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由 诸神之黄昏 发布的全部内容

  1. 干嘛叫"扬我国威1",难道还有扬我国威2
  2. 如今的偶像捏?
  3. 偶就不说什么好了
  4. 就是 回到主题
  5. 路过 参观一下
  6. 顶一下 好象文件不对
  7. 翻页SF 好久没SF了 继续坚决反对ZB 楼下请继续.............
  8. 本人现宣誓,在任何场合任何情况下决不接收,使用,散布,对游戏公平性有影响的各种形式的作弊器,及非法Config文件. 本人亦有义务揭发,举报有作弊行为的任何团体的任何人
  9. 坚持到底
  10. 貌似最近严打ZB的JR
  11. 他是tang seng,猴子的师傅
  12. 身正不怕影子斜
  13. 好 支持
  14. 我找两个了,你们看吧 眉州东坡酒楼 亚运村店 朝阳区慧忠北里111号楼 菜  系: 川菜 区  域: 朝阳区 电  话: 64800776 64800775 特 色 菜: 魔芋烧干鸭,芋儿鸡,南瓜蒸百合,四川腊肠,东坡肘子,凉粉,红汤圆子,担担面 地  址: 慧忠北里111号楼 行车路线: 停 车 位: 有 菜香根酒楼(清华东路店) 海淀区清华东路15号or菜香根民族园店
  15. 作弊的拉出去毙了 直接KIA
  16. 定好时间地点告诉我就行了 去不去单说
  17. 不知道瞎折腾什么
  18. 自己去看链接吧,不会贴图 no发的那张其实也是,他发过了我就不重发了 发图的目的很单纯:希望有助于提高CODER的鉴别能力. 几张图片 几项功能 [NUM 0] Menu - active features are green; inactive features are red. [NUM 1] Wall Hack - client-hook style wall hack. Only live player models will be visible through walls. [NUM 2] Crosshair - places a green dot in the center of your screen to help when aiming. [NUM 3] Clear Scope - when zoomed in with the sniper scope or binoculars, the scope or binocular outline will be semi-transparent. [NUM 4] Effect Removal - removes smoke, fire, and any other types of visual effects. [NUM 5] No Recoil - Removes the kicks of guns and increases accuracy. Your view does not move upward. [NUM 6] Enemy Compass - shows players on your compass as if you were on the enemy team. [NUM 7] Third Person - positions your view behind your player's body. [NUM 8] Triggerbot - automatically shoots the gun when an enemy player is targetable. [NUM 8] Aim Assistance - when your crosshair moves over an enemy player, the enemy player is aimed at until dead or is not longer shootable. Aim at players that you know the bot can hit. The name of the player being targeted will appear next to "Target." Click the + button on the injector's interface to view aim vector and penetration customization options. "Heads and chests" and "boxes, tanks, fences" are the recommended / default settings. [NUM 9] Chams - a colored player wall hack. Green is for visible player parts; red is not visible. [NUM +] No Fog - removes fog. [NUM -] Corpse Removal - removes dead bodies to prevent confusion between dead and live players. [NUM *] Name / Team ESP - draws the player's name above their player model. Germans have yellow names and Russians, British, and Americans have blue names. In deathmatch, all players have orange names. [NUM /] Enemy Player Indicators - draws purple triangles when enemy players are nearby. This feature is meant to prevent enemies from sneaking up on you. This feature resembles CoD 2's grenade indicator system. [CAPS] Zoom - magnifies your view. [CTRL+K+CTRL] Server Killer - allows you to restart the server being played on (kicking all players and sometimes loading a new map). Arm the bomb by pressing Ctrl+K and detonate by pressing Ctrl again. Some servers require multiple attacks. You must be connected to the server before attempting. Health Indicator - draws your current health. Cvar Unlocker - allows access to all cvars. Shellshock Removal - removes slowness and blood associated with the effects of being hit by grenades and bullets. Console Unlocker - allows access to the console when a game host has disabled accesss. Clean Screenshots - produces a PB screenshot that doesn't show you cheating. 厉害啊,PB都不一定能看住,此软件最后更新为06.10.13 坚决反对无耻的ZB者
  19. 努力把COD建设得更好些更快些 还发展建设个JB——M个B的ZB的那么多...... (-___-)|==NO==|
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