钢管猫 Posted 2007年8月16日 22:34 Posted 2007年8月16日 22:34 ]a aasStats admin addarrow addline activateVehicles activateAFs addObituaryLine addChatLine addPerformanceQuery anim_reduced = "0" aor_physicsLod3StartScale = "1" aor_physicsLod2StartScale = "1" aor_physicsLod1StartScale = "1" aor_ikCutoffScale = "1" aor_animationCutoffScale = "1" aor_physicsCutoffScale = "1" aas_skipObstacleAvoidance = "0" aas_showObstacleAvoidance = "0" aas_extendFlyPaths = "1" aas_subSampleWalkPaths = "1" aas_optimizePaths = "1" ai_fallTime = "0.25" anim_maxBodyPitch = "10" anim_minBodyPitch = "-40" aas_randomPullPlayer = "0" aas_pullPlayer = "0" aas_locationMemory = "0" aas_showBadAreas = "0" aas_showFuncObstacles = "0" aas_showManualReachabilities = "0" aas_showObstaclePVS = "0" aas_showFloorTrace = "0" aas_showPushIntoArea = "0" aas_showTravelTime = "0" aas_showNearestInsideArea = "0" aas_showNearestCoverArea = "0" aas_showWallEdgeNums = "0" aas_showWallEdges = "0" aas_showHopPath = "0" aas_showPath = "0" 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"0.0" a_glowSunScale = "0.0" a_glowSunPower = "16" a_glowLuminanceDependency = "1.0" a_glowThresh = "0.0" a_glowBaseScale = "0.21" a_glowScale = "0.25" a_sun = "85" a_windTimeScale = "0.00005" ]b bind bindRagdoll blinkline bsePause bseLog bseStats benchmark buildFrequencies bse_maxDecalDistance = "4096" bse_simple = "0" bse_rateCost = "1.0" bse_rateLimit = "1.0" bse_detailLevel = "1.0" bse_speeds = "0" bse_singleEffect = "" bse_debris = "1" bse_physics = "1" bse_showBounds = "0" bse_debug = "0" bse_render = "1" bse_enabled = "1" bot_fakePing = "0" bot_hud = "0" bse_effectsStats = "0" bot_noRandomJump = "0" bot_noTapOut = "0" bot_testObstacleAvoidance = "0" bot_sleepWhenServerEmpty = "0" bot_useRearSpawn = "1" bot_godMode = "-1" bot_useAltRoutes = "1" bot_balanceCriticalClass = "1" bot_testObstacleQuery = "" bot_debugObstacleAvoidance = "0" bot_useTKRevive = "1" bot_debugMapScript = "0" bot_skipThinkClient = "-1" bot_showPath = "-1" bot_uiSkill = "2" bot_uiNumGDF = "-1" bot_uiNumStrogg 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"0" com_makingBuild = "0" com_timestampPrints = "0" com_showSoundDecoders = "0" com_showMemoryUsage = "0" com_showTPS = "0" com_showBPS = "0" com_showFPS = "1" com_speeds = "0" com_allowFullConsole = "0" com_allowConsole = "1" com_forceGenericSIMD = "0" com_asyncSound = "1" com_asyncInput = "0" com_preciseTic = "1" com_purgeAll = "0" com_gpuSpec = "3" com_machineSpec = "2" com_skipRenderer = "0" com_writeBinaryDecls = "0" com_useBinaryDecls = "1" com_lastCPULevel = "2" com_lastCPUDetailLevel = "2" com_lastGraphicsLevel = "2" com_lastGraphicsDetailLevel = "2" com_lastLightingLevel = "2" com_lastFoliageLevel = "0" cm_drawTraces = "0" ]d dumpMonolithicInfo dumpCollisionModelStats dumpToolTips disasmScript deleteSelected damage demoShot disconnect dotRenderPrograms declMemoryReport dirtree dir dumpCVars demo_finishCmd = "" demo_prediction = "26" demo_snapshotDelay = "50" demo_scale = "1.0" demo_debug = "0" decl_usageLog = "0" decl_show = "0" developer = "0" demo_noclip = "0" ]e echo exec exportScript envshot exit error ]f fireteam finishBuild findFreeString freeze fs_toolsPath = ""tools/compilers" "tools/editors"" fs_searchAddons = "0" fs_caseSensitiveOS = "0" fs_game_base = "" fs_game = "" fs_devpath = "C:\Documents and Settings\Luna\Local Settings\Application Data\id Software\Enemy Territory - QUAKE Wars Public Beta" fs_cdpath = "" fs_userpath = "C:\Documents and Settings\Luna\My Documents\id Software\En emy Territory - QUAKE Wars Public Beta" fs_savepath = "C:\Documents and Settings\Luna\Local Settings\Application Data\id Software\Enemy Territory - QUAKE Wars Public Beta" fs_basepath = "E:\ETQW" fs_copyfiles = "0" fs_debug = "0" fs_restrict = "1" ]g gameCrash gameError getviewpos god give game_memory generateNetDemoKeyFrames gpuPerformanceQueries gfxInfo g_bind_context_anansi = "vehicle" g_bind_context_badger = "vehicle" g_bind_context_bumblebee = "vehicle" g_bind_context_desecrator = "vehicle" g_bind_context_goliath = "vehicle" g_bind_context_hog = "vehicle" 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"0.2" in_player_pitch_axis = "3" in_player_pitch_joy = "1" ik_debug = "0" ik_enable = "1" ]k killAllBots keepTestModel killType killClass killRagdolls killTransports killMoveables kill keyFramePrev keyFrameNext ]l listVotes listEvents listAnims listGUIs listCollisionModels listLines listSpawnArgs listActiveEntities listEntities listScriptObjects listThreads listClasses listClientEntities listGUIThemes listVehicleScripts listModelDefs listControllers listSoundDecoders listSounds listVertexCache listTexUsage listMedia listModels listImages listPerformanceQueries listRenderLightDefs listRenderEntityDefs listRenderPrograms listRenderBindings listLocStrs listTemplates listSurfaceTypes listDecals listStuffTypes listAF listEffects listEntityDefs listSoundShaders listSkins listMaterials listTables listOutOfLevelDecls listBinaryDecls listDecls listDictValues listDictKeys listModes listBinds listCVars listToolCmds listGameCmds listSoundCmds listRendererCmds listSystemCmds listCmds logTimeStamps = "0" logFileName = "console.log" logFile = "0" ]m makeEnvMaps modulateLights makeAmbientMap makePerlin mapshot memoryReport memoryDumpPerClass memoryDumpCompressed memoryDump msv_useSampleGame = "0" m_showMouseRate = "0" m_strafeSmooth = "4" m_smooth = "1" m_strafeScale = "6.25" m_yaw = "0.022" m_pitch = "0.022" m_helicopterYaw = "0.022" m_helicopterPitch = "-0.022" ]n nodeActive nodeLink nodeView nodeRadius nodeTeam nodeName nodeDel nodeAdd nextMap nextFrame nextAnim networkSpawn noclip notarget net_maxQoSRequests = "12" net_useUPnP = "1" net_socksPassword = "" net_socksUsername = "" net_socksPort = "1080" net_socksServer = "" net_socksEnabled = "0" net_forceDrop = "0" net_forceLatency = "0" net_port = "0" net_ip = "localhost" net_channelShowDrop = "0" net_channelShowPackets = "0" net_demoErrorOnInvalidUserCmds = "0" net_checkSync = "1" net_httpPassword = "" net_httpUser = "" net_httpProxyMode = "1" net_httpProxyPassword = "" net_httpProxyUser = "" net_httpProxy = "" 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serverStartDemos serverMapRestart stats saveRagdolls saveMoveables saveSelected spawn setviewpos sayFireteam sayTeam say stopNetDemo serverInfo s_restart setLightInfo shaderPerformance showTriSurfMemory showInteractionMemory screenshot sizeDown sizeUp showFPSBandings startBuild showDictMemory showStringMemory setMachineSpec setp sett setu sets set s_showForcedStopSound = "0" s_useDeferredSettings = "1" s_decompressionLimit = "6" s_ignoreALErrors = "1" s_libOpenAL = "openal32.dll" s_driver = "dsound" sys_videoRam = "256" sys_ram = "2048" sys_cpuHTStatus = "HT enabled" sys_cpuPhysicalCount = "2" sys_cpuLogicalCount = "2" sys_cpuSpeed = "2004" sys_cpuString = "AMD CPU with MMX & 3DNow! & SSE & SSE2 & SSE3 & HTT" sys_arch = "Windows XP" sys_lang = "english" sensitivity = "3" si_version = "ETQW 1.0.10071.31632 win-x86 Jul 28 2007 01:34:01" s_debugSoundEmitter = "-1" s_maxLowPrioritySounds = "8" s_useAdpcmCompression = "1" s_drawSoundScale = "0.1" s_showPurgedSounds = "0" s_loadSoundsOnDemand = "0" s_realTimeDecoding = "1" s_clipVolumes = "1" s_force22kHz = "0" s_numberOfSpeakers = "2" s_singleEmitter = "0" s_doorDistanceAdd = "150" s_globalFraction = "0.8" s_subFraction = "0.75" s_playDefaultSound = "1" s_voipVolumeOut_dB = "0" s_voipVolumeIn_dB = "0" s_volume_dB = "0" s_meterTopTime = "2000" s_reverse = "0" s_spatializationDecay = "2" s_dotbias2 = "1.1" s_minVolume2 = "0.25" s_dotbias6 = "0.8" s_minVolume6 = "0" s_constantAmplitude = "-1" s_showLevelMeter = "0" s_maxSoundsPerShader = "0" s_useOcclusion = "1" s_showStartSound = "0" s_drawSounds = "0" s_quadraticFalloff = "1" s_noSound = "0" sm_boundsExpand = "100" sm_mediumplane = "600" sm_farplane = "4000" sm_clipfrustum = "0" sm_renderBackFaces = "1" sm_mapping = "0" sm_frontFaces = "0" sm_frontOffsetUnits = "0" sm_frontOffsetFactor = "3" sm_backOffsetUnits = "0" sm_backOffsetFactor = "0" sm_occlusionQueries = "1" s_volumeMusic_dB = "0" si_disableGlobalChat = "0" si_noProficiency = "0" si_allowLateJoin = "1" si_minPlayers = "1" si_readyPercent = "51.000000" si_disableVoting = "0" si_adminStart = "0" si_motd_4 = "" si_motd_3 = "" si_motd_2 = "" si_motd_1 = "" si_irc = "" si_email = "" si_adminname = "" si_website = "" si_teamForceBalance = "1" si_timelimit = "30.000000" si_rules = "sdGameRulesCampaign" si_spectators = "1" si_pure = "0" si_needPass = "0" si_teamDamage = "1" si_privateClients = "0" si_maxPlayers = "16" si_name = "ETQW Server" si_antiLagForgiving = "0" si_antiLagOnly = "0" si_antiLag = "1" si_campaignInfo = "" si_campaign = "" si_map = "" ]t touchCollision takeViewNote testProficiency testPrecache testDamage testBlend testParticleStopTime testAnim testShaderParm testSkin testModel testDeath testPointLight testLight trigger teleport testGUI timeNetDemo toggleNetDemo testSound touchModel testImage testDecls touch touchFileList touchFile testWarning testSIMD toggle timescale = "1" testLightColor = "1.0 1.0 1.0" ]u unbindall useWeapon unbindRagdoll unbind ui_drivingCameraFreelook = "1" ui_rememberCameraMode = "1" ui_advancedFlightControls = "1" ui_postArmFindBestWeapon = "0" ui_ignoreExplosiveWeapons = "0" ui_autoSwitchEmptyWeapons = "0" ui_showGun = "1" ui_clanTagPosition = "0" ui_clanTag = "" ui_name = "motherf**ker" ]v vote validateModel vid_restart vstr ]w where writePrecache writeJumpStartDemo writeImage writeConfig winExceptionHandler wikiCVars wait win_allowMultipleInstances = "0" win_timerUpdate = "0" win_viewlog = "0" win_outputEditString = "1" win_outputDebugString = "0" win_ypos = "0" win_xpos = "0" win_username = "Luna" win_notaskkeys = "1" ]zoom zoomOutCommandMap zoomInCommandMap ]condump etqwCon //我用这个把控制台的字符输出到文本 Dumped console text to etqwCon.txt. 另外补充一个: quit //直接退出游戏
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