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  1. 细节确实做得很到位,特别是语音所伴随的动作。给人留下深刻印象啊!
  2. 论坛的COD4逐渐升温。着实有点大势所趋的架势!支持一个
  3. 支持!一个FPS为主的电子杂志!
  4. 哈哈,这个不错
  5. 效果不错 不过不是PC主机的画面
  6. 呵呵 ,真不错 ,怀旧的东西啊!@_@
  7. 什么东东?
  8. 我也遇到过好几次因为加速跑丢抢的事情!,后来干脆拿备用抢进行加速跑活动!
  9. 太谢谢老大这么详细的解读!我回头试试看!非常感谢
  10. 呵呵,从这此汉化错误上倒有了新发现 因为本来装了个 COD市场花园 MOD在玩,试过汉化COD后MOD不能游戏。 所以重装后只汉化了UO,但是发现,虽然没有汉化UO,但是在被无意汉化过后的COD基础上MOD可以玩了,哈哈 有意思
  11. 原来真是这样啊!呵呵,郁闷了半天!也就是说CODUO汉化包里面有COD的汉化文件啊! 知道了,谢谢
  12. 我安装了CDD + COD-UO (注:都是光盘镜像) COD 我没有进行汉化,只是将COD-UO用论坛提供的coduo_en.151_tc.151进行了汉化! 结果问题出现了,发现进入COD-UO后游戏并没有被汉化! 然而,COD确被汉化了,不知道是为什么?是不是必须在COD汉化的基础上才能使用UO的汉化包? 望解,谢谢大家
  13. 好复杂啊! 这样可以进军Wii了!哈哈
  14. 无意中网上看到的! :sweatingbullets: 这里 ------------------------------Band of Brothers Overview-------------------------------------- Now, Firstly before actually explaining the mod, i would like to point out a few things. PLEASE! dont think of this as "ZOMG another BoB mod that will die in 2 days". It wont. Im going to dedicate alot of time into this to make it a real sucess. Band of Brothers will be a complete makeover for the Call of Duty 2 game. It will feature more detailed skins, almost all new weapon models, live weapon sounds from the same guns. All Band of Brothers locations will be mapped into the game for use in singleplayer and mutliplayer. The Singleplayer portion of the game will contain fully scripted sequences, cutscenes, and all the scenes from BoB. The Singplayer will be the main focus of the development, MP will be the second part of production. My plans for Missions are cut into serveral campaigns: "Curahee" 1-Physical Training 2-Tactical Training 3-Jump School "Day of Days" 1- Aldebourne Takeoff 2- The Drop 3- St. Mere-Englise 4- Brecourt "Carentan" 1- Carentan Assult 2- Carentan Defense " Operation Market Garden" 1- Aldebourne prep talk and takeoff 2- The Drop 3- Eindenhoven 4- The River 5- Retaliation "Bastogne" 1- Point Isertion 2- Outer Perimeter 3- Moving up 4- Combat Patrol 5- Foy 6- Noville 7- Rachamps "Haguenau" 1-Reinforcing the Point" 2-P.O.W. Hunt 3- Stop the Moaning! "Bavaria" 1- Shoot the Kraut 2- Eagles Nest/ ENDING ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This Full Conversion mod for Call of Duty will be based on the series by HBO and the book by Steven Ambrose, about the men of Easy Company of the 506th PIR. With the use of advanced research and a dedicated team, we will recreate the battles and follow the story as accurate as possible. During the story, people who have read the book/seen the series will recognize the scenes we will create, as we will strife for historical accuracy and at the same time deliver a dramatic, and interactive gaming experience. Features This mod will feature both SP and MP aspects, as Singleplayer sticks to the story and gives the player the feeling of actually being there with the men of Easy Company. We will pick some of the main figures from the series, and place the player inside the head of these men, running through most of the episodes of the HBO series. This will enhance the variety of the mod, and adds more interactivity, which will be one of the more important factors putting this mod together. As mentioned before, we will put the player in intense battles, trying to recreate the horrors and acts of heroism these soldiers have experienced. As for the realism, we will try to stay to the reality of gunfights and make sure the battles will become even more intense because of the fact that you're down in only a few valuable seconds. This means 1 shot. 1 kill for every vital part on the body such as the head, neck, heart, etc. All weapons from Band of Brothers will be included, which also means all the mounted weapons, and artillery if possible. Sniperrifles are a matter to be discussed, but will most likely be left out the game, as they give the gameplay a very different kind of feeling. The maps will be as complex as possible, and accurate, to once again increase the interactivity, and the feeling of actually being there. As for the realism, we will try to stay to the reality of gunfights and make sure the battles will become even more intense because of the fact that you're down in only a few valuable seconds. This means 1 shot. 1 kill for every vital part on the body such as the head, neck, heart, etc. As for the Multiplayer part, we will use some of the (modified) singleplayer maps, and perhaps some new ones. New voice commands, specifically for team based games will be added, plus all the weapons included in the Singleplayer part of the mod. We will most likely leave out the artillery and mounted weapons, for those weapons may ruin the gameplay. New models and skins will be made as soon as the game is released, and will be used troughout the entire mod, but can only be chosen in Multiplayer. Most of the soldiers you meet in the book and/or series will be included. Also in Multiplayer, we will try to recreate the most intense battles and get them as realistic as possible, again to get that feeling of being there. With all these features combined, we hope to bring you a gaming experience above the standards, and we hope you will support us in doing this as the community is an important factor in making a mod come to life. See you on the forums, The BoBTC Team
  15. 得到恩师夸奖,俺就踏实了!哈哈哈哈哈哈哈
  16. 实际上大家需要注意的是在使用过“复制图章”工具后,需要使用“修复画笔”工具对图章操作过的区域,进行文理修复。看起来就不会有太明显涂抹痕迹! 希望对有些朋友能够有所帮助!
  17. 谢谢鼓励! ---------------------------------- 太变态了
  18. 呵呵,发了一张用1024*1024版本修改后的1264*512到邮箱,老大去看看
  19. 老大,这个步骤不合理! 个人认为应该先去除文字在进行尺寸变化,这样会导致在变化下的尺寸下修复图片后,回到512*512时局部细节会受到影响。呵呵,这样有助于其他参加者
  20. LS真YD!
  21. 有时候手不好用,m1按前来像敲钟声,把人能急死 有时候就快的让人兴奋!我对我的手是不是我能控制产生过太多怀疑 哈哈哈哈
  22. 晕啊!连这种作弊的工具都有啊!太牛X了!哈哈
  23. 这个服务不错的,回头去试试
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