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  1. 顶上来! 领导呢?!怎么还是给换回传统皮肤了?!
  2. ……世态炎凉…… PPELUO 是谁?!你改名字了?!
  3. …… 5 也存在同楼上RAGPICKER一样的问题……
  4. 玄 夜 无 边, 念 苑 无 眠, 忧 丝 若 柳, 雅 颜 若 怜…… 女主角:若苗紫苑 男主角:柳叶雅颜 自己写的!
  5. Faint! sexy world not sex world! not n+n but adj+n ! 1楼作品名子暂时叫:Vanity Fair 玄 夜 无 边, 念 苑 无 眠, 忧 丝 若 柳, 雅 颜 若 怜…… 还有这个的谜底是:《非常家庭》---北条司
  6. I am exhausted, thou might be ! I am pessimistic, thou would see ! I am cynical, thou could feel ! I am impatient, thou should find ! I am frail, thou now know ! I'd like to shed enough tear for a fading peaceful BBS, if ti is possibly to stop that ! I'd like not to feel the pains killing me inside just like which I've got from the tough reality of life ! I am leaving for my naive characters ; I am leaving for my childish wishes ; In a nutshell I just don't wanna be in a unreal however unfriendly crowd following days & nights out of real tough crowd ! Here it was a place I could hide ! Here it was a space I got fun ! Here it was a paradise I found peace ! In short I can hardly handle a secondy psychological torture after a serials of exhausting daily lives ! I'd rather be gone in a battle , than be honored through a quarrel ! U are too proud to lose , I am too fragile to follow...... That is all I got recently, so I'll be leaving for a period of time. till we all got enough !
  7. …… me 是代词,小鬼!代词作宾语跟名词作宾语应该要能区别的!何况是第一人称代词…… 好好学习去吧,COD2 9 8 要玩了…… freak 啊?!看你的签名帖图 9 知道了!
  8. 被灌的头晕目眩的也要顶!
  9. 呵呵…… 5 的头像可是个 boy!
  10. 哎呀 5 晕! 哪个 DX 又拿别人的 ID 开玩笑了……
  11. 希望是最后一句! 5 8 是队长!5 们不设队长职务,以免……你不改 (-___-) 后面的 ID 9 不准你进群! 免得其他玩家认为 (-___-) 的人都跟你似的! 可以考虑您的申请;8 过 5 们只是一个不愿涉及……专心游戏的小组织!
  12. F1 !pp 经常在 5 忙于近战时放冷枪……
  13. 国内哪里有正版的红色警戒!一代已经把斯大林演义成黑社会老大了……
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