Press M the first time and the fire rate will be: Semi-Auto
Press M the second time and the fire rate will be: Burst-Fire (Shoots 2-3 bullets)
Press M the third time and the fire rate will be: Full-Auto or how it originally was.
Basicly, it works the same as the CoD+UO, just with the added in Burst-Fire.
// Fire Rate Toggle
set JHfr01 "vstr JHsa1; set JHfr vstr JHfr02"
set JHfr02 "vstr JHbf1; set JHfr vstr JHfr03"
set JHfr03 "vstr JHnorm1; set JHfr vstr JHfr01"
set JHsa1 "bind mouse1 vstr JHsa2"
set JHsa2 "+attack; -attack"
set JHbf1 "bind mouse1 vstr JHbf2"
set JHbf2 "+attack; wait 5; -attack; wait 5; +attack; wait 5; -attack; wait 5; +attack; wait 5; -attack; wait 5"
set JHnorm1 "bind mouse1 +attack;-attack"
set JHfr "vstr JHfr01"
// To change the bind, replace the M with the with button you want to use.
bind M "vstr JHfr"