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一天有个年轻人来到王老板的店里买了一件礼物这件礼物成本是18元,标价是21元。结果是这个年轻人掏出100元要买这件礼物。 王老板当时没有零钱,用那100元向街坊换了100元的零钱,找给年轻人79元。但是街坊後来发现那100元是假钞,王老板无奈还了街坊100元。王老板在这次交易中到底损失了多少钱 ?

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一天有个年轻人来到王老板的店里买了一件礼物这件礼物成本是18元,标价是21元。结果是这个年轻人掏出100元要买这件礼物。 王老板当时没有零钱,用那100元向街坊换了100元的零钱,找给年轻人79元。但是街坊後来发现那100元是假钞,王老板无奈还了街坊100元。王老板在这次交易中到底损失了多少钱 ?


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In a piece last week, we discussed a Public Knowledge assertion that the RIAA was being hypocritical when it came to cash; in short, the contention was that the RIAA wanted to pay a percentage of its revenue to songwriters as its profits have fallen, but pushed for a fixed per-stream when it came to earning money from webcasters. Not so fast, says the RIAA; we love percentages!

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