中级会员由 Loper 发布的全部内容
俺 的** live! 5.1 + DSP500 自带USB声卡 都插着 也能进游戏......
今儿早上起来的早~ 再加上最近学习考试繁忙 又特无聊~~~~~所以发了那贴 本想解解闷儿,缓解下压力~ 没想这贴和图得罪了这么多人~引起了大轰动+大地震+大海啸~~~ MUHAHAHAHAHA^_^ 由于俺的贪玩儿~以及小孩儿脾气~ 俺承认俺的帖子不妥当 在此给大家引发的不便请广大CoDer谅解 这种东西 也没什么好生气的 说实话 , 大家互相 寻个开心 来点火药味儿调节下气氛~过去了就算啦 ~你看我现在不也没什么么~为了这种帖子 生气 真不值得唉~ 我也没针对哪个队哪个队或想搞谁的意思, 仅仅是比较直接的表达了我当时所想的,有感而发~ 一只碗儿自己是碰不响地~至于谁犯了什么错误 大家自各回去思考吧~ V队TP队的朋友们 对不起啦~ 另外本周5 持续几星期的考试拉练就要结束了,终于可以放松下~周末有哪些个coder想一起玩儿cod2的可以论坛PM 或者 qq联系 本人qq 75476710 PS: 105 位用户正在查看这个论坛 (79 位访客和 1 位匿名会员) 今天cod专区人气算是创历史新高了~ S-22你该怎么感谢我啊~
刚下课...一看那帖子 竟然60多回复了...... 最近考试比较忙 想缓解压力~就发个贴出来逗逗 不想........引得这么兴师动众 今天论坛访问又创新高了吧.... 90 位用户正在查看这个论坛 (62 位访客和 1 位匿名会员) 也算给FPSCHINA贡献人气了 嘿嘿
我不是高人 嘿嘿 这个方法好象仅仅限于 上海ADSL和深圳一些主干网才能使用 其他的我就不太清楚了。 .
plz wait 15 - 20 minutes ,then you can join the server , now we havn't anyway ,only this way to join ,S-22 said maybe it's port's problem...... because this computer no shu ru fa,so only english i can say
Eternal Love , Hell Song , Carring You, loli musci......
常用ID:Loper=JS= Madge=JS= COD2游戏设置喜好: 分辩率1280X1024 60Hz(LCD only 60) DX: DX7 or 9 模式 使用感想:Open AA 8X AF 16X in pub Server FPS 40-100 jump CPU: Inter P4 531 3.0G RAM: Kingston DDR2 533 2048MB MAINBOARD: GIGABYTE nForce4 Inter Edtion SLI Royal H.D: Maxtor DiamondMax plus 10 160GX2 Display: NVIDIA GeForce 7800GTX 256MB CDROM: LITEON 16X DVD MONITOR: ViewSonic VX924 LCD Keyboard: Logiteh Mouse: IE3/Razer Diamondback/IE4/WO1.1 Other: Icemat2 Glass Mouse Pad (not good with IE3), PLANTRONIS DSP500 in Game,dt231 in Music 常玩的游戏(最近在玩的游戏): COD2 Freestyle Quake4 War3 WoW CS1.6 Memories Off and my Madge 带宽:ADSL 2M very cb
// generated by Call of Duty, do not modify unbindall unbindall bind TAB "+scores" bind ESCAPE "togglemenu" bind SPACE "+gostand" bind 1 "weapnext" bind 2 "weapnext" bind 4 "+smoke" bind ` "toggleconsole" bind A "+moveleft" bind B "+binoculars" bind C "gocrouch" bind D "+moveright" bind E "+leanright" bind F "+activate" bind G "+frag" bind M "openScriptMenu ingame changeweapon" bind Q "+leanleft" bind R "+reload" bind S "+back" bind T "chatmodepublic" bind V "mp_QuickMessage" bind W "+forward" bind X "noclip" bind Y "chatmodeteam" bind Z "+talk" bind ~ "toggleconsole" bind PAUSE "toggle cl_paused" bind UPARROW "vstr seis_speed_1d0" bind DOWNARROW "vstr seis_speed_0d0" bind LEFTARROW "vstr seis_speedN" bind RIGHTARROW "vstr seis_speedP" bind CTRL "goprone" bind SHIFT "+melee_breath" bind HOME "echo ^1First ^1Enable ^13rd ^1Person ^1Mode ^3(^7Press Numpad 5^3)^1!;" bind END "echo ^1First ^1Enable ^13rd ^1Person ^1Mode ^3(^7Press Numpad 5^3)^1!;" bind F1 "vote yes" bind F2 "vote no" bind F4 "+scores" bind F5 "vstr seis_PD" bind F6 "vstr seis_ND" bind F7 "vstr seis_PlayDemo" bind F12 "screenshotJPEG" bind KP_HOME "vstr seis_volN" bind KP_UPARROW "set s_volume 0.0; set seis_volN vstr seis_volPN; set seis_volP vstr seis_vol01; echo ^2Sound ^2Volume ^4|^1^7**********^4| (Muted);" bind KP_PGUP "vstr seis_volP" bind KP_LEFTARROW "vstr seis_PlayCurrentDemo;" bind KP_5 "vstr seis_third_enable" bind KP_RIGHTARROW "screenshot; echo ^2Nice ^2Sceenshot;" bind KP_END "echo ^1First ^1Enable ^13rd ^1Person ^1Mode ^3(^7Press Numpad 5^3)^1!;" bind KP_DOWNARROW "vstr seis_timer_enable;" bind KP_PGDN "echo ^1First ^1Enable ^13rd ^1Person ^1Mode ^3(^7Press Numpad 5^3)^1!;" bind KP_INS "quit;" bind KP_MINUS "+scores" bind KP_PLUS "vstr seis_help;" bind MOUSE1 "+attack" bind MOUSE2 "toggleads" bind MOUSE3 "+frag" seta ai_corpseCount "10" seta cg_blood "1" seta cg_brass "1" seta cg_centerPrintY "-60" seta cg_chatHeight "8" seta cg_chatTime "12000" seta cg_connectionIconSize "0" seta 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