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由 钢管猫 发布的全部内容

  1. 单机90分,多人0分 现在的游戏都大,是美工技术堆砌的结果
  2. WOLF的MP是垃圾,还是表浪费资源吧.,要来也别开TDM
  3. 我靠,和网页结合?WEB版本FPS?希望别太久, 我不要毁灭公爵
  4. 是寂寞啊,多人游戏现在好荒废COD4战腻了,DOD CS CSS DODS这些自然不想回头玩 想玩的QL 娃骚 TF2都素高PING,UT04 UT3的服务器直接挂了 正式最近BF21.5原生支持宽屏,暂时拿来抵挡下
  5. 目前有 2 人正在查看这个主题 2 位会员,0 位访客,0 位隐身会员 钢管猫,诸神之黄昏
  6. 好无趣,没人气,除了那几个为了求下载长得草就没什么帖子了 我先撤了,COD6看情况再回来吧
  7. 干....
  8. 文件名称: 国外玩家做的比较直观的娃骚0.5的HUD 上传会员: 钢管猫 上传时间: 2009/08/31 文件目录: 游戏模组 Game Mods You have to put the file zexel_hud_v0.1_warsow05.pk3 on the warsow/basewsw/ dir and then select "zexel" it in the Players Menu. This hud it's a dirty modification of the guwashi and default HUDs, i've picked what I wanted of each one. The main features are: - The guwashi HUD is great but it uses too much screen space to me, so i adapted this HUD to be a little more tiny. - the armor colors bars are adapted to the 0.5 values (green up to 95, yellow up to 125 and red up to 175). - Health and Armor are showed as overlayed bars to have a better perception of the amount (from 100 both). - the guwashi clock it's untouched. When picked certain items it shows near the cursor to keep player attention. - I don't use health nor armor icons because they're redundant to me with the well visible color bars i'm using. - I'm a game console player so the guwashi uses of colors for health were counterintuitive to me. I'm more used to have hot colors for danger and more cooler colors (green) for a bigger health. I use wich is absolute green. - The rest it's a copy of "default" HUD. It's my first HUD so it's dirty and weird, but it works to me. If anyone would like to use it, go on. Enjoy! 点击这里下载文件
  9. 我自己根据国外别人的HUD修改了下,比原版默认的效果要好点,重点关注的信息都进行了视觉上的强化 效果图如下 顺便附上个人AutoExec.cfg // PLAYER // ++++++ set name "^1d4ncec^5At" // Your ingame player name. set clan "^6c" // Your ingame clan name. set ui_clantagpos "0" // The position of the clantag: 0 = after name, 1 = before name. set sex "male" // The Gender of the player. set model "razor/bright" // The model for your ingame character. set cg_forceteammodel "razor/bright" // The model for your team players. set cg_forceenemymodel "keel/bright" // The model for your enemy team players. set cg_enemyUpperColor "0x00FF00FF" set cg_enemyLowerColor "0xRRBBGGAA" set cg_enemyHeadColor "0xFF0000FF" set cg_teamUpperColor "0x0000FFFF" set cg_teamLowerColor "0xFF0000FF" set cg_teamHeadColor "0x0000FFFF" // HUD // +++ set cg_drawFragMessages "1" set cg_hudfiles "ui/prohud.cfg" set cg_drawcrosshair "2" // Crosshair (min = 1, max =10, 0 = no crosshair) set cg_crosshaircolor "2" // Color of your crosshair, unless cg_crosshairhealth is set to 1. set cg_crosshairsize "24" // Size of the crosshair. set cg_crosshairhealth "0" // Colors the crosshair to indicate your health status. (This overrides regular crosshaircolor choice) set cg_crosshairpulse "0" // Pulsates the crosshair when picking up items. set cg_drawcrosshairnames "1" // Draw the name of players above the crosshair when targetting them. set cg_kickscale "0" // Screen shakes when hit. set cg_bob "0" // Screen sways when moving around. set cg_fov "110" // Field of vision. set cg_zoomfov "40" // Field of view while zoomed in. set cg_drawfps "1" // Shows fps - frames per second - rate. set cg_drawtimer "1" // Shows the game timer. set cg_leveltimerdirection "1" // The direction of the timer: 0 = counting up, 1 = counting down. set cg_lagometer "1" // Show network information. set cg_drawteamoverlay "1" // Topright corner teammember followup frame. set cg_drawfriend "1" // Yellow triangles on top of team members. set cg_drawattacker "0" // Draw the face and nameof who is currently attacking you. set ui_bigfont "0.4" // Hudfont size of health, armor and ammo counters set ui_smallfont "0.25" // Hudfont manipulation // GRAPHICS // ++++++++ set r_mode "21" // Screen resolution. set r_fullscreen "1" // Loads the screen fullscreen on 1 or in window mode when set to 0. set com_maxfps "125" // Maximum frames rendered per second. set r_displayrefresh "60" // Controls the monitor's refresh rate. (Only usefull with CRT monitors) set r_swapinterval "0" // Forces vsync, use in combination with r_displayrefresh. (Only usefull with CRT monitors) set r_dynamiclight "0" // Enable dynamic lights. (For example rockets flying by light up the area.) set r_vertexlight "0" // Vertex lighting instead of lightmap. set r_enablepostprocess "1" // A value of 0 will degrade the quality of lighting in exchange for a boost in performance. set r_picmip "0" // Lowers texture quality by blending out colors. (Lowering does not increase FPS if you have more than 32MB videoram.) set r_overbrightbits "1" // Ambient lighting of local objects only: anything added to a map like players, ammo and weapons. (Works best with vertex enabled) [values: 0 to 4] set r_mapoverbrightbits "2" // Ambient lighting of the map. (Makes the map more radiant.) [values: 0 to 10] set r_gamma "1.2" // Overall brightness. set r_fullbright "0" // When this variable is set to 1 the renderer system will render all textures on the map at full brightness. set r_fastsky "0" // When set to 1, blacks out the sky with no texture. (This disables seeing through portals as well!) set r_lodbias "-2" // Dictates what the highest level of detail to show on ingame elements (players, weapons, ...). (Min: -2 = highest, Max: 2 = lowest) set cg_shadows "1" // Enables shadows set r_subdivisions "0" // Controls curved surfaces. set cg_simpleitems "0" // Replaces pickup 3D models with iconic 2D images set cg_marks "1" // Render bullet marks on walls set cg_brasstime "2500" // Amount of time expelled shells remain on screen. set cg_deadBodyDarken"1" set cg_deadBodyColor "0x000010FF" set cg_smokeRadius_NG "0"//0-16 set cg_smoke_SG "0" set cg_smokeRadius_RL "0" set cg_smokeRadius_GL "0" set cg_muzzleFlash "0" set cg_bubbleTrail "0" set cg_waterWarp "0" // SOUND // +++++ bind 0 "s_musicvolume 0;s_volume 1"//4 the bug set cg_allowTaunt "1" set cg_buzzerSound "0" set s_volume "1" // Volume of the game effects. set s_musicvolume "0" // Volume of the ingame background music. set s_doppler "1" // Doppler sound effects. (bypassing sounds) set s_ambient "0" // Ambient sound effects. (s_restart or a map load required for change to take effect) // NET // +++ set rate "25000" // Controls packets so that your downstream connection bandwidth does not get saturated. (Max bytes per second) set cl_maxpackets "125" // Controls how many gameworld updates you send to the server. (min 30, max 125) set cg_smoothclients "0" // Smooth out other players movement when they suffer from packetloss. set cl_packetdup "1" // Determines how many duplicate packets you send to the server to avoid packetloss. (0 to disable; min 1, max 5) set cg_predictitems "0" // Client prediction for picking up items. set cg_predictlocalrailshots "0" // A value of 0 will feel less responsive in high ping environments but may prevent wrongly predicted railshots and/or impacts. // CONTROLS // ++++++++ set sensitivity "4.6" // Mouse sensitivity. set cl_mouseaccel "0" // Mouse acceleration. (min 0, max 10) set in_mouse "2" set m_yaw "0.022" // Horizontal mouse speed finetune. (negative value inverts) set m_pitch "0.022" // Vertical mouse speed finetune. (negative value inverts) //Binds: bind "ESCAPE" "togglemenu" // Toggles the menu. bind "`" "toggleconsole" // Opens or closes the console. bind "TAB" "+scores" // Toggles the scoreboard. bind "F1" "vote yes" // Vote yes on the currently active vote. bind "F2" "vote no" // Vote no on the currently active vote. bind "F3" "readyup" // Toggle your ready status. If you're ready, you indicate to others that you are willing to stop the warmup and proceed to the actual match. bind "MOUSE1" "+attack" // Fires a weapon. bind "Z" "+zoom" // Zooms your sight. bind "MWHEELDOWN" "weapprev" // Selects the previous weapon from available weapons. (Gauntlet and weapons without ammo are skipped.) bind "MWHEELUP" "weapnext" // Selects the next weapon from available weapons. (Gauntlet and weapons without ammo are skipped.) bind "MOUSE3" "+button2" // Uses/Activates an item. (Medkit, Kamikaze, ...) bind "G" "dropweapon" // Ingame command to drop the current weapon you're holding so another player can pick it up. bind "H" "dropflag" // Ingame command to drop the flag so another team member can pick it up. bind "F5" "screenshotjpeg" // Takes a TGA screenshot. bind "W" "+forward" // Move forward. bind "S" "+back" // Move backward. bind "A" "+moveleft" // Strafe left. bind "D" "+moveright" // Strafe right. bind "SPACE" "+moveup" // Jump. bind "F" "+movedown" // Crouch/duck. bind "SHIFT" "+speed" // Walk. bind "Y" "messagemode" // Says a message to everyone else. bind "U" "messagemode2" // Says a message to teammembers only. bind "J" "+button3" // Makes your character taunt/cheer. bind "," "team red" // Switch to the red team. bind "." "team blue" // Switch to the blue team. bind "M" "team s" // Join the spectators. bind "-" "sizedown" // Sizes down the viewing area bind "=" "sizeup" // Sizes up the viewing area bind "F12" "quit" // Exits the game, returns to browser bind "F8" "ragequit" // Exits the game, returns to the browser, shows the message "Player ragequits" ingame. // WEAPONS // +++++++ set cg_zoomScaling "0" set cg_zoomToggle "1" set cg_zoomSensitivity "1.5" set cg_drawgun "0" // Show your gun. (0 = hidden, 1 = swaying, 2 = fixed) set cg_gunx "0" // Gun X-Axis placement. set cg_guny "0" // Gun Y-Axis placement. set cg_gunz "0" // Gun Z-Axis placement. set cg_newweaponbar "1" // Position and layout of the weapon bar. set cg_switchonempty "1" // Automatically switch to the next weapon in line when current is empty. set cg_autoswitch "0" // Automatically switch to a weapon you pick up. set cg_railtrailtime "1000" // Amount of time the railbeam remains visible. set color1 "3" // The color of the rail beam. set color2 "6" // The color of the rail swirl/disc effects. set cg_railStyle "1" // Rail style (0 = new style = beam + swirl, 1 = old style = beam + discs) set r_railwidth "8" // Diameter of railgun beam effect in pixels, as well as the impact effect. set r_railcorewidth "4" // Diameter of railgun core effect in pixels. set r_railsegmentlength "4" // Lenght of a single section of railgun effect in pixels. set cg_cg_plasmaStyle "1" // A value of 0 will add fizzling spark effects to the blasma balls. set cg_rocketStylet "1" // New style adds a red bloom of fire that burns out from the explosion. set cg_truelightning "2" // The amount of how much the lightning beam sways (1.0 = fixed on crosshair, 0.0 = spaghetti) //See script section for advanced weapon controls bind 5 "weapon 1" // Gauntlet bind 1 "weapon 2" // Machine gun bind 2 "weapon 3" // Shotgun bind Q "weapon 4" // Grenade launcher bind R "weapon 5" // Rocket launcher bind MOUSE2 "weapon 6" // Lightning gun bind E "weapon 7" // Railgun bind 4 "weapon 8" // Plasma rifle bind X "weapon 9" // BFG bind V "weapon 11" // Nailgun bind C "weapon 12" // Mine launcher bind 3 "weapon 13" // Chaingun // CHAT // ++++ // SCRIPTS // +++++++ // Demo script to toggle recording with 1 keybind. set demoon "record; set toggledemo vstr demooff" set demooff "stoprecord; set toggledemo vstr demoon" set toggledemo "vstr demoon" bind F9 "vstr toggledemo" set cg_autoaction "2" // GENERAL // +++++++ seta com_allowconsole "1" // allows opening console without ctrl+alt vid_restart // Restart video rendering system to apply graphical settings[/code]
  10. 文件名称: QUAKELIVE自定义HUD修改 上传会员: 钢管猫 上传时间: 2009/08/31 文件目录: 游戏模组 Game Mods 下载后解压放在路径C:\Users\[登陆用户]\AppData\LocalLow\id Software\quakelive\home\baseq3下 点击这里下载文件
  11. 乃知道乃还开TDM,我才无语
  12. 个人CFG放粗,话说0.5把个人的CFG不知道藏哪去了,自己一条条做AUTOEXE.CFG还烦,后来还是参照自己0.42才做好,CHANGELOG和DOC也说的不清楚,有多少参数作废不明
  13. //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Player Preferences /// seta name "^5dAnce^3cAt" seta model "bobot" seta skin "fullbright" seta color "255 0 255" seta cl_run "1" seta hand "100" seta cg_forceMyTeamAlpha "1" seta cg_forceTeamPlayersTeamBeta "1" seta cg_teamALPHAcolor "255 0 255" seta cg_teamALPHAmodel "bobot" seta cg_teamALPHAskin "fullbright" seta cg_teamBETAcolor "0 255 0" seta cg_teamBETAmodel "bigvic" seta cg_teamBETAskin "fullbright" /// //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Mouse Settings /// seta in_mouse "1" seta in_joystick "0" seta m_accel "0" seta sensitivity "4.6" seta m_filter "1" seta m_filterStrength "1" seta m_yaw "0.022" seta m_pitch "0.022" seta m_side "0.25" seta m_forward "0.25" seta cl_freelook "1" seta cg_crosshair "5" seta cg_crosshair_color "255 255 0" seta cg_crosshair_size "64" seta cg_crosshair_strong "5" seta cg_crosshair_strong_color "255 255 0" seta cg_crosshair_strong_size "32" seta cg_showPlayerNames "1" seta cg_showPlayerNames_alpha "1" seta cg_showPlayerNames_xoffset "0" seta cg_showPlayerNames_yoffset "16" seta cg_showPlayerNames_zfar "5000" seta lookspring "0" seta lookstrafe "0" /// //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Bindings /// bind w "+forward" bind s "+back" bind a "+moveleft" bind d "+moveright" bind SPACE "+moveup" bind f "+movedown" bind y "messagemode" bind u "messagemode2" bind 5 "use Gunblade" bind 1 "use Machinegun" bind 2 "use Riotgun" bind q "use Grenade Launcher" bind r "use Rocket Launcher" bind 3 "use Plasmagun" bind 4 "use Lasergun" bind e "use Electrobolt" bind MOUSE1 "+attack" bind MOUSE2 "+special" bind MWHEELUP "use Gunblade" bind MWHEELDOWN "use Riotgu" bind c "+zoom" bind Backspace "kill" bind TAB "score" bind z "stats" bind g "drop weapon" bind ALT "+strafe" bind SHIFT "+speed" bind F1 "vote yes" bind F2 "vote no" bind F4 "join" bind F3 "ready;say CoMe bAby!^7Let's^1R^3ock ^7=^1)" bind F5 "screenshot" bind F11 "disconnect" bind F12 "quit" bind PGUP "timeout" bind PGDN "timein" /// //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- //Zoom /// seta zoomfov "38" seta zoomsens "1.3" /// //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Settings /// seta win_noalttab "0" seta fov "110" seta cl_maxfps "125" seta cg_weaponFlashes "2" seta cg_weaponlist "1" seta cg_gun "0" seta cg_gun_fov "50" seta cg_gunx "0" seta cg_gunbob "0" seta cg_bloodTrail "10" seta cg_bloodTrailAlpha "1.0" seta cg_ejectBrass "2" seta cg_explosionsRing "1" seta cg_damage_blend "1" seta cg_damage_kick "0" seta cg_pickup_flash "0" seta cg_playerTrailsColor "0.0 1.0 0.0" seta cg_predictLaserBeam "1" seta cg_predictProjectiles "0" seta cg_voiceChats "1" /// //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Graphics /// seta cg_simpleItems "0" seta cg_viewSize "100" seta r_mode "17" seta r_picmip "0" seta r_screenshot_jpeg "1" seta r_screenshot_jpeg_quality "100" seta r_bloom "0" seta r_gamma "1" seta r_bumpscale "1" seta r_clear "0" seta r_colorbits "32" seta r_detailtextures "1" seta r_dynamiclight "1" seta r_faceplanecull "1" seta r_fastsky "0" seta r_flarefade "3" seta r_flares "1" seta r_flaresize "40" seta r_ignorehwgamma "0" seta r_lodbias "0" seta r_portalmaps "1" seta r_portalmaps_maxtexsize "0" seta r_lodscale "1" seta r_packlightmaps "1" seta cg_shadows "3" seta r_shadows_pcf "3" seta r_shadows_maxtexsize "2048" seta r_shadows_alpha "1" seta r_shadows_nudge "1" seta r_shadows_projection_distance "1000" seta r_skymip "0" seta r_stencilbits "8" seta r_subdivisions "3" seta r_swapinterval "0" seta r_texturebits "32" seta r_texturefilter "16" seta r_texturemode "GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR" seta gl_ext_GLSL "1" seta gl_ext_texture_compression "0" seta gl_ext_multitexture "1" seta vid_displayrefresh "60" seta r_lighting_vertexlight "0" seta r_lighting_deluxemapping "1" seta r_offsetmapping "3" seta r_offsetmapping_reliefmapping "1" seta cg_outlineModels "1" seta cg_outlineWorld "0" seta cg_outlinePlayers "1" /// //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Sound /// seta cg_volume_announcer "0.5" seta cg_volume_effects "1.0" seta cg_volume_hitsound "2" seta cg_volume_players "1.0" seta cg_volume_voicechats "0.5" seta s_khz "44" seta s_mixahead "0.1" seta s_module "1" seta s_musicvolume "0" seta s_swapstereo "0" seta cl_stereo "1" seta s_volume "1" seta s_vorbis "1" /// //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Internet /// seta rate "25000" seta cl_battleye "1" seta cl_compresspackets "1" seta cl_downloads "1" seta cl_downloads_from_web "1" seta cl_pps "62" seta cl_stereo "0" seta cl_stereo_separation "0.4" seta cl_synchusercmd "1" seta cl_ucmdElapsedTime "0" seta cl_ucmdMaxResend "3" /// //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- //Weapon Impact /// seta cg_laserBeamSubdivisions "1" seta cg_predictLaserBeam "1" seta cg_grenadeTrail "0" seta cg_grenadeTrailAlpha "0" seta cg_rocketFireTrail "0" seta cg_rocketTrail "0" seta cg_rocketTrailAlpha "0" /// //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- //Misc /// seta cg_autoaction_demo "0" seta cg_autoaction_screenshot "1" seta cg_autoaction_spectator "0" seta g_autorecord "0" seta g_warmup_timelimit "0" seta cg_decals "1" seta cg_particles "1" seta cg_gibs "1" seta cg_showBloodTrail "1" seta cg_showFPS "1" seta cg_showhelp "0" seta cg_showHUD "1" seta cg_showTimer "1" seta cg_showViewBlends "1" seta cg_showWeaponselect "1" seta cg_showObituaries "3" seta cg_showPlayerTrails "1" seta cg_showMiniMap "3" seta cg_showPointedPlayer "1" seta cg_showSpeed "1" seta cg_outlineItemsBlack "1" seta cg_outlineModels "1" seta cg_outlinePlayersBlack "1" seta cg_showTeamLocations "1" seta cg_demo_truePOV "0" seta con_drawNotify "3" seta con_notifytime "10" seta cg_clientHUD "prohud" [/code]
  14. 现在连COD4都这么悲剧了?居然要用平台联机...
  15. 哎,真悲剧,难得几个破解服务器 居然全是TDM 这代MP本来做的就搓 WOLF多人根本就是兵种配合的完成任务节点的游戏,TDM个鸟 就那点子弹武器杀来杀去的,乱搞,难怪这代的MP制作组被裁员,太垃圾,尤其加入TDM模式 TDM还不如玩COD2 COD5 DODS呢,枪多地图也合适
  16. 恩,最近没啥新联机可玩,用来对付一下
  17. 今天第2次最高难度通了,单机武器全部升级到顶,恩,SP做得真好啊,剧情,关卡设计都很赞 猪A 是CONNECT 乃的C哪去啦 刚才上去看了下36PING,有点小LAG,恩,睡觉
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