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由 rongruo 发布的全部内容

  1. 新一轮国内互联网整风运动开始。
  2. 原因在于版本不符。
  3. 难道我的时钟慢了一天?
  4. 如果是的话,cod2 极有可能进入wcg等大型赛事。
  5. CoD2tv program这个词怎么翻译? 是cod2 电视直播程序吗?
  6. The 1.3 patch for CoD2 has now been uploaded to download sites and will be made available in the next 24 hours. News has finally been released by IW about the new 1.3 patch for Call of Duty 2. According to reports the patch will be released today and has already been uploaded to sites such as FileFront for download ( link ). Rumours had been circulating that the patch was on it's way but nobody expected it this soon. Patch Features: Gamestate increased Punkbuster related fixes (32 character GUID fix) Other minor inclusions (unclear what these are) Statement from [iW]402: "It's true. The patch is ready to go and should be hitting FTP sites in the morning / afternoon depending on where you're located." Not much info has been released so far as you can see, though at least it is a relief for the community to see Punkbuster GUID's being fixed, which should improve the general functionality of the anti-cheat program. Mod makers will also be pleased to see the gamestate increased and this in particular is an update that is considered long overdue. It is unlikely we will be seeing more maps released this time around as after the fuss they made about them last time, it would seem likely they would do the same if more were to be included in the 1.3 update. It is still not clear what was meant by "other minor inclusions" but hopefully they will include some bug fixes and maybe even a solution to the "awaiting connection" problem. In related news, Garet, the creator of CoDtv and the original PAM mod, has spoken out about the possibility of CoD2tv becoming a reality. Apparently all that's needed for this to happen is for IW to implement some of the code from the 1.5 version of vCoD, with this included in CoD2 it would be an easy job for Garet to set up a working CoD2tv program. The onus now is on IW to work to get the code integrated for the next patch but after the 6 month wait for the first patch who knows how long we will have to wait?
  7. 汉语的一词多义和一义多词是其他语言无可匹敌的。
  8. 不是gotfarg,是另外的。
  9. 是个搞财务的吧!
  10. rongruo


    今天是D-DAY,6月6日,值得纪念的日子。 向所有二战中死难的人民致敬,大家要在今天好好的重温诺曼底登陆这一关阿!
  11. 在我们这里香港算境外,私自观看境外电视时要被追究法律责任的。 香港不是1997回归了吗?
  12. 用touchnet吧,我现在基本就用它上网,突破限制,直通国际。
  13. rongruo


    连国外cod技巧网站也封杀。无耻到极点!! 严重抗议,到哪里抗议?麻烦告知以下。
  14. 机箱电源开关触点的问题。
  15. 反坦克机枪。圈图里i,美军阵地不是有一个吗?
  16. 靠,江蘇這個經濟強省都全免了,西部還只是農村去年剛免。
  17. SF
  18. 是差两点。
  19. 记得当年打1942,很是上劲,时光一去不复还啊!
  20. 在某些地方,有北瓜这个词,不过所指物与南瓜属同一物体。
  21. 如果没问题可以要,回来后更换显卡,加显示器,不知硬盘和内存多少?
  22. 电视台最近正在追查偷信号的锅,你还是找些煤灰抹上吧!
  23. 道听途说:637是SLZ细胞分裂后出现的。
  24. 这个游戏让纳粹连妖魔鬼怪都造出来了!
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