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由 诸神之黄昏 发布的全部内容

  1. 郁闷 幸好装完后,C&C3能玩了...
  2. http://mohairborne.ea.com.tw/Airdrops.aspx
  3. 也该出了..
  4. 是不是因为开UO的关系 昨晚在UO里玩,没玩COD2
  5. 要是不行就不开呗,很简单哈,咱们的服务器大家做主
  6. 1.51,升级补丁本站就有
  7. 26号升级的pb,没觉得卡啊,不知道为什么
  8. UO一直是369and11等一干JR计划中的事,不晓得有没有人玩.另外对服务器影响不知道大不大..不要影响COD2才好 红一纵队先歇一歇吧..
  9. 地址: PB将稍候开....
  10. 目前在测试中,不稳定,见谅!近期UO也将开PB. 地址:
  11. 11还没起床...
  12. COD2 PB说明 http://www.punkbuster.com/index.php?page=support-cod2.php Since the new components have been installed, I now get kicked from PunkBuster servers for "handshaking failed" or "Losing Key Packets", how can I fix that? Some other software programs such as virus scanners, firewalls and Internet security software packages are suspicious of any new services and kernel drivers when they are first released. Some of these will block our new components thereby causing the "Losing Key Packets" kicking. Until these various packages are updated to correctly identify PnkBstrA.exe, PnkBstrB.exe, and PnkBstrK.sys as components of the PunkBuster Anti-Cheat System, players who experience PunkBuster kicks due to these conflicts need to either manually adjust the settings of the other software running on their system or disable the other software while playing on PunkBuster enabled servers. The new PunkBuster components make use of network resources and also frequently update files in the Windows system folders. This activity triggers warnings or blocks by some other security programs, some of which consider all unknown programs as threats or malware. Our new components are simply extensions of the existing PunkBuster system using new services and kernel software drivers, and are each signed with Verisign / Authenticode digital signatures for verifiable authenticity purposes. Most major security packages do not block our new components; users with other software that causes these conflicts should contact the vendor of their security package and request an update to correct this conflict.
  13. 据说PFS值太低也会引起ping值不稳定 不知道++是不是那种情况..
  14. 厉害,饿了......
  15. 路过,看早点
  16. 置顶的帖子里有
  17. RT 有关PB的问题,请看 http://www.fpschina.com/index.php?showtopic=15318&hl=PB
  18. RT 未请假长期不露面的,QQ群里长期潜水的,TS里不说话的,只为得到锁服密码的,将清理出群 不知道大家觉得如何
  19. 还有这事?
  20. 扁.........
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