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由 钢管猫 发布的全部内容

  1. 有多了一个可以转区的帖子,恩恩
  2. 这素病 得治 -,.-
  3. 哼唧,今天把潜行者删了.机器不够,爽几关太卡,以后再说,继续装上COD2来杀人
  4. -,,- 乃翻翻吧,很久不去了
  5. 70一月 包年 10M网通飘过 连国外比垃圾电信强N倍,常常下载到对方服务器强制关闭线程
  6. 发现烂机器勉强可以玩,爽中
  7. 文件名称: PK多人模式PK++物品高亮MINI MOD 上传会员: 钢管猫 上传时间: 2 Apr 2007 存放位置: 游戏补丁 Game Patches 可以在常用的PK++多人模式下让物品高亮 要配合PK多人常用MOD PK++运行 点击这里下载文件
  8. 文件名称: PK联机文件及PK++启动批处理 上传会员: 钢管猫 上传时间: 1 Apr 2007 最后更新: 6 Nov 2008 存放位置: 游戏工具 Game Tools RT 点击这里下载文件
  9. 说明
  10. Cfg.Admin = "" Cfg.AllowBrightskins = true Cfg.AllowBunnyhopping = true Cfg.AllowForwardRJ = false Cfg.AltScoreboard = true Cfg.AmbientSounds = false Cfg.AmbientVolume = 0 Cfg.AmmolistHideWeapons = false Cfg.AutoChangeWeapon = false Cfg.AutoScreenshot = false Cfg.AutoStatsDump = true Cfg.AutoTeamLock = false Cfg.Autorecord = false Cfg.BestExplosives = {0,41,32,} Cfg.BestNonExplosives = {72,71,62,61,51,52,42,31,22,21,12,11,0,} Cfg.BestWeapons1 = {32,0,72,71,62,61,51,52,41,42,31,22,21,12,11,} Cfg.BestWeapons2 = {31,0,12,72,71,62,61,51,52,41,42,32,22,21,11,} Cfg.BlackEdition = false Cfg.Bloom = false Cfg.BotAttack = true Cfg.BotChat = true Cfg.BotCheckStubNose = true Cfg.BotEliza = true Cfg.BotFakePing = true Cfg.BotFindItems = true Cfg.BotMinPlayers = 2 Cfg.BotNames = {"#4Robotn#4i#1k","Pie#3","#1S#2c#3u#4b#5a#6d#7i#8v#9e#0r","#5B#3lue#4m#5int","#0Unnewerr","C#3o#2smo","#C#4o#5W#4P#3i#2E","E#2liza","#6O#3m#ego","#7F#5rog","#3L#1ippman","C#4H#3#m'1#4astry","#3P#3etronius","#P#3O#2J","#3BlueLizard","#3W#4orrie","#2W#4estbrook","#3D#1HMEJA","#4Sud#1a#4fed","#4Heath#4Moore","P#3oo#0H","O#4ri#2on","#6K#4um#2quat","#6R#4i#6ngo","#4Laur#5ence","#3Sword#2king","klaus","seb","#3Gozo#423","#3M#4arvin","Luxor","#4G#3unkel","Will?456","H#34x#40#2r","#3Billy","#3S#2cott","C#2hewy","#3Bikini#3Girl","#3Pr#4o#1wl","#4Ob#6seq#6ious","Numin","#1Aftershock","MaidMarian","#3Rumbraugh","#4I#1den","#4S#2wiss#5T#6ony","Gabba","#4Grrr","#4O","Aj","#2flump","Powerbladder5.3","S#4tropp","Yurrie",} Cfg.BotQuickRespawn = true Cfg.BotSkill = 5 Cfg.BotTaunts = {"are you trying?","lag","do you know who vo0 is?","erm?","...?","I'm not even trying, can you tell?","hmm?","are you aliasing?","damn netcode","u sux","i dont know this map that well","pie","I'm only using keys","Try harder? :)",":o)","hahahahehehe :-)","All hail the king!","leave the armour for me please","I own Maniax, do you know him?",":DDDD","blah","hmmm","stop using the rl please","can we play fallen2 after this?","my mouse feels odd","my monitor just went off","hmm","erm","hm","nm","give me a sec while I clean my mouse","hi","k?","wtf?","cpl what?","err","do you have lag too?","are you in a clan?","how?","ok","sure","yes","erm","good",":)","fu",":/",":p",":d",":))",":o","B)",">:(","<:)","hah","dumdeedum","hmmm..","try aiming?","heh","where is the RL?","dont shoot for a sec","wanna join my clan?","*yawn*","haha","hehe","hoho","mm :)","pow!","I beat vo0 once","damn","zut alors","oh","er",} Cfg.BrightSkins = true Cfg.Brightness = 0.60000002384186 Cfg.BrightskinEnemy = "Red" Cfg.BrightskinTeam = "White" Cfg.CameraInterpolateAngle = false Cfg.CameraInterpolatePosition = false Cfg.CameraInterpolation = true Cfg.CaptureLimit = 10 Cfg.CharacterShadow = "Off" Cfg.ClientConsoleLockdown = false Cfg.ClipPlane = 100 Cfg.ColouredIcons = true Cfg.ConfigMapView = false Cfg.ConnectionSpeed = 4 Cfg.Contrast = 1 Cfg.Coronas = false Cfg.Credits = true Cfg.Crosshair = 12 Cfg.CrosshairB = 0 Cfg.CrosshairG = 135 Cfg.CrosshairNames = true Cfg.CrosshairNamesDisableInDuel = true Cfg.CrosshairNamesTeamOnly = false Cfg.CrosshairR = 135 Cfg.CrosshairSize = 1 Cfg.CrosshairTrans = 100 Cfg.CustomCrosshairLocation = false Cfg.CustomCrosshairLocationX = 0.5 Cfg.CustomCrosshairLocationY = 0.5 Cfg.Decals = false Cfg.DecalsStayTime = 2 Cfg.DedicatedServer = false Cfg.DetailTextures = false Cfg.DirectInput = true Cfg.DisableHud = false Cfg.DisableMOTDRendering = false Cfg.DisturbSound3DFreq = 0.1 Cfg.DuelQueue = true Cfg.DynamicLights = 0 Cfg.EAXAcoustics = false Cfg.Email = "" Cfg.FOV = 110 Cfg.FPS = true Cfg.FallingDamage = true Cfg.FixedColors = true Cfg.ForceModel = true Cfg.ForceSpec = false Cfg.FragLimit = 0 Cfg.Fullscreen = true Cfg.GameMode = "Duel" Cfg.Gamma = 1.6000000238419 Cfg.GraphicsQuality = 0 Cfg.HUDSize = 1 Cfg.HUDTransparency = 0 Cfg.HUD_AmmoList = 2 Cfg.HUD_CurrentWeapon_Icon = true Cfg.HUD_FragMessage = true Cfg.HeadBob = 0 Cfg.HitSounds = true Cfg.ImpureClientWarning = false Cfg.InvertMouse = false Cfg.ItemRespawnFix = true Cfg.KeyAlternativeAlternativeFire = "None" Cfg.KeyAlternativeBulletTime = "Return" Cfg.KeyAlternativeFire = "None" Cfg.KeyAlternativeFireBestWeapon1 = "None" Cfg.KeyAlternativeFireBestWeapon2 = "None" Cfg.KeyAlternativeFireSwitch = "None" Cfg.KeyAlternativeFireSwitchToggle = "None" Cfg.KeyAlternativeFlashlight = "None" Cfg.KeyAlternativeForwardRocketJump = "None" Cfg.KeyAlternativeJump = "None" Cfg.KeyAlternativeMenu = "None" Cfg.KeyAlternativeMoveBackward = "None" Cfg.KeyAlternativeMoveForward = "None" Cfg.KeyAlternativeNextWeapon = "None" Cfg.KeyAlternativePause = "None" Cfg.KeyAlternativePreviousWeapon = "None" Cfg.KeyAlternativeQuickLoad = "None" Cfg.KeyAlternativeQuickSave = "None" Cfg.KeyAlternativeRocketJump = "None" Cfg.KeyAlternativeSayToAll = "None" Cfg.KeyAlternativeSayToTeam = "None" Cfg.KeyAlternativeScoreboard = "None" Cfg.KeyAlternativeScreenshot = "None" Cfg.KeyAlternativeSelectBestWeapon1 = "None" Cfg.KeyAlternativeSelectBestWeapon2 = "None" Cfg.KeyAlternativeStrafeLeft = "None" Cfg.KeyAlternativeStrafeRight = "None" Cfg.KeyAlternativeUseCards = "None" Cfg.KeyAlternativeWeapon1 = "None" Cfg.KeyAlternativeWeapon10 = "None" Cfg.KeyAlternativeWeapon11 = "None" Cfg.KeyAlternativeWeapon12 = "None" Cfg.KeyAlternativeWeapon13 = "None" Cfg.KeyAlternativeWeapon14 = "None" Cfg.KeyAlternativeWeapon2 = "None" Cfg.KeyAlternativeWeapon3 = "None" Cfg.KeyAlternativeWeapon4 = "None" Cfg.KeyAlternativeWeapon5 = "None" Cfg.KeyAlternativeWeapon6 = "None" Cfg.KeyAlternativeWeapon7 = "None" Cfg.KeyAlternativeWeapon8 = "None" Cfg.KeyAlternativeWeapon9 = "None" Cfg.KeyAlternativeZoom = "None" Cfg.KeyPrimaryAlternativeFire = "Right Mouse Button" Cfg.KeyPrimaryBulletTime = "None" Cfg.KeyPrimaryFire = "Left Mouse Button" Cfg.KeyPrimaryFireBestWeapon1 = "Z" Cfg.KeyPrimaryFireBestWeapon2 = "Middle Mouse Button" Cfg.KeyPrimaryFireSwitch = "None" Cfg.KeyPrimaryFireSwitchToggle = "None" Cfg.KeyPrimaryFlashlight = "None" Cfg.KeyPrimaryForwardRocketJump = "None" Cfg.KeyPrimaryJump = "Space" Cfg.KeyPrimaryMenu = "None" Cfg.KeyPrimaryMoveBackward = "S" Cfg.KeyPrimaryMoveForward = "W" Cfg.KeyPrimaryNextWeapon = "Mouse Wheel Back" Cfg.KeyPrimaryPause = "None" Cfg.KeyPrimaryPreviousWeapon = "Mouse Wheel Forward" Cfg.KeyPrimaryQuickLoad = "None" Cfg.KeyPrimaryQuickSave = "None" Cfg.KeyPrimaryRocketJump = "None" Cfg.KeyPrimarySayToAll = "Y" Cfg.KeyPrimarySayToTeam = "None" Cfg.KeyPrimaryScoreboard = "Tab" Cfg.KeyPrimaryScreenshot = "F5" Cfg.KeyPrimarySelectBestWeapon1 = "None" Cfg.KeyPrimarySelectBestWeapon2 = "None" Cfg.KeyPrimaryStrafeLeft = "A" Cfg.KeyPrimaryStrafeRight = "D" Cfg.KeyPrimaryUseCards = "None" Cfg.KeyPrimaryWeapon1 = "None" Cfg.KeyPrimaryWeapon10 = "None" Cfg.KeyPrimaryWeapon11 = "None" Cfg.KeyPrimaryWeapon12 = "None" Cfg.KeyPrimaryWeapon13 = "None" Cfg.KeyPrimaryWeapon14 = "None" Cfg.KeyPrimaryWeapon2 = "2" Cfg.KeyPrimaryWeapon3 = "Q" Cfg.KeyPrimaryWeapon4 = "R" Cfg.KeyPrimaryWeapon5 = "E" Cfg.KeyPrimaryWeapon6 = "None" Cfg.KeyPrimaryWeapon7 = "None" Cfg.KeyPrimaryWeapon8 = "None" Cfg.KeyPrimaryWeapon9 = "None" Cfg.KeyPrimaryZoom = "None" Cfg.LMSLives = 5 Cfg.Language = "english" Cfg.LimitServerFPS = true Cfg.Location = "" Cfg.Logfile = "GameLog" Cfg.LogfileDaily = true Cfg.Logging = true Cfg.LowQualityMultiplayerSFX = false Cfg.MOTD = ";Enjoy your stay;Have fun!; " Cfg.ManualIP = "" Cfg.MapView = true Cfg.MapViewShowRespawns = false Cfg.MasterVolume = 65 Cfg.MaxFpsMP = 125 Cfg.MaxPlayers = 2 Cfg.MaxSpectators = 2 Cfg.MessagesKeys = {"Numpad 1","Numpad 2","Numpad 3","Numpad 4","Numpad 5","None","None","None","None","None","None","None","None","None","None","None","None","None",} Cfg.MessagesSayAll = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,} Cfg.MessagesTexts = {"GL Man !","Have Fun ^^","G@@d GamE @@","sh*t Day >:[","N!ce Sh0+ <-<-<","Get Invincibility!","Our Invincibility!","Enemy Invincibility!","[custom message/taunt]","[custom message/taunt]","[custom message/taunt]","[custom message/taunt]","[custom message/taunt]","[custom message/taunt]","[custom message/taunt]","[custom message/taunt]","[custom message/taunt]","[custom message/taunt]","$KILLER pimp-slapped $PLAYER with a burst from the SMG.","$KILLER bolt-skewered $PLAYER.","$KILLER spammed $PLAYER with the Heater Bomb.",} Cfg.ModName = "PK++" Cfg.MouseSensitivity = 40 Cfg.Multisample = "x0" Cfg.MusicVolume = 0 Cfg.NetcodeClientMaxBytesPerSecond = -1 Cfg.NetcodeEnemyPredictionInterpolation = true Cfg.NetcodeEnemyPredictionInterpolationFactor = 0.66 Cfg.NetcodeLocalPlayerSynchroEveryNFrames = 1 Cfg.NetcodeMaxPlayerActionsPassed = 1 Cfg.NetcodeMinUpstreamFrameSize = 0 Cfg.NetcodeServerFramerate = 30 Cfg.NetcodeStatsNumberToAverageFrom = 1 Cfg.NetcodeStatsUpdateDelay = 1000 Cfg.NetworkInterface = "" Cfg.Newhitsound = true Cfg.NoAmmoSwitch = false Cfg.NoBlood = false Cfg.NoExplosions = false Cfg.NoFlames = false Cfg.NoGibs = false Cfg.NoGong = false Cfg.NoMPComments = false Cfg.NoSmoke = false Cfg.NoSpawnEffects = false Cfg.NoWarmup = false Cfg.OldScoreboard = false Cfg.Overtime = 2 Cfg.PKTV = false Cfg.PKTVDelay = 30000 Cfg.PKTVFps = 20 Cfg.PKTVPassword = "" Cfg.ParticlesDetail = 1 Cfg.PiTaBOT = 1 Cfg.PitabotEnabled = false Cfg.PlayerModel = 2 Cfg.PlayerName = "#9dAnce#fcAt" Cfg.PowerupDrop = false Cfg.Powerups = false Cfg.PrecacheData = 0 Cfg.ProPlus = false Cfg.Projectors = false Cfg.PublicServer = false Cfg.PureScripts = false Cfg.RconPass = "" Cfg.RefPass = "" Cfg.RenderSky = 0 Cfg.Resolution = "1024X768" Cfg.RestartMaps = true Cfg.ReverseStereo = false Cfg.RocketFix = true Cfg.RocketLogging = false Cfg.RocketsFromGun = true Cfg.SafeRespawn = false Cfg.ScoreboardFontSize = 20 Cfg.ScoreboardShowPacketLoss = false Cfg.ServerFPS = 60 Cfg.ServerMaps = {"DM_Psycho","DM_Sacred","DM_1v1_meatless",} Cfg.ServerMapsCLA = {"DM_Factory","DM_Trainstation","DM_Cursed","DM_Illuminati",} Cfg.ServerMapsCTF = {} Cfg.ServerMapsDUE = {"DM_Psycho","DM_Sacred","DM_1v1_meatless",} Cfg.ServerMapsFFA = {} Cfg.ServerMapsLMS = {} Cfg.ServerMapsPCF = {} Cfg.ServerMapsTDM = {} Cfg.ServerMapsTLB = {} Cfg.ServerMapsVSH = {} Cfg.ServerName = "Painkiller" Cfg.ServerPassword = "" Cfg.ServerPort = 3455 Cfg.SfxVolume = 100 Cfg.Shadows = 0 Cfg.ShowDaydreamWarning = true Cfg.ShowFPSShadow = true Cfg.ShowFPSShadowLevel = 2 Cfg.ShowPing = true Cfg.ShowPingShadow = true Cfg.ShowPingShadowLevel = 2 Cfg.ShowPingX = 0.8789 Cfg.ShowPingY = 0.1412 Cfg.ShowTimer = true Cfg.ShowTimerCountUp = false Cfg.ShowTimerFontSize = 45 Cfg.ShowTimerShadow = true Cfg.ShowTimerShadowLevel = 2 Cfg.ShowTimerX = -1 Cfg.ShowTimerY = 0.0651 Cfg.Simplehud = true Cfg.SimplehudShadow = true Cfg.SmoothMouse = true Cfg.SoundFalloffSpeed = 6 Cfg.SoundPan = 50 Cfg.SoundProvider3D = "Miles Fast 2D Positional Audio" Cfg.SoundQuality = "High" Cfg.SpeakersSetup = "Headphones" Cfg.StartupWeapon = 0 Cfg.StopMatchOnTeamQuit = true Cfg.SwitchFire = {false,false,false,false,false,} Cfg.Team = 0 Cfg.TeamDamage = false Cfg.TeamOverlay = true Cfg.TeamOverlayFontSize = 16 Cfg.TeamOverlayW = 0.3 Cfg.TeamOverlayX = 0.7 Cfg.TeamOverlayY = 0.6 Cfg.TeamScores = true Cfg.TeamScoresFontSize = 32 Cfg.TeamScoresShadow = true Cfg.TeamScoresShadowLevel = 2 Cfg.TeamScoresX = 0.86 Cfg.TeamScoresY = 0.75 Cfg.TextureFiltering = "Trilinear" Cfg.TextureQuality = 0 Cfg.TextureQualityArchitecture = 0 Cfg.TextureQualityCharacters = 0 Cfg.TextureQualitySkies = 0 Cfg.TextureQualityWeapons = 0 Cfg.TimeLimit = 15 Cfg.TournamentSettings = false Cfg.URL = "" Cfg.UserAllowBrightskins = true Cfg.UserAllowBunnyhopping = true Cfg.UserAllowForwardRJ = true Cfg.UserBankick = true Cfg.UserCaptureLimit = true Cfg.UserFragLimit = true Cfg.UserGameMode = true Cfg.UserKick = true Cfg.UserLMSLives = true Cfg.UserMapChange = true Cfg.UserMaxPlayers = true Cfg.UserMaxSpectators = true Cfg.UserPowerupDrop = true Cfg.UserPowerups = true Cfg.UserReloadMap = true Cfg.UserStartupWeapon = true Cfg.UserTeamDamage = true Cfg.UserTimeLimit = true Cfg.UserWeaponRespawnTime = true Cfg.UserWeaponsStay = true Cfg.ViewWeaponModel = false Cfg.WarmUpTime = 10 Cfg.WarmupDamage = true Cfg.WarpEffects = false Cfg.WaterFX = 0 Cfg.WeaponBob = 0 Cfg.WeaponNormalMap = false Cfg.WeaponPrediction = true Cfg.WeaponPriority = {72,71,62,61,51,52,41,42,32,31,22,21,12,11,0,} Cfg.WeaponRespawnTime = 15 Cfg.WeaponSpecular = true Cfg.WeaponsStay = false Cfg.WeatherEffects = false Cfg.WheelSensitivity = 4 Cfg.ZoomFOV = 50[/code]
  11. 没空间,没气氛,没乐趣,没手感 COD2又删了 最近在爽潜行者,我机器居然能玩,日哦,挖卡卡卡
  12. 我是来BS的,哼哼 优化什么的最多在设置里改.如果都改CFG,玩游戏还有公平可言么?不是PB能通过就表示可以
  13. 最近空间紧张.而且就因为这气氛.俺决定休息休息 -.,-
  14. http://www.getphoto.cn/list.asp?boardid=3
  15. 趴下按使用键,默认使用是F
  16. -,.- 吃饭去
  17. 只希望不要COD2的环境变成和CS的一样.偶就是冲着环境好才来玩的
  18. 跑不动,等换机器爽的飘过
  19. 干11到死 -.,-
  20. 那种个别枪械确实影响的搞点限制也没啥,现在不是什么F都把喷子关了么
  21. 新图本来做地就不好
  22. 手感好的时候常拿MP44虐小汤 游戏本来就该关本身的东西,这也平衡那也平衡,干脆全步枪F不就拉倒了.COD2也不用玩了 那么多枪械本身的乐趣也没了.虐不虐看水平的.打不赢就关武器,那最后大家全用手枪好了
  23. MOP 那个某某的日记
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