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由 钢管猫 发布的全部内容

  1. 可惜在家用机上
  2. 还没出正式版本
  3. 啊啊啊啊啊啊.LS的JR粗显鸟
  4. 哼唧,猫猫不墨迹
  5. 忘记加类别了,谢谢S猫 对了以后把帖子和新闻的类别搞成一个选项吧,别的论坛都有这功能
  6. 应该算资料片之类的续做
  7. 止痛剂新作《止痛剂:嗑药过量》(Painkiller: Overdose)将加入新的武器、16 个独特关卡、已及以原版故事的分支剧情、新的怪物和 BOSS 等等。多人模式将一如既往的强大,同时兼容原版的地图和模组...... 查看全文请点击 这里 。
  8. Release Date: 10/15/2007(正式确认) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 以下是一则旧新闻:(文章大意:止痛剂新作(Painkiller: Overdose)将加入新的武器,16个独特关卡,已及以原版故事的分支剧情,新的怪物,BOSS等等。多人模式将一如既往的强大,同时兼容原版的地图和MOD。游戏将等陆PC平台,10月上市) July 10, 2007 - Coming to Windows this October is Painkiller: Overdose, which will introduce a new character and storyline to the Painkiller universe. The MindWare-developed shooter will feature six new weapons, sixteen unique levels, and a plotline that examines the ramifications of Lucifer's defeat at the hands of Daniel in the original Painkiller. Over forty new monster types have been added, as well as new end bosses and a reshuffled Tarot deck that will infuse Belial with new powers. In addition to new weapons and levels, Painkiller: Overdose will re-emphasize a strong multiplayer focus via several stat tracking features and game server options that feature compatibility will all original Painkiller maps and game modes. Painkiller: Overdose will arrive on the PC this October. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 以下是一些游戏的截图: 再提供,视频合集在此:http://www.gametrailers.com/game/5036.html
  9. 如果不是作弊等违规行为,只有一个解释,就是内部训练,恩
  10. 还得装研究所的HL2基础版才行
  11. 相当不错,期待已经久,就等出来汉化了
  12. 还是LS的强
  13. 哈哈,居然用XXX代替路径名
  14. 哼唧,看来以后没F就上HF了
  15. 先玩着,然后上COD4
  16. -.,- 破猫8素说偶,素说LSSS滴
  17. 看来,来了不少JR,恩
  18. ,没了PB,作弊的满天飞,那就更....
  19. 希望不要卡
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