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[NUM 0] Menu - active features are green; inactive features are red.

[NUM 1] Wall Hack - client-hook style wall hack. Only live player models will be visible through walls.

[NUM 2] Crosshair - places a green dot in the center of your screen to help when aiming.

[NUM 3] Clear Scope - when zoomed in with the sniper scope or binoculars, the scope or binocular outline will be semi-transparent.

[NUM 4] Effect Removal - removes smoke, fire, and any other types of visual effects.

[NUM 5] No Recoil - Removes the kicks of guns and increases accuracy. Your view does not move upward.

[NUM 6] Enemy Compass - shows players on your compass as if you were on the enemy team.

[NUM 7] Third Person - positions your view behind your player's body.

[NUM 8] Triggerbot - automatically shoots the gun when an enemy player is targetable.

[NUM 8] Aim Assistance - when your crosshair moves over an enemy player, the enemy player is aimed at until dead or is not longer shootable. Aim at players that you know the bot can hit. The name of the player being targeted will appear next to "Target." Click the + button on the injector's interface to view aim vector and penetration customization options. "Heads and chests" and "boxes, tanks, fences" are the recommended / default settings.

[NUM 9] Chams - a colored player wall hack. Green is for visible player parts; red is not visible.

[NUM +] No Fog - removes fog.

[NUM -] Corpse Removal - removes dead bodies to prevent confusion between dead and live players.

[NUM *] Name / Team ESP - draws the player's name above their player model. Germans have yellow names and Russians, British, and Americans have blue names. In deathmatch, all players have orange names.

[NUM /] Enemy Player Indicators - draws purple triangles when enemy players are nearby. This feature is meant to prevent enemies from sneaking up on you. This feature resembles CoD 2's grenade indicator system.

[CAPS] Zoom - magnifies your view.

[CTRL+K+CTRL] Server Killer - allows you to restart the server being played on (kicking all players and sometimes loading a new map). Arm the bomb by pressing Ctrl+K and detonate by pressing Ctrl again. Some servers require multiple attacks. You must be connected to the server before attempting.

Health Indicator - draws your current health.

Cvar Unlocker - allows access to all cvars.

Shellshock Removal - removes slowness and blood associated with the effects of being hit by grenades and bullets.

Console Unlocker - allows access to the console when a game host has disabled accesss.

Clean Screenshots - produces a PB screenshot that doesn't show you cheating.



:wacko: 干脆研发个全能作弊器挂上想要的人的 ID 让机器自己跑算了………… :wacko:






:mellow: 人是活得,识别的方法太多了 :mellow:

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