn't be to much of it. Having many tanks that are not very diffent is somewath irritating for some users. The M4 105mm Howitzer is not really needed as a seperate model since it has only a slightly larger gun diameter. So here is a small preview on what to expect from Normandy 44 v3: All trees will be reworked to feature selected units: -Former allied Inf tree: 29th ID and Rangers (Motorized Infantry with various armor at its desposal and specialized inf). -Former allied AB tree: 101st (including GIR) and 82nd ABD and 6th Airborne (UK) (Many and variable infantry units, only light support in form of AT-Guns, light tanks and vehicles from advanced recon detachments). -Former allied armor tree: 2nd Armored Div (Mechanized infantry with strong tank support, numerous and mobile). -Former UK artillery tree: 7th Armoured Division (Tanks with little infantry and heavy artillery support, like real WW2 Brits). -Former UK Commando tree 6th Airborne (including Glider Inf), 101st and 82nd ABD (this is basically a copy of the US tree but with a focus on UK AB and might include some Commandoes). -Former UK Engineers: Canadian 3rd ID (including 2nd Armoured Bde) (Mechanized infantry canadian style, including tank support). -Former axis defense tree: 709. or 716. ID, 6. FJR (a defensive infantry tree with little armor support and specialized infantry as well as cheap mass troops). -Former axis BK tree: 2. PzDiv (mechanized line infantry with variable tank support, icluding many cheap tanks and little powerfull ones). -Former terror tree 17. SS PzGrenDiv (mechanized elite infantry with many fast recon elements as well as some heavy tanks) -Former PE BE tree: 1. SS-PzDiv (mechanized elite infantry with heavy tank support). -Former PE LW tree: 16. LWFD and 3.Fallschirm Div (infantry tree with little armor support and specialized infantry as well as cheap mass troops, similar to former axis defense tree but with diffrent units and abilities). -Former PE TH tree: 2. PzDiv (mechanized line infantry , this is a Kampfgruppe formed with an infantry reg. of the named division with independant tank units attached). All will have poper unit sizes and squad layout, skins and weapons. Weapons and ai will be tweaked similar to N44 v2.4 but there will be some less abilties. Most infantry abilities like grenades and stuff will stay because ai made good use of them. Artillery and airsupport will be more limited but allies, especially US will have a major advantage in air support. That is it for now, this might change while playing OF a bit. Brits will be less defensive (this is an attacking army) and I think it is beyond the scope of the game since most battles don't last long enough to build such massive gun emplacments. Nearly all new tanks will be buildable by at least one of the featured units. By the way, has someone encountered a brit Para with helmet (I thought I had seen screens of these ?!?)?
  4. 文件名称: 《英雄连:抵抗前线》英文版 V2.101 -> V2.102 升级补丁 上传会员: 飞天猪 上传时间: 2007年10月12日 09:53 最后更新: 2007年10月12日 10:59 存放位置: 游戏补丁 Game Patches 《英雄连:抵抗前线》英文版 V2.101 -> V2.102 升级补丁 Online 联网部分 - Players now get distributed to teams evenly as they join. 玩家在加入游戏时将被均匀地分入两个小队。 - Fixed some P2P Sync issues. 修正一些P2P同步的问题。 - Fixed an error in the way stats were counting. 修正一个阻止数据计算的错误。 - Stats are now displaying correctly. 数据现在能正确地显示。 General 总体改动 - Fixed CD-key validation errors. - 修复了CD key认证的一些错误。 - Environmental Reverb is now disabled by default for hyper threaded machines. - 超线程机器的环境回响现在默认为关闭(不保证正确……这个确实不是很清楚……) Gameplay 游戏性改动 - Fixed Overwatch. 修正英军加拿大炮兵支援的观测炮击技能。 - Combat system updates: System reverted to COH infantry combat. 作战系统更新:步兵作战系统回归原版英雄连的模式。 其他修正同Beta的2.76补丁修正完全一样。 点击这里下载文件
  5. 看国外论坛 老外也遇见这样的问题了 估计会解决的
  6. 使用了MOD之后 无法加载SGA地图 不是用MOD才可以加载SGA 不解。。。。。MOD:OF 250人口 盟军潘兴 德军虎王 有声效MOD
  7. 经过测试 始终认为现在没有一款好MOD 大多出现了不平衡问题 如这款的新版测试资源涨的太快 基本没什么战术了 直接上TANK了 38分钟 造了3队TANK 油还剩9800多 基本失去的原版游戏的意义 放弃上传了
  8. 资源全占领了 人口也用完了 3队的TANK 少量筒子和机枪 硬是不能获得胜利 看来COH:OF判定胜利的条件 有待补丁更正。。。。。
  9. 这个就不晓得了 我和正常的能加载SGB SGA地图
  10. 不会是中文补丁的问题 补丁不修改任何文件 中文存放位置 E:\THQ\Company Of Heroes Opposing Fronts\Engine\Locale\ChineseSimp 将 X:\THQ\Company Of Heroes Opposing Fronts\Locale 里面的 [locale] lang = chinesesimp 改为 [locale] lang = english 就是E文了 E:\THQ\Company Of Heroes Opposing Fronts\Engine\Locale\English 这里面存放的是原版E文语言 中文补丁并没有修改他
  11. 哈哈 83年的猪 24岁鸟
  12. 遭遇战测试的 战役没测试 战役专家全过了 只是有几关没拿到勋章
  13. 记得绕过网络认证
  14. 我自己改名字鸟
  15. 注意 是 空格-dev
  16. 安全了 是 全解锁的
  17. PE可以造虎 测试过的
  18. 在快捷方式 后面 写入 -DEV 参照地图使用方法
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