Auto Aim ~~Automatically aims at enemy players
Aim Key ~~ Allows you to assign a key to activate aiming
Auto Fire ~~Automatically fires when aiming
Burst Fire ~~Automatically fires in bursts
Smooth Aim ~~Aimbot smoothly rotates to players
Aim FOV ~~Aimbot field of vision
Aim Mode ~~Aimbot by distance or closest to crosshair
Aim Prediction ~~Calculates ping to insure an accurate shot.
Triggerbot~~ Automatically Shoots when ret crosses enemy.
Name Tags ~~Shows names on players in the server
Distance Tags ~~Shows distance on players in the server
Wallhack ~~XQZ-Type Wallhack Renders Players through Walls
Lighting chams ~~Chameleon Skins, Customizable Colors
Solid chams ~~Chameleon Skins
Lambert solid chams ~~~Chameleon Skins
Crosshair ~~~Renders a permanent crosshair
No Recoil ~~Removes Recoil for all weapons.
Superzoom ~~Creates an Artificial Zoom with any weapon
Vector system ~~Gives you the ability to choose from a series of customizable aim points. (Head, Chest, etc)
Binds system ~~Binding system for your settings; completely seperate from the game system
CAL(ACS) Bypass ~~CAL/CPL Anti-cheat Bypass
PB Screenshot Cleaning ~~Cleans your PunkBuster screenshots so no hacks are visible when sent to the server