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  1. 5 是说你在家里坐不到 SF 所以连翻页的也不放过……
  2. 每周星期天都要回母亲那里尽孝…… 谁选的日子啊?!#·%—……%¥%#$!!%^%*&
  3. 5 对意大利的印象……如图!
  4. =================================================================================== Good Morning Sunshine ------------------------Aqua When the sun is up, on a clear blue sky, you will act like a lover. When the sky is grey, and the rain comes down, you will run for cover. Feel the heat, come out of cold, and your arm is touching me. Good morning sunshine, you are my only light, lying with me by my side, you keep me warm all day. Just stay with me. Good morning sunshine, be with me all day, Just don't let the rain pass you by, when it's cloudy or windy and the snowflakes arrive, you somehow just make me, make me feel I'm alive. When you leave my field then you light the stars Fading away in horizon there is a million streets leading off the night, waiting for sun to be risen Feel the heat, come out of cold, and your arm is touching me. Good morning sunshine, you're my only light, lying with me by my side, you keep me warm all day. Just stay with me. Good morning sunshine, be with me all day, Just don't let the rain pass you by, when it's cloudy or windy and the snowflakes arrive, you somehow just make me, make me feel I'm alive. Chorus: Hold it right there, let me take a minute of your time, to explain how I feel through these rhymes. I do the best I can, and believe me if I could I'll build you a paradise with these two hands. the top of your skin, makes my body go numb, I'm thinking to myself, if my dream come true, or is it 'cause you never give me a chance to tell you how I feel, the moments we had were too precious to kill. When it is cloudy or windy, please turn your face at me Good morning sunshine, you are my only light, lying with me by my side, you keep me warm all day. Just stay with me. Good morning sunshine, be with me all day, Just don't let the rain pass you by, when it's cloudy or windy and the snowflakes arrive, you somhow just make me, make me feel I'm alive.  ================================================================================= Aqua is one of the bands I am fond of a lot. Finally the 2 on this photo married each other. Congratulations...
  5. 你 9 4 7 中之一! 有空你给 5 COD2 练枪去!也 8 来群里报道!BS你!
  6. 抢过来用有意思!以彼之术,还施彼身!
  7. 5 连机器都没有了,现在都没有在上网!
  8. 这句英文是说:请 LZ 确认同时只启动了一个补丁安装程序! 是不是安装时 LZ 多点了一次PATCH程序?再试试安装吧,不行再来大家讨论……
  9. 看字幕,有 5 被人暗杀的证据!
  10. LZ 命大,图片先刷出来了,5 本来是来杀人的……
  11. 5 在苏军地图最大的乐趣 9 是抢了 PPS 抄到他们老窝去,8 过有时吃亏还是会郁闷的……
  12. 估计你们被建服的人记到黑名单上了吧?!更名应该可以写在服务器设置里…… 5 试试给你叫个涉案嫌疑人出来! tomato 呢!出来!11 在召唤!
  13. 北美好象卖 8、90 美元吧…… LZ 还是等等吧,听说国内要出正版了……
  14. 5 尊重大家的意见,不过希望大家咨询一下逆反心理严重人群的年龄段…… ……个人认为开了水区恐怕也没什么效果……
  15. 潜水 N 久的 LZ 冒泡了…… 对于现在游戏对硬件要求的发展速度谁的机器不老啊……
  16. 5 也没有啊…… 5 已经麻木了……随便吧……
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