Rorschach Posted 2009年3月24日 10:33 Posted 2009年3月24日 10:33 在加德纳派或是大多数巫师们的仪式中,许属式的进行是由女祭司所主持的。在这个时候,女祭司不单单是人,还成为伟大女神的器具,她们将女神降下,而成为女神的代理人。就如大家所知道的,月亮是女神的主要象征,女祭司与女神一体化的仪式称「摘月仪式」(DrawingDown theMoon)。先前所介绍的「力量的补充,就是在仪式的进行中,由呈半昏迷状态的女祭司以美丽的韵律所说出的女神的祝福。Wg{%WLY ,y!cGv6IEe 依据巫师的主张,摘月仪式的起源可追溯到古典时代北希腊的泰萨利亚(Thessalia)地方。依照传承来看,传说泰萨利亚的巫师门有一种魔力,可以用意识操纵月亮,加德纳有可能也从这个传承中得到了一些启示吧 Drawing Down the Moon This is an extremely important ritual in many neo-Pagan Witchcrafttraditions. During the ritual the high priestess of the coven enters a tranceand becomes the Goddess,which is symbolized by the moon. This transformation is accomplished withthe help of the high priest, who invokes, or draws down, the Goddess intothe high priestess. The origins of the ceremony can be traced to classical times. AncientThessalian witches were believed to control the moon, according to an oldtract: "If I command the moon, it will come down; and if I wish towithhold the day, the night will linger over my head; and again, if I wishto embark on the sea, I need no ship, and if I wish to fly through the air,I am free of my weight." In the modern rite, the high priestess has the option of reciting theCharge of the Goddess, a poetic address written be Doreen Valiente, a highpriestess in the Gardnerian tradition (see GeraldB. Gardner, or delivering a spontaneous address. Drawing Down the Moon is one of the most serious and beautiful ritualsin neo-Pagan Witchcraft. Depending on the altered state of consciousness(see Altered Statesof Consciousness) of the high priestess and the ceremonial energy raised,the words that come forth can be moving, poetic and inspiring. During theDrawing Down the Moon, many women connect with the power of the Goddessand therefore with the power within themselves. To capture more of the essence of this rite the description of it givenby Margot Adler in her book Drawing Down the Moon will be paraphrased. Afterlistening to a tape called Drawing Down the Moon sent to her from a covenin Essex, Adler writes: "I did not know it then, but in this ritual,one of the most serious and beautiful in the modern Craft, the priest invokesinto the priestess (or, depending on your point of view, she evokes fromwithin herself) the Goddess or Triple Goddess, symbolized by the phasesof the moon. She is known by a thousand names, and among them were thoseI had used as a child. In some Craft rituals the priestess goes into a tranceand speaks; in other traditions the ritual is a more formal dramatic dialogue,often of intense beauty, in which, again, the priestess speaks, taking therole of the Goddess. In both instances, the priestess functions as the Goddessincarnate, within the circle." On the tape the background music sounded as if it might have been Brahms.The voices of the man and woman possessed an English accent. Clear werethe words of the invocation: Listen to the words of the Great Mother, who was of old also called Artemis,Astarte, Melusine, Aphrodite, Diana, Brigit, and many more other names…" Judging from Adler's descriptions this one ritual of Drawing Down theMoon can, and sometimes does, embody many of the major activities of modernWitchcraft. Generally the ritual is conducted within a circle, sometimescalled a magic circle. The circle is a place set apart; its physical locationmakes no difference, because in the mind it becomes a sacred place throughits casting and purification. It is a placed between worlds where the godsare met. Within the circle psychic power is raised, a work that is known as "raisingthe cone of power." This is accomplishedthrough music, chanting, and dancing thatcan at times combine the wills of the participants. When the priest or,more often, the priestess senses the cone of power has been raised she canfocus and direct it with the mind toward its destination. One such destination,or purpose, is the psychic healing of someone who is sick, or the purposemight be to seek something which is needed by someone. This is the essential reason why gods and goddesses are invited intothe circle. When the moon is drawn down, the high priestess often entersa trance in which the Goddess possesses her. Acting as the incarnate Goddess,the priestess speaks and acts as the Goddess. The circle's psychic powernow becomes Goddess power. Frequently this is thought of as a mystical experience,and possibly it could be class as monistic mysticism. Similarly, when theGod force is drawn into the circle, the high priest becomes the God incarnate.The latter ritual is known as Drawing Down the Sun or Drawing Down of theHorned God or Calling Down the Moon. The state of the altered consciousness that the high priest or priestessexperience during the ritual determines the after effect that is felt, somepriestesses have said they feel the presence of the Goddess within themfor days afterwards. Others have reported seeing changes within some personsfollowing such rituals, but also say there are pretenders. A.G.H.
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