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We need a German campaign...

faiznne Nov 5, 2005, 9:40 am

Sign here if you want to have a German campaign. (select an action below) ______________ Quote Reply

mastermonger Nov 6, 2005, 5:08 pm

Hell yeah we need a German campaig. Ofcourse its fun sometimes to play with the good guys but sometimes I want to be bad. Just killing everyone you capture, slaughtering all citizens. Why would yohu want that. Then just play GTA or Postal or such a game. (select an action below) ______________ Quote Reply

Otomyte Nov 14, 2005, 6:56 pm

The germans slaughtered everyone they captured..? I don't remember that information in the history books. (select an action below) ______________ Quote Reply

The_Anime_King Nov 15, 2005, 3:17 am

A German Campaign would be Sweet

(select an action below) ______________ Quote Reply

uselessoak Nov 15, 2005, 3:19 pm

germans weren't that cruel....russians were cruel...killing their own men when retreated (select an action below) ______________ Quote Reply

Heershreck Nov 16, 2005, 1:16 am

A german campaign would be cool.


"No b****** ever won a war by dying for his country;

he won it by making the other poor, dumb b****** die for his country"

- General George S. Patton (select an action below) ______________ Quote Reply

RingRoyce Nov 20, 2005, 2:43 am

There was a discussion like this on one of the Medal of honor game boards..Ill see if I can find it and post linkage to it here..if it is still around.

I think it would be great..and hey if you play the german side..it doesn't mean you would have to be a bad person anyways..I mean there were a lot of Germans who didn't want to be part of the war..or who were drafted from countrys that were part of the allies..so you could be like drafted into the German army and like "hell no I wont go" and it could be like you trying to get away from the war..however that wouldn't have much buddy missions..thats more of a MOH thing to do..either way a German campaign..((and possibly a Japan campaigne? eventually)) well I would have to say thats downright cool..alright well im off to find the discussion on this thingy.


This is like flirting in a freaking asylum. What the heck are you people talking about? (select an action below) ______________ Quote Reply

The_Great_F2K Nov 20, 2005, 8:28 am

that would be pwnage doing a german and japan campaign.

BUT there will be people saying "OMG they killed our soldiers! they killed civilians blah blah blah" seriously when people chuck a spaz over this they don't get it, when German people play they are killing people from their own army, yet they go "ok fine, it's a game" but other people don't get it and chuck a spaz, it's quite stupid.

well my little rant is over but I stress a German and Japanese campaign would give this series and extra kick. (select an action below) ______________ Quote Reply

Hellboy559 Nov 27, 2005, 2:57 am

dud wtf stop saying s**t about russians also a german campagin would be nice (select an action below) ______________ Quote Reply

omencloud11 Nov 28, 2005, 12:54 am

i think they should have a german campagn, but the guy you play is like a spy or something working for the russians

when the ps3 comes out, it will be the moment of truth everyone will either horde at the ps3


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设身处地想一下吧 :(

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历史不是用来欣赏的,是用来铭记的!!大家对伤害我们的日本鬼子穷追猛打,却对同样可恶 伤害过欧洲人民的纳粹

赞赏有加!!我实在是不能苟同 就因为他们有挺拔的军服和强大的武力?? :henn:

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历史不是用来欣赏的,是用来铭记的!!大家对伤害我们的日本鬼子穷追猛打,却对同样可恶 伤害过欧洲人民的纳粹

赞赏有加!!我实在是不能苟同 就因为他们有挺拔的军服和强大的武力?? :henn:


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有什么区别??你想替纳粹翻案??都是侵略 都有屠杀 一切都一样。

德国人民要是知道远在遥远的东方有这么一群像你这样崇拜纳粹的家伙在 他们会怎么想?? :henn:


我相信M战队是一支崇尚和平的队伍,但我没有想到在这样一支横跨多项FPS游戏领域的优秀队伍里,竟然有纳粹分子 :( 你没有资格把M的图像挂在自己名字的旁边,走远一点 :devil:

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5是新人,接着挖 :phone:


老美一直就歧视我们...... 但我们也有自己的内在问题(这个5也承认)。

但是5喜欢日本的动漫产业,美国的大片、薯片、芯片。 :read: 矛盾但绝对爱国

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除了“求生存”和“求繁衍”的共性外,人类是地球所有物种中唯一具备“贪婪”本质的的另类,说白了就两个字---没够!!作为地球物种的佼佼者,虽然在不断学习和探索中我们形成了“先进”的社会;有了数不清与“文明”,但是万般的“教化”也无法根除我们本性中的“贪婪”,是“贪婪”让我们至今无法学会和谐的对待身边的万物,不论国家与种族,整个人类社会演变与发展过程中的种种罪恶莫不基于此。所以兄弟们....唉.....别争了,寄希望于未来吧 :cry:

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设身处地想一下吧 :(


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