BF1942 Posted 2007年10月2日 02:45 Posted 2007年10月2日 02:45 Hello everyone, I'm afraid that this thread is not as much an update with news in it, but rather an update about the news. I'm sure you have all noticed that our newsupdates have gone from being weekly, to coming once every two weeks, to once every month. Now, this is due to a lot of factors, but one thing that certainly has something to do with it is the type of replies that our updates have generated in the past few months. Especially the last newsupdate recieved almost exclusively comments regarding the lack of releasedate and the (apparent?) imminent end of the world. So, we have, as a team, decided to stop our official newsupdates until we have completed our first release and are able to give you all a solid and definate releasedate. Now, before you all start panicing, I'd like to mention 2 thing. The first being that our first release is getting close. We've stopped adding new vehicles and weapons and are now fully focusing on finishing what's not yet done. The main thing that's left to be done is a small amount of maps. These maps are 95% done and it would be a shame not to include them in the first release. We have yet to start betatesting these maps however and that will take some time. I'm pretty confident that we are not able to realise a release in October, but everything should be done in November. The second thing I wanted to mention is that we don't think it's fair to keep you in the dark completely about our progress on FH2, so we'll be posting some 'goodies' every now and then in the forum to keep you updated. Think along the lines of screenshots from betatesting, or some statistics from FH2. We'll try to keep these as periodically as possible. And the first of these screenshots we'd like to show you are right here. I'd like to mention, before you comment, that I took these screenshots in an older build and also that I have a pretty low-end computer, so I couldn't have anti-aliasing running. I think though, that they turned our pretty nice. We tried to shoot a small trailer for our 'Siege of Tobruk' map (by Lobo), but that didn't really work out. I did run the battlerecorder, so I was able to take these screenshots later. This scene shows the Germans attacking the British trenches, charging in with their bayonets attached. I hope that clears up any questions you might have had concerning our progress or lack of news lately. If there's anything more you'd like to know, you're welcome to ask. 以上这段文字是FH团队的LIGHTNING代表FH团队发布的 这是原帖地址 (中文部分作者: harrier ) 说一下文中几个重点: 1.FH团队决定在确定正式发布日期前不再发布官方更新新闻 2.第一版真的已经非常非常接近了,虽然10月份应该不会发布,但11月份应该可以完成! 3.虽然不发布官方更新新闻了,但是FH团队会在论坛里经常发布一些测试截图之类的东西,让玩家保持“更新”状态 4.下图展示的是最低效果的FH2,因为LIGHTNING的这台电脑配置很差 图片描述太长了所以自动隐藏了一部分,看FH论坛原帖地址就可以看到完整的图片描述 来源:WWW.BF2MOD.CN
BF1942 Posted 2007年10月2日 03:12 Author Posted 2007年10月2日 03:12 FH模组介绍(来自FH官方)不知道FH为何物的朋友建议进来看一下 官方还没有推出有关FH2的介绍,下面的内容是有关战地1942上的FH的介绍,不过是相通的,FH里面有的特性FH2里面应该也都有,而且FH2里面还会加入FH里面所没有的更多新特性。发这个帖的目的是为了让没听说过FH的朋友对“FH是什么有?”个大概的了解。 Forgotten Hope 2 (FH2)是一个在 Battlefield 2 的基础上开发的以体现真实为主的模组。你可以在这里体验比BF1942 中更为真实的二战。 在游戏里,包含了在第二次世界大战中出现的250种以上的武器和载具(多于其它任何一款二战FPS游戏)。如苏军的IS-2(斯大林II)重型坦克,可怕的PPSh-41冲锋枪;日军的Ha-Go轻型坦克;美军的P-47雷电攻击机,英国人老式的Fairey Swordfish(旗鱼)双翼飞机,以及Ark Royal(皇家方舟号)航空母舰;此外还有德国的一代名舰Bismarck(俾斯麦)和威震四方的装甲力量。 在游戏里独创的是设有专门的「飞行员」的兵种,主要是在驾驶飞机的时候使用的,飞行员能在飞机坠落时打开降落伞逃生。而飞行员以外的兵种是没有降落伞的。在某些地图里还设有可架设的重机枪,它能在任意一个地方创造一个防御点。而所有坦克的参数都经过了修改,大幅度的提高了真实性。这就意味着必须攻击坦克装甲薄弱的侧面和后面才能迅速的将其摧毁。此外还有牵引型的反坦克火炮和高射炮,你可以把它们开到一个隐蔽的地方伏击敌人。 步兵的分类也被按照实际中的来进行修改,大部分的地图现在将会允许你在近战兵种(例如装备冲锋枪的士兵)、突击(装备步枪和枪榴弹)、支持兵种(装备轻机枪)、反坦克手(装备反坦克武器,例如火箭筒和铁拳)和指挥官(他可以为炮火进行指引,装备冲锋枪)之中选择。狙击兵的装备现在你只能在某些地图里见到,它们通常都在旗点附近。在一些特定的地图里会出现伞兵,例如Crete-1941(克利特岛)。游戏中还加入了很多全新的元素,例如炮兵阵地和火焰喷射器以及陆军的其它装备。 所有这些都是在二战历史中真实存在的,因此,你在1940年的地图里是找不到虎王的。说到地图,FH除了对BF1942最初的地图进行了修改之外,同样还有很多新制作的地图(事实上比BF1942的地图多得多)。游戏里也出现了BF1942里面没有的新军队---芬兰,波兰,加拿大,澳大利亚。 所以无论你喜欢斯大林格勒的巷战、突尼斯沙漠的坦克战还是英国南部空中格斗,Forgotten Hope2都能带给你!
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