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// Player
seta ui_name "^1d4nce^9c^1A^9t"
seta ui_clan ""
seta ui_handicap "100"
seta ui_model "helmeted"
seta com_allowConsole "1"
seta win_allowAltTab "1"
seta cg_teamColor "255 0 255"
seta cg_enemyColor "255 255 153"
seta cg_forceColors "1"
seta cg_forceModels "1"
seta cg_teammodel "marine"
seta cg_enemymodel "tactical"
seta in_freelook "1"
seta m_pitch "0.022"
seta m_smooth "1"
seta m_accel "0"
seta sensitivity "5.3"
seta m_pitch "0.022"
seta m_yaw "0.022"
seta pm_zoomedslow "38"
seta cg_drawcrosshairnames "1"
seta g_crosshairblink "1"
seta g_crosshaircustom "19"
seta g_crosshairsize "30"
seta g_crosshaircolor "1 1 0 1"
seta g_crosshaircustom2 "0"
seta g_crosshairsize2 "0"
seta g_crosshaircolor2 "0 0 0 0"
// Key bindings
bind w "_forward"
bind a "_moveleft"
bind d "_moveright"
bind s "_back"
bind MOUSE2 "_moveDown"
bind f "_moveDown"
bind SPACE "_moveup"

bind u "clientMessageMode 1"
bind y "clientMessageMode"

bind 5 "_impulse0"
bind MWHEELUP "_impulse1"
bind MWHEELDOWN "_impulse2"
bind 2 "_impulse2"
bind 4 "_impulse3"
bind q "_impulse4"
bind 3 "_impulse5"
bind r "_impulse6"
bind e "_impulse7"
bind 1 "_impulse8"
bind 0 "_impulse10"

bind MOUSE1 "_attack"
bind c "_zoom"
bind TAB "_impulse19"
bind z "_ingameStats"
bind Backspace "kill 0"
bind HOME "multipov"
bind PGUP "timeout"
bind PGDN "timein"
bind F1 "_impulse28"
bind F2 "_impulse29"
bind F3 "_impulse17"
bind F5 "screenshotJPEG"
bind F11 "disconnect"
bind F12 "quit"
seta cg_railstyle "3"
seta cg_usehitscantint "5"
seta ui_hitscanTint "240 0.3 1"
seta cg_teamhitscantint "240 0.3 1"
seta cg_enemyhitscantint "120 0.6 1"
seta s_useOpenAL "0"
seta s_useEAXReverb "0"
seta s_numberOfSpeakers "2"
seta s_musicVolume "0"
seta s_ambient "0"
seta s_volume "1"
// Settings
seta si_fps "100"
seta si_name "^1CR^7A^1ZY ^3AR^5E^3AN"
seta si_mode "DUEL"
seta si_minPlayers "1"
seta si_maxPlayers "2"
seta si_allowVoting "1"
seta si_warmup "1"
seta si_voiceChat "1"
seta si_fragLimit "0"
seta si_timeLimit "15"
seta si_tourneyLimit "3"
seta si_captureLimit "5"
seta si_spectators "0"
seta si_allowVoting "1"
seta si_useReady "1"
seta gui_configServerRate "5"

seta pm_bobroll "0"
seta pm_bobpitch "0"
seta pm_bobup "0"
seta pm_runroll "0"
seta pm_runpitch "0"
seta pm_runbob "0"
seta pm_walkbob "0"
seta pm_crouchbob "0"
seta ui_autoswitch "0"
seta in_alwaysRun "1"
seta in_toggleCrouch "0"
seta in_toggleZoom "0"

seta win_allowalttab "1"
seta win_notaskkeys "0"
// Internet
seta net_clientMaxRate "25600"
seta net_clientprediction "10"
seta cl_punkbuster "1"
// FPS
seta image_anisotropy "0"
seta image_ignoreHighQuality "1"
seta image_filter "GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR"
seta image_downsizeLimit "256"
seta image_downSizeBumpLimit "256"
seta image_downSizeSpecularLimit "1"
seta image_downSize "1"
seta image_downSizeBump "1"
seta image_downSizeSpecular "1"
seta image_cacheMegs "384"
seta image_cacheMinK "3072"
seta image_usePrecompressedTextures "1"
seta image_lodbias "0"
seta image_useCache "1"
seta image_useCompression "1"
seta image_useNormalCompression "2"

seta r_useOptimizedShadows "1"
seta r_shadows "0"
seta r_useTurboShadow "1" //NVidia special shadow thingie, better fps for nvidia cards
seta r_multiSamples "0"
seta r_skipBump "0"
seta r_skipSky "1"
seta r_skipSpecular "1"
seta r_skipFogLights "1"
seta r_skipOverlays "1"
seta r_skipPostProcess "1"
seta r_skipDynamicTextures "1"
seta r_skipMegaTexture "0"
seta r_skipTranslucent "1"
seta r_skipNewAmbient "1"
seta r_skipParticles "1"
seta r_ambientscale "1"
seta r_forceAmbient "1"
// rest
seta r_archivedLightDetailLevel "8"
seta r_lightscale "5"
seta r_gamma "1.1"
seta r_brightness "1.2"
seta r_fullscreen "1"
seta r_mode "5"
seta r_displayRefresh "75"
seta g_showHud "1"
seta hud_style "cpmhud1"
seta hud_lagometerPosition "576 436"
seta hud_showSpeed "1"
seta hud_speedPosition "45 220"
seta net_clientLagOMeter "1"
seta hud_FPS "1"

seta ui_showGun "0"
seta g_gunx "2"
seta g_guny "2"
seta g_gunz "-2"
seta cg_deadBody "2"
seta cg_gibs "0"
seta cg_blood "0"
seta cg_ambientEffects "2"
seta cg_poweruplights "0"
seta cg_muzzleflashlights "0"
seta cg_weaponFovEffect "1"
seta cg_thinshaft "2"
seta cg_smoke_rl "0"
seta cg_smoke_gl "0"
seta cg_smoke_nap "0"
seta cg_nochatbeep "0"
seta cg_logXMLStats "0"

seta bse_scale "0.33"
seta g_decals "0"
seta g_brassTime "0"
seta g_doublevision "0"
seta g_projectileLights "0"
seta g_muzzleFlash "0"
seta g_skipPlayerShadowsMP "1"
seta g_skipParticles "0"
seta g_showPlayerShadow "0"
seta g_simpleitems "0"
seta g_fov "107"
bind KP_Plus "demoSpeedUp"
bind KP_Minus "demoSlowDown"
bind KP_Enter "demoSpeedReset"[/code]

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