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  1. 咩。。。。。。
  2. 沙发 当年我都没这么臭显过。。。。 http://www.fpschina.com/index.php?showtopic=9909
  3. 这个时候所有人都回出现在地图上。。。。
  4. ">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="450" height="380">
  5. ">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="450" height="380">
  6. ">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="450" height="380">
  7. 我手里还有你的一大把JJ。。。。。
  8. 综合说来就是COD1/2时期良好 COD4时期由于CS玩家的大举进入 导致了COD世界变成这样子 俺在COD1/2时期的那句名言 COD玩家有着高品位与素质。。。。 看来不适用于COD4时期。。。。。。。。。 以前在服里 骂人的字眼都少见的 走过来的老玩家应该会有同感
  9. M-65 280mm "Atomic Annie" Nuclear Field Artillery The M-65 280mm "Atomic Annie" Nuclear Field Artillery traveled suspended between the front and rear custom transporter tractors at a road speed of up to 35 miles per hour. The combination of gun and tractors could make a right angle turn at a street intersection 28 feet wide. Each of the transporters had its own 375 hp engine. The tremendous recoil shock of firing was absorbed by a double recoil system. Both the gun tube and the heavy carriage move separately with the recoil, reducing the overall recoil distance to a minimum. The Army deployed the 280mm atomic cannons to Europe and the Far East in the early 1950s. The units were difficult to maneuver because of their length and heavy weight, and could only be driven on paved roadways or packed ground. The twin transporters were driven much like those of an aerial ladder fire truck, with the drivers communicating using a telephone system. The atomic cannon weapon system appeared in the Inagural Parade for Gen. Dwight Eisenhower when he became President of the United States in January 1953. The gun had difficulty maneuvering the parade route in downtown Washington, DC. The name "Atomic Annie" was probably chosen with reference to "Anzio Annie" a German K5 railroad gun that bedeviled the Anzio, Italy beachhead during 1944. The "Atomic Annie" cannons were a creature of the Cold War, used only for testing and deterrance. On 25 May 1953, one of the "Atomic Annie" guns fired a Mark 9 nuclear artillery shell seven miles downrange at Frenchman Flat, NV, generating the first tactical nuclear explosion. The shell exploded with a yield of 15 kilotons, the first and last nuclear device to ever be fired from a cannon. Hundreds of high ranking Armed Forces officers and members of Congress were present for the test. Two battalion combat teams maneuvered after the shot. The public demonstration of the devestating weapon had an impact on the negotiations for an end to the Korean War, leading to an armistice signed 27 July 1953. It is believed that eight of the original twenty atomic cannons survived, including two in military base museums at Ft. Sill, OK and Kirtland Air Force Base, NM
  10. 风车转一转 飞碟高一寸
  11. 话说这游戏很省心 自动打怪自动捡取
  12. 这得从COD2里的11说起了。。。。 貌似是11刚进SS的时候 打Brecount这图。。。。
  13. 这个理论要问11了。。。。 俺用MJ就是跟11学的
  14. Kaz入坛之后貌似被无视了很久。。。。
  15. 跟我来玩QQ自由幻想
  16. 前两天拿RPG把豆腐都戳成冻豆腐了
  17. 我天朝子民幸灾乐祸的心理可真是不能小觑啊
  18. 这地方还spy。。。。
  19. No 我要是失踪了。。。 下一个恐怕。。。
  20. 评价Kaz的帖子。。。。
  21. http://vip.qq.com/act/viptiyan/?actid=10006 本次《QQ三国》礼包将随机出现以下奖励: 自动补给包1个 价值3元 私人仓库包1个 价值3元 狸猫套装(30天) 价值18.5元 小狼套装(30天) 价值18.5元 高级礼包(包括急行戒指1个、双倍经验丸10个、小强丸10个) 价值30元
  22. 明明是美洋洋。。。。
  23. 那个叫猪猪侠。。。。
  24. Rt 回味ING
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