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由 SchutzStaffel 发布的全部内容

  1. 至少比 5 有时间和钞票……机器和网络也好…… 让 5 略感有些无病呻吟的样子……
  2. 能不能贴些更有美感的……事先声名跑到***上 5 9 删!
  3. 能不能贴些更有深意的照片……
  4. Inktomi Spider 这个是什么东东? 查出一些跟搜索引擎有关的术语,懒得看明白…… 谁给直观地解释一下?!
  5. 小 9 注意水质…… 破烂王2世……
  6. Today I told my immediate boss I wanna be lay off... for a unrestricted life...
  7. 猪之歌 猪!你的鼻子有两个孔,感冒时的你还挂着鼻涕牛牛. 猪!你有着黑漆漆的眼,望呀望呀望也看不到边. 猪!你的耳朵是那么大,呼扇呼扇也听不到我在骂你傻. 猪!你的尾巴是卷又卷,原来跑跑跳跳还离不开它 哦~~~ 猪头猪脑猪身猪尾巴 从来不挑食的乖娃娃 每天睡到日晒三杆后 从不刷牙从不打架 猪!你的肚子是那么鼓,一看就知道受不了生活的苦 猪!你的皮肤是那么白,上辈子一定投在了富贵人家 哦~~~ 传说你的祖先有八钉耙,算命先生说他命中犯桃花 见到漂亮姑娘就嘻嘻哈哈 不会脸红不会害怕 猪头猪脑猪身猪尾巴 从来不挑食的乖娃娃 每天睡到日晒三杆后 从不刷牙从不打架哦~~~ 传说你的祖先有八钉耙,算命先生说他命中犯桃花 见到漂亮姑娘就嘻嘻哈哈 不会脸红不会害怕 咳咳嗯 你很想她 ……
  8. 复位失败?换新…… 你是原来那种老猫啊?现在的似乎都没有路由功能了……
  9. 他 9 是清了cookie 所以上不来了…… 先替他谢谢领导……
  10. ================================================================== Beat Of My Heart ---------- Hilary Duff ---------- Album Most Wanted To the beat of my To the beat of my heart I'm thinking about Letting it out I wanna give in I wanna go out But looking around I finally found The rhythm of love The feeling of sound It's making a change The feeling is strange It's coming right back Right back in my range Not worried about Anything else I'm waking up To the beat of my To the beat of my To the beat of my heart The beat of my heart To the beat of my To the beat of my heart The beat of my heart It tears us apart Now I'm back to the start I'm up from my down I turn it around But making it back I'm not gonna drown I'm taking a stance I won't miss a chance I want you to see I'm not scared to dance The way that you feel Could never be real I want you know I finished the deal So I'm sayin to you I'll always be true To the rhythm inside To the beat of my To the beat of my To the beat of my heart The beat of my heart To the beat of my To the beat of my heart The beat of my heart It tears us apart Now I'm back to the start To the beat of my To the beat of my heart Away Away ... ... ... ================================================================================
  11. 没一个回答问题的! 到这里找驱动 哪个版本对MX440好来得?!谁告诉他一下!
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