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  1. 还没…… 我现在在U8和T2基本上都是1人盟,要出死星首先要有几万的SL保住那些卫星才敢出
  2. 要是有纯粹的保护那还要防御这种机制干什么……
  3. 提高间谍技术可以增加反间谍机率 裸奔就是直接用运输机去攻击那些没有防御和舰队的玩家 有殖民船之后发展会慢慢快起来
  4. The following fleets were facing each other on 03-22 16:57:20 , as it came to a battle:: Attacker The Doctor (2:465:9) Weapons: 100% Shields: 100% Hull Plating: 100% Type Cruiser B.Ship Recy. Bomber Number 1 179 10 40 Weaponry: 800 2000 2 2000 Shields 100 400 20 1000 Hull 5400 12000 3200 15000 Defender kongfucat (2:467:1) Weapons: 110% Shields: 100% Hull Plating: 100% Type L.Cargo L.Fighter B.Ship Bomber S.Laser S.Dome Number 3 17 648 30 56 1 Weaponry: 10.5 105 2100 2100 210 2.1 Shields 50 20 400 1000 50 4000 Hull 2400 800 12000 15000 400 4000 The attacking fleet fires a total of 237 times with the power of 452820 upon the defender. The defender's shields absorb 74718 damage points The defending fleet fires a total of 755 times with the power of 1437377 upon the attacker. The attacker's shields absorb 104362 damage points Attacker The Doctor (2:465:9)Type B.Ship Recy. Bomber Number 78 1 24 Weaponry: 2000 2 2000 Shields 400 20 1000 Hull 12000 3200 15000 Defender kongfucat (2:467:1)Type L.Cargo L.Fighter B.Ship Bomber S.Laser S.Dome Number 3 12 647 30 32 1 Weaponry: 10.5 105 2100 2100 210 2.1 Shields 50 20 400 1000 50 4000 Hull 2400 800 12000 15000 400 4000 The attacking fleet fires a total of 103 times with the power of 204002 upon the defender. The defender's shields absorb 37412 damage points The defending fleet fires a total of 725 times with the power of 1429712 upon the attacker. The attacker's shields absorb 54344 damage points Attacker The Doctor (2:465:9)Type B.Ship Bomber Number 2 1 Weaponry: 2000 2000 Shields 400 1000 Hull 12000 15000 Defender kongfucat (2:467:1)Type L.Cargo L.Fighter B.Ship Bomber S.Laser S.Dome Number 3 9 646 30 29 1 Weaponry: 10.5 105 2100 2100 210 2.1 Shields 50 20 400 1000 50 4000 Hull 2400 800 12000 15000 400 4000 The attacking fleet fires a total of 3 times with the power of 6000 upon the defender. The defender's shields absorb 1200 damage points The defending fleet fires a total of 718 times with the power of 1426667 upon the attacker. The attacker's shields absorb 1824 damage points Attacker The Doctor (2:465:9) Destroyed Defender kongfucat (2:467:1)Type L.Cargo L.Fighter B.Ship Bomber S.Laser S.Dome Number 3 9 646 30 29 1 Weaponry: 10.5 105 2100 2100 210 2.1 Shields 50 20 400 1000 50 4000 Hull 2400 800 12000 15000 400 4000 The defender has won the battle! The attacker has lost a total of 13927000 Units. The defender has lost a total of 206000 Units. At these space coordinates now float 2815200 Metal and 1408500 Crystal. The chance for a moon to arise from the debris is 20 % The enormous amounts of drifting metal and crystal particles attract each other and slowly form a lunar satellite in the orbit of the planet. 18 Small Laser could be repaired. 损失8lf2bs7sl换了个月球……
  5. …… 太疯狂了…… 这是哪个服务器?
  6. 这几天有点私事,不能照顾舰队了,恩 过段时间再开
  7. 关于IRN(跨银河研究网络) 并不是最高的两个实验室之间相互连接 而是当前实验室和当前实验室之外的n个实验室相互连接,n为IRN的等级
  8. 資源在 月球 [1:225:7] 在 12-27 17:46:42 金屬: 496818 晶體: 9648 重氫: 934153 能量: 0 艦隊 小型運輸艦 559 大型運輸艦 359 輕型戰鬥機 15211 重型戰鬥機 35 巡洋艦 149 戰列艦 724 殖民船 1 回收船 155 間諜衛星 149 防禦 反間諜活動機率:31%
  9. 被发现鸟…… 卫星被打光鸟…… 555 还好没多造卫星,只被干掉不到200个 不过收渣慢了10分钟
  10. 我也被打了…… 1:225:7 不过打的是资源+生产线,损失不大总共损失不到10bs,还好主星防御厚,人家不会打……
  11. Messages Action Date From Subject 12-04 08:10:53 Fleet Command Return of a fleet One of your fleets (Battle Ship:41 ) returns from 2:467:1 to ping ping pong [2:467:1] . The fleet returns with no goods. 12-04 08:07:33 skyzz [2:462:7] No subjectreply nice try for the ninja hehe 12-04 08:04:35 Space Control Spy Attack A foreign fleet from planet DiDi PIT [2:470:6] was sighted near your planet ping ping pong [2:467:1]. Chance for counterespionage: 0 %
  12. 目前t2主星 15ml 1200sl 20gs 10pc u8因为经常被打,所以防御强得多 遇到你面前这么厉害的家伙我也没办法…… 逃跑吧…… 第一个纳米应该出在相对安全的地方 早就说过不要主动去搞别人的舰队,容易招大狼 过硬的基建和防御永远是不差的选择,就算舰队被砸,也不至于一无所有
  13. 问题是砸我的部队本身能赚得并不多,还没砸一次i羊赚得多 现在700bs打我一次大概要损失100bs,获得的资源就算收渣船收好之后也最多只能造110bs
  14. 为什么砸你们的都是200不到的小队伍 砸我的少说都是300以上的…… -..- 欺负农民么?
  15. 才1100个sl…… 我u8正向3k迈进 t2比较危险,所以开始用等离子武装自己
  16. 这个…… 你还是先留着吧,舰队的用于远大于月亮
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