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  1. 估计是因为今夜 9 可以查分了…… 欢迎大家揣测……各抒己见吧!
  2. 敲几颗金牙给 5 做劳神费……
  3. 点击进入 ASE 下载及使用 ASE 这里大家基本都用这个寻找可以游戏的服务器……
  4. 5 是中午的枪下亡魂之一……
  5. 5 没看错的话你是4000帖吧?!
  6. 是么?个人认为还是中性比较完美……
  7. 8 块 7800 的 SLI 应该没问题吧!可惜好象还没有实践过……
  8. The link on the pic seems to be invalid... ================================================================================ I'm All About You ------------Aaron Carter There's something I've gotta say, you're always with me even though you're far away, talking to you on my cell, just the sound of your voice makes my heart melt, oh girl, its true I'm all about you, I'm all about us, no baby you never have to question my love, and every night, there's a new crowd, but it's always you I'm singing about, there is only one these words are goin'out to, oh girl, I'm all about you I know you worry sometimes, (sometimes you worry) some other girl will make me forget you're mine, there's not a doubt in this world, that anyone could take the place of my NO.1 girl, its true I'm all about you, I'm all about us, no baby you never have to question my love, and every night, there's a new crowd, but it's always you I'm singing about, there is only one these words are goin'out to, oh girl, I'm all about you When I close my eyes I can see you, its like you're right here, and these feelings only gettin' stronger, YOU'RE WITH ME EVERY WHERE!! ~~~ I'm all about you, I'm all about us, no baby you never have to question my love, and every night, there's a new crowd, but it's always you I'm singing about, there is only one these words are goin'out to, oh girl, I'm all about you, I'm all about you, I'm all about you, I'm all about you, I'm all about you, I'm all about you, I'm all about you. ================================================================================ Nick Carter of the former band BackStreet Boys is Aaron Carter's big brother. & as far as I know Aaron Carter has a twin sister ... a lucky mom ...
  9. 看置顶啊!禽兽世界归来的禽兽! 17X的方法
  10. 你们两个还真是猩猩相惜啊…… 居然不约而同地偷拍对方…… 点击查看另一位当事人的帖子
  11. 你们两个还真是猩猩相惜啊…… 居然不约而同地偷拍对方…… 另一位当事人的帖子
  12. ……CLAMP 的《圣传》中的两代阿修罗王都很帅……
  13. 换N卡SLI算了……今天刚看明白SLI是什么…… 不要什么事情都麻烦领导了,问问其他高手……
  14. I'm bored of life like this...maybe a scream could help me to let it out... Today my immediate boss must be surprised by me...hehehe... That's a message: Not everyone will follow your routine... Why not try to be directly? Such a fag... A commemorable Mental Victory! Following pic is captured form V For Vendetta I regard this one as an apple of blood.
  15. 你们 9 祸害吧!5 睡觉去了……看不过去,明天 5 9 删!
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