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[ 作者:RestlessDream 来自:TGFC ]


根据最新一期美刊 Electronic Gaming Monthly 的报道,备受瞩目的二战历史类FPS作品《使命召唤3》正在紧密开发中。新作剧情将发生在盟军诺曼底 D-Day(预定日)登陆之后,玩家将反攻德军,解放巴黎。除了扮演英军和美军,玩家还将可以扮演加拿大士兵和波兰地下抵抗组织。


Leaps over Call of Duty 2 / 相对于CoD2的进化:

* In game system has been rebuilt 游戏系统重制

* Characters move more realistically. 角色行动更逼真

* More textures and shaders in the environment 环境贴图和光影更逼真

* No more boarded up windows so now you can see the turn up landscape all around you. 不再使用带框架的窗口,玩家将能对周遭地形一览无余

* Foliage remains flattened when you walk over [it] 树叶走过后会被踩扁(留下脚印痕迹)

* Grenades leave real scorched earth. 手雷会留下逼真的凹陷

* Surfaces react to bullets like they should, grass is different from steel, steel is different from wood, and wood is different from water 各类材质表面遭遇子弹射击后的反应更逼真,草地和钢铁截然不同,钢铁和木头截然不同,木头和水体截然不同……

* More than 24 characters on screen at one time 一次同屏人物可达24个以上

* Destructible cover 掩体可破坏

* Global winds affect smoke grenades 全局风烟效果

o Now, when a tank moves through smoke grenades the smoke will curl around it 坦克进过冒烟的手雷时,烟雾会缭绕在其周围

o Bullets through smoke with stream out the other side moving the smoke 子弹穿过烟雾时会带动反方向的气流干扰原来的烟雾状态

o Trees and grass will move with the wind 场景中的树木和草地会随风摇曳

Things change: 改变的特点

* You actually have to go through the actions of planting a bomb instead of holding A 埋雷时必须做出具体动作,而不再是只按A即可(360版)

* You have to row a boat while still trying to shoot you way to freedom 在有追兵射杀时,逃出生天的你必须不停划船……

* Hand to hand combat compared to the way Condemned works 类似于360上另一款fps《死囚犯》的徒手肉搏方式

* Load times are bring erased between levels 关卡之间不再有loading

Multiplayer: 多人游戏特性

# 24 online 24人在线

# Single or Splitscreen 单人或分屏

# Players choose their class ranging from medic to sniper 玩家可以选择医疗兵或狙击手等职业(类似BF2)

# Each ability as you earn points in rank - for example, a scout at first can only call in a couple artillery barrages. As they gain ability they will be able to call in [more sustained attacks] 各种能力都可以获得点数升级,能力强化后遭遇的挑战也更严峻(rpg要素)

# Online leaderboards track stats and rankings by specialty 实时在线的各兵种状态追踪

# New Multiplayer mode called 'War' 新的多人游戏模式“战争”

# Axis and Allied teams battling for strategic locations. 盟军和轴心国双方为战略要地展开争夺

# And of course vehicles 新的载具

Further details on Call of Duty 3 - including screenage - are expected to top trenches next month



  为了进一步对《使命召唤》系列进行革新,新一代的二战题材《使命召唤3 》将使用新的物力引擎(虚幻三代引擎),同时在多人战场模式中使用新的文本感应聊天系统。另一个新加入的与多人战场相关的元素是特殊通话按键,按下特定键就会向友军发出指令,比如冲向掩蔽物,解除陷阱,以及自动躲避炮弹等等(PS:看来跟“血战太平洋”一样,开始加入命令系统)。






[ 作者:RestlessDream 来自:TGFC ]


根据最新一期美刊 Electronic Gaming Monthly 的报道,备受瞩目的二战历史类FPS作品《使命召唤3》正在紧密开发中。新作剧情将发生在盟军诺曼底 D-Day(预定日)登陆之后,玩家将反攻德军,解放巴黎。除了扮演英军和美军,玩家还将可以扮演加拿大士兵和波兰地下抵抗组织。


Leaps over Call of Duty 2 / 相对于CoD2的进化:

* In game system has been rebuilt 游戏系统重制

* Characters move more realistically. 角色行动更逼真

* More textures and shaders in the environment 环境贴图和光影更逼真

* No more boarded up windows so now you can see the turn up landscape all around you. 不再使用带框架的窗口,玩家将能对周遭地形一览无余

* Foliage remains flattened when you walk over [it] 树叶走过后会被踩扁(留下脚印痕迹)

* Grenades leave real scorched earth. 手雷会留下逼真的凹陷

* Surfaces react to bullets like they should, grass is different from steel, steel is different from wood, and wood is different from water 各类材质表面遭遇子弹射击后的反应更逼真,草地和钢铁截然不同,钢铁和木头截然不同,木头和水体截然不同……

* More than 24 characters on screen at one time 一次同屏人物可达24个以上

* Destructible cover 掩体可破坏

* Global winds affect smoke grenades 全局风烟效果

o Now, when a tank moves through smoke grenades the smoke will curl around it 坦克进过冒烟的手雷时,烟雾会缭绕在其周围

o Bullets through smoke with stream out the other side moving the smoke 子弹穿过烟雾时会带动反方向的气流干扰原来的烟雾状态

o Trees and grass will move with the wind 场景中的树木和草地会随风摇曳

Things change: 改变的特点

* You actually have to go through the actions of planting a bomb instead of holding A 埋雷时必须做出具体动作,而不再是只按A即可(360版)

* You have to row a boat while still trying to shoot you way to freedom 在有追兵射杀时,逃出生天的你必须不停划船……

* Hand to hand combat compared to the way Condemned works 类似于360上另一款fps《死囚犯》的徒手肉搏方式

* Load times are bring erased between levels 关卡之间不再有loading

Multiplayer: 多人游戏特性

# 24 online 24人在线

# Single or Splitscreen 单人或分屏

# Players choose their class ranging from medic to sniper 玩家可以选择医疗兵或狙击手等职业(类似BF2)

# Each ability as you earn points in rank - for example, a scout at first can only call in a couple artillery barrages. As they gain ability they will be able to call in [more sustained attacks] 各种能力都可以获得点数升级,能力强化后遭遇的挑战也更严峻(rpg要素)

# Online leaderboards track stats and rankings by specialty 实时在线的各兵种状态追踪

# New Multiplayer mode called 'War' 新的多人游戏模式“战争”

# Axis and Allied teams battling for strategic locations. 盟军和轴心国双方为战略要地展开争夺

# And of course vehicles 新的载具

Further details on Call of Duty 3 - including screenage - are expected to top trenches next month



  为了进一步对《使命召唤》系列进行革新,新一代的二战题材《使命召唤3 》将使用新的物力引擎(虚幻三代引擎),同时在多人战场模式中使用新的文本感应聊天系统。另一个新加入的与多人战场相关的元素是特殊通话按键,按下特定键就会向友军发出指令,比如冲向掩蔽物,解除陷阱,以及自动躲避炮弹等等(PS:看来跟“血战太平洋”一样,开始加入命令系统)。


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