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Unknown Soldier

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  1. if you get the warning from punkbuster cvar fx_sort equals 0 (must be 1), you have to set this variable to 1. i don't know what this variable is used for, but change it, otherwise you will be kicked (and banned for 2 minutes) by punkbuster. how to change it? you can do it in two ways: 1) open the config file (config_mp.cfg) in your cod2 folder and change the line seta fx_sort "0" to seta fx_sort "1" and save it. 2) open the console ingame with the ~-key (on german keyboards with ^) and type /seta fx_sort 1 in the console. then close the console with the same key you opened it. that's all.
  2. 我的pb已经升级为最新版本了。还抱错,有高手帮忙参详参详么?
  3. mm们上论坛么?上的话大家真的应该收敛点,平时都是老爷们想说啥说啥,mm面前还是煮一下形象吧
  4. 那没过两天你岂不就变成猪头了??!!
  5. 人的脑细胞是有限地,你老怀念老朋友相应地就会忽视新伙伴,这是对身边的人尤其是对你自己的一种不负责任地行为。。。
  6. 旧的不去,新的不来。。。
  7. n多年前俺们家旁边的丰台花园里也摆了一架,后来就不翼而飞了
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