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  1. 我早就说有ZB器了还发现了个专门的下载网站
  2. http://www.ea.com.hk/en-hk/games/pc/battle...nstrike/movies/
  3. 这个电影哪有下载啊? 片 名: 拜见希特勒 译 名: Mein Führer - Die wirklich wahrste Wahrheit über Adolf Hitler 导 演: 丹尼-雷维 主 演: 卡嘉-瑞曼 乌尔里希-穆埃 类 型: 剧情/战争/喜剧 片 长: 89分钟 国家地区: 德国 对白语言: 德语 发行公司: Warner Bros. GmbH 上映日期: 2007年1月4日 德国 官方网站: 暂无 希特勒因为在孩子时代遭受过虐,就让世界遭受苦难。他喜欢在浴缸里玩耍玩具战舰,总是尿床,性无能,沉溺在毒品里不能自拔。希特勒常常把毒品放在大型地球仪中。   这部新片中有这样一个情节:1944年年底,希特勒已经对自己失去了信心,但纳粹时期的宣传部长保罗·约瑟夫·戈培尔还不放弃任何希望。戈培尔从一个集中营里叫来希特勒的前犹太籍表演指导阿道夫·格林巴姆,让他打扮成这位独裁者的样子,到一个盛大集会上去鼓舞德国人。当瘦弱的格林巴姆进入元首府时,戈培尔对他说:“不要亲自做出决定。”   纳粹军官挤满了办公室,举起手臂兴奋地高呼“万岁,希特勒!”每隔几秒就有一次举手礼。格林巴姆杀死希特勒的计划连续多次都以失败告终,于是他辞去这位独裁者表演指导的职务,最后还变成一个有点像精神病专家的人。他在一个偶然机会竟然发现一个秘密:希特勒从来都没有博得严厉父亲的喜欢,这一直都是他内心的一块心病。   希特勒躺在元首办公室的睡椅上,回想起一件使他烦恼的童年往事。他的脑海里浮现出这样一幕:“我的父亲曾经给我一个弹弓。他抬头看了看,并对我说‘杀死那只鸽子!’我弹出子弹,死掉的鸽子落到他的脚上。父亲说‘真倒霉!’然后就愤然离开了。”这时眼泪从希特勒的脸上静静滑落。   影片的另一个画面显示,爱娃·布劳恩说“我不觉得你是元首”时,躺在她怀里的希特勒显得有些不安。在故事结尾中,希特勒的理发师无意中剃掉了他的一部分小胡子,使这位独裁者火冒三丈。几分钟后,希特勒又不得不按捺住暴躁的脾气去发表演讲。
  4. 要是给咱们个虎王的话...............
  5. 你在金庸小说中是:周伯通 周伯通大抵是一般读者心中最可爱的人物,这个人,到了九十多岁,还要养蜜蜂。不通世务,天真得和儿童一样,所以外号人称“老顽童”。然而,天真如儿童,决非一个人的优点,一个人如果到身体长大之后,智力、兴趣还停留在儿童阶段,通常称这种情形,是一种病态,这种病人一个十分普通的名称:白痴。周伯通的情形,虽然不至于是白痴,但决非正常。而且,儿童是没有是非观念的,人是逐渐的成长过程,形成种种观念。老是停留在儿童阶段,那算什么?还好,周伯通虽然号称“顽童”,但不是真的顽童。周伯通和瑛姑之间的纠缠,事情发生之后,给不负责,一味逃避,那是典型心智不成熟的弱能表现。周伯通只好算是中中人物。
  6. 有个胜利之日了,又多个胜利时刻
  7. 战地1942还有2个资料片战地2好像也有几个
  8. 正版的CS和DOD是通过STEAM平台下载的,在网上买的CDKEY需要和你的STEAM帐户绑定才能用
  9. K.O


  10. http://www.fpschina.com/index.php?showtopic=13563
  11. 文件名称: COH V1.4.0 修改器 上传会员: K.O 上传时间: 20 Jan 2007 最后更新: 6 Nov 2008 存放位置: 游戏工具 Game Tools HEATHAPPENS.COM AND AGES PRODUCTIONS PRESENTS ============================================== COMPANY OF HEROS +14 MEGA TRAINER v1.40 ======================================= PUBLIC RELEASE DATE: JANUARY 23, 2007 FOR updated VERSION 1.40 ONLY!!!!!! ALSO, DONT FORGET !! DOWNLOAD UPDATES FOR THIS TRAINER AT CHEATHAPPENS.COM WARNING!! special care has been taken to make sure the options in this trainer do not work for the enemy as well as the player.. be warey of other trainers that could give the benefits to the enemy aswell, if you notice your enemy becoming more powerful than usual or attacking sooner with larger forces or if the game becomes harder in general then you have more than likely got a trainer that benefits the enemy, these trainers are useless as they only make the game harder. You can trust CHEATHAPPENS.COM to bring you the very best in 100% accurate trainers. HOW TO USE ========== 1. Double click trainer to run (you can do this from anywhere) 2. Load game 3. Press OPTION KEYS for desired effects. 4. ENJOY. NOTE!! ALL OPTIONS ARE TOGGLED ON/OFF with the same key. OPTION USAGE AND NOTES ********************** F1 - INFINITE MANPOWER (player only) /////////// This is a very simple option, you just turn it on and you have infinite manpower. ************************************************ F2 - INFINITE MUNITIONS (player only) //////////// Another simple option, activate for infinite munitions ************************************************ F3 - INFINITE FUEL (player only) ///////// Once you activate this option you will have infinite fuel. ************************************************ F4 - INSTANT BUILD (UNITS/UPGRADES/VEHICLES) (player only) ////////////////////// Nice option here, when activated you will no longer have to wait to build any of your troops or tanks etc, they will build instantly. ************************************************ F5 - INFINITE COMMAND POINTS (player only) ////////////// Another simple option here, turn it on for infinite command points so you can now choose all those nice little extras to help on the battle field. ************************************************ F6 - REMOVE POPULATION CAP (player only) ///////////// You can now build as many units as you like without any rescritions. (improved now.. ive upped the max units allowed for a future option we are working on where u can make units with 10 tanks or 10 engineers) ************************************************ F7 - INSTANT BUILD STRUCTURES (player only) ////////////// This option enables you to build any structures, barracks, sand bags etc etc instantly. ************************************************ F8 - UNIT HEALTH SYSTEM ACTIVATION ///////////////// Read Carefully ============== O - Top up Selected Units Health to Max P - Reduce Selected Units Health to Zero L - STOP The 2 above effects.. You must CLICK on the unit to select it... O - This option does not make ur troops invulnerable, it simply updates their health to its max, a lot can still kill your troops such as snipers, in the skirmish missions this option is much more effective as you dont have so many deadly weapons being fired at you so at times it may look like you are invulnerable. P - This is obviously for the enemy troops you just click them and press P to reduce their health to nothing so u can kill them with a single shot. L - This is here because the 2 above options are constantly updating ur troops to make sure all X/X troops get covered, if you dont want to use either you can either press F8 again to turn it off but i included L instead so u didnt have to as its a pain having to turn the main option on and off. ************************************************ F9 - KILL ENEMY RESOURCES //////////// This option will disable the enemy completely by making all this resources 0. ************************************************ Y - STRUCTURE HEALTH SYSTEM ACTIVATION /////////////////// Read Carefully ============== M - Set Structure Health to MAX N - Set Structure Health to Zero You must CLICK on the structure to select it... With this option you only need to press the N or M keys once and it will have the desired effect. F11 - KILL SELECTED ABILITY TIMER //////////////// Once you activate this option you can run the mouse over any abilities that use a TIMER to stop you from using them too much, i.e.. grenades, special abilites such as rangers,bombing runs, recon runs.. anything that can an icon and has a recharge time u run your mouse over you will no longer have to wait after that to use it again and again. F12 - KILL ENEMY RESOURCES ///////////// This option is great for those who want a lot of chaos on the battlefiled, when you click on a unit with this option enabled you will turn its MAX units to 10 this means that any units of this kind that u make AFTER this one will come out with 10 in their units instead of their standard numbers, you can even use this on tanks and vehicles, its amazing to watch 10 tanks moving as 1 unit with so much fire power as they all fire at the same thing WARNING!!! ========== This option cannot be undone as it changes the actual templates of the units so only use it when ur really fooling around. Do not use it on the special tanks in the SUPPORT menus as for some reason it doesnt like sending more than 1 onto the screen at any one time.. perhaps you will see a fix for this in later trainers but atm be careful. ================================================================================== If you want more quality trainers just like this one then make sure you visit WWW.CHEATHAPPENS.COM for all your latest CHEATS,TRAINERS and WALLPAPERS. ALSO GET YOUR UPDATES FOR THIS TRAINER AT WWW.CHEATHAPPENS.COM released on 23/01/07 by AGES PRODUCTIONS © 点击这里下载文件
  12. 文件名称: COH 繁体中文版 V1.3.0 - V1.4.0 升级补丁 上传会员: K.O 上传时间: 20 Jan 2007 最后更新: 1 Feb 2007 存放位置: 游戏补丁 Game Patches COH 繁体中文版 V1.3.0 - V1.4.0 升级补丁 一般修正 - 排名赛与自订游戏现在都支持游戏开场时随机启始地点功能。 - 游戏中服务器状态网址现在指向 http://www.relicrank.com - 修正有关非排名赛被当成排名赛的问题。 - 在线使用者接口增加了新的效能与延迟指标表。 - 加入包含着玩者姓名、阶级与加载进度指示横条的新游戏载入画面。 游戏过程 - 轻型车辆现在不再会被盟军的铁丝网与沙包所阻挡。 - 轻型与中型车辆现在无法再压毁轴心国的坦克陷阱。 - 修正盟国的反坦克炮在直接命中轴心国88炮时,不管其生命值多少都算击毁的问题。 - 修正未完成的防御性建筑物却有100%生命值的问题。此外,现在所有未完成的防御性建筑物在遭受到任何武器的攻击时,所受到的损伤将会变大。 - 修正轴心国的火焰喷射半履带车升级时却耗费油料的问题。这是因为属性文件的数据错误。 - 同盟国与轴心国的狙击手现在又可以一发将对方击毙了。 - 提高鳄式雪曼对于没掩护步兵单位的伤害 点击这里下载文件
  13. BT的咋下不成啊?我一直在作种子都上传120G了
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